New Y splitter option for AMS/External Spool

When I saw A1 announced, I thought the filament hub could potentially be used as Y splitter for AMS and external spool switching.

Turned out it worked exactly as I had hoped for.


Jups thats the point were I getting upset.

Now they show up with a “ACS” which can handle TPU (if TPU is really possibleI, wouldn’t be so sure about that yet) and it can not by added to there upperprice Models thure the external spool feed - Thanks.

Well, that’s just life :wink: And no one has to explain to me why it doesn’t work - why it doesn’t work doesn’t have to interest me, that`s life too :wink:

Is it possible you are replying to the wrong thread?

May becouse you are in the AMS forum part. I really think you start talking about the external Spool feed of the P1S, P1P and the X1C… I see, you never talk about the AMS Hub or the AMS, you are talking about the AMS lite Filament Hub as well as over the AMS ligte.

But since TPU may can not by handheld thure the AMS ligte - yes you are right. I’m completely wrong in this Trade :wink:

Because people who would need the splitter would have an AMS.

Well dear jayburd,

An AMS is not an AMS lite.

You can still call the AMS AMS, even if the AMS has problems with abrasive materials and on TPU matters. I can let pass that thure by closing both eyes and by turning one eye blind - which i will do becouse all the work on the X1C was such great and hugh respectable all over especially in this price range.


To call an AMS Ligte an AMS, which is properly and maybe nothing else anymore than a pure color changing system - Let me say it in the Asian way: Could be possibly that far away from reality that some people may no longer can taking it to seriously. And in case a Manufacturer calls somthinge like that an AMS lite, persons may become a little awkward once they figure it out because the advantages on the A1 are may no longer be as great as the advantages on the X1C…Especially since they will never recognize the advantages of the A1 because they don’t know anything else. So the protecting wow effect is not there but may the expectation of getting something like a P1P… But that’s not our problem at all.

I don’t know how a color change is to “interpret” from Chinese into English… Just like land ownership has nothing to do with a 30 year land leasing from Beijing.

So no matter what nationality you are, don’t worry - you did everything right…and just in case you want to tell “The AMS light hub” can fit on the AMS external spool feed (in order to bypass the AMS hub), than my first post will fit this trade perfect and any efforts to implement even the simplest upgrades are gone :wink:

@jayburd Neat hack! I’m not really sure what the other rambling replies are about. They really don’t make any sense to me.


Glad you like it! Hank is hard to understand sometimes, he even stated so himself in another thread.


Yes :slight_smile:


Painkillers only treat the pain and not the cause. The Y-Joint is nothing more than the painkiller and was not even recognized during the new development even though it was very obviously and simply there. So they didn’t look for him or he wasn’t recognized… or the cause is not adressed as a cause. But it doesn’t matter, I just have to adjust to.

Hank, are you saying Bambu should have included the external spool feed option with AMS instead of us trying to find a solution?

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Hi Jayburd,

It’s already solved:

Of course you try to solve it yourself - that’s also important. As a company you can ask your customers what ever you want and you will get 1000 answers. No matter what you do, some will love it, others will hate it. And many will love it but never buy it. Others will hate it but buy it anyway (because you have already solved a lot and you are still the best in there customer segment). At least in Switzerland, only 10% of companies founded survive the first 10 years. You have your customers and you pay attention to where they invest the most energy in solving problems and that’s where the journey goes to. Where a company will develop and looks for solutions for the existing costumers. Everything else is purely speculative. You can never do what you want - you just solve the problems of the buying customers in your segment day by day, but you also will get more and more buying customers day by day.

And when companies don’t follow their customers greatest efforts, that’s where the questions begins.

In my point of view only and I m also sometimes wrong: Well, every company has its strengths. It is rare to find a good mechanical department working well with the electronic department. Usually someone always tries to get the upper hand and it ends in a pointless internal company competition… Bambulab also solves problems quickly but not if it comes to Y-Joint, saying that the grease in the Bambulab bags is also suitable for the z-axis, base plate sag, poor access to the entire print head maintenance, poor abrasive behavior (metal is also very cheap if constructed correctly), a forum section with lots of AMS problems (No wonder when you unscrew it you get tears in your eyes)… There weakness are mechanical solutions - but you can rarely reconcile that. Becouse on the other hand if you look at the I-Fast, you get the tears by seeing the wiring and coding, thats the battle for the mechanically manufacturers. That’s may why they tried to solve the dual extruder mechanically, even though they were already having problems with leveling - and than they left the topic at the next printer (Although I haven’t even looked at the successor model X-Plus 3).

Code creation and wiring as well as circuit boards is something Bambulab has under control. So Bambulab is a good choise PLA, PETG, ASA, ABS in prototyping and semi pro homeusers. In my world, 5000 hours of operation are called gently used…That’s why I leave the carbon and glass fibers out now (too much abrasion for any possible tinkering on a Bambulab).

Can this be used on the left side of the printer (facing the back) before the hub? I want to print TPU from a dry box but I can’t put it on the other side, the printer is butted up against a cabinet. Possibly something like this? Or would it only work with another AMS before the hub?



Order a few meters of PTFE tubes 4 x 2.5mm then you can mount them wherever you want.

Can’t give a final recommendation for your variant. To go thrue a free spear hole of the Bambu Lab AMS Hub isn`t the best idear neither but it works. TPU stretches, the cross section also tapers. Then there can be problems with the exdruder - because it no longer works properly with a small diameter… but basically it’s up to you. Just go into the topic like this: After tighting comes loose. Whether it’s broken or loosened… who knows :wink: It depends on how far you’re already on the limits…Whoever dares wins and whoever never loses never learns anything and doesn’t get better and never will win anithing.

Check also this topic:

And bye the way, if there’s one less problem with TPU, it’s the lack of adhesion on the first layer… there are cheaper printers for that and it protects the X1C from unnecessary running hours… The Y joint - for me a thing of the past…

Thanks- I was just trying to keep the length of the PTFE tubes as short as possible, to minimize any snagging inside. Appreciate your response!

It’ll work perfectly fine, I’ve used this with different material with AMS/external spool/drybox (my model btw :wink: )

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Heyyyy GenericUser! Yes I love this model! Thanks for posting it.

So if I was to use a dry box into this, in Bambu Studio I would select the External Spool, and then manually feed the filament right?

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Yes, any external filament (from any Non-AMS source) through the buffer will be recognised as External on the print screen. I hand feed filament through to the print head and once the filament hits the printhead filament sensor the external is switched.

Edit to add, when sending the print from Studio you still have to untick the AMS box. It won’t feed from the AMS but throw a warning that there is other filament loaded and to remove it.

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fantastic, gratzi mille GenericUser!

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