I was printing till two days ago yesterday try to find out wat was the problem. So I change hotend with a new one fully assembled bij Bambu, and for one moment there was filament coming out. But print goes good father a while it goes wrong. So cleaned the plate and started a new print. And again no filament comes out. So I find out true Google it can be a clogging in the extruder so ones again toke the head apart got the extruder out had no ribbons any more wat full of filament clean that all out assembled it again. Start a new print and you can guess it no filament come out and you hear a grinding noise. So then I did something I do with my other printers to get the extrude setup up, I lose the hotend put it aside keep it connect and heat it up so I can use extruder to extrude filament and that work fine. So what can be wrong here all seems to work but not together or the extruder stepper is not 100% any more because to me it is a mystery.
This is a problem that have many users in differently variants. Visit please this thread and solve the problem. But visit other threads for more solutions, use the serach function on top at this site and typing in the text field “extruder clogging”. You will find many posts.
Thank you for your answer I read the treaty and many more the pas 2 day. But pretty strange a brand new hotend assembled bij Bambu Lab is clogged right away.Pretty strange this problem happened so much for a printer at this price range I have cheaper ones that never had this problem. And I use ABS only so no different materials. I printed 200 hours with this ABS without a problems. But I give it a try from your tread because I have to wait one week till new part will arrive.
ABS can leave deposits and the consistency of those deposits varies with filament types and colors. Make sure since your in maintenance mode already to give everything a thorough cleaning before you start reassembling.
Thank you for your answer, I have cleaned the nozzle I can’t say this is a easy thing to do and at my second print it clogged again so this is what it is those are small prints still the same abs as before no color switching but probably to much retraction is the problem here I was printing a silica container for my AMS, the first it clogged was while printing this container, after cleaning I printed it on a different angle with support he finished the job. Second print I printed it again but like the very first time he finished but 5 mm before the end it was successful the printer say and nozzle is clogged again. I will clean it again in a few days and print a larger item to see what happens. And for as far I can read is this normal for this printer the clogging
It is very difficult to say anything about it. A lot of information is missing. Much depends on the filament and the print temperatures, but also on other things like the print speed. But since I know the default settings of the filament profiles on the X1C, I would guess that the print temperature is not right here. Sometimes it is a few degrees Celsius that cause or eliminate the problem.
The problems often have to do with retraction on other printers. But there, larger retraction distances are the rule. We are talking here about 3mm to 8mm. This is not the case with the X1 (I cannot speak for any other printer). There we have retraction lengths of 0.x mm. That should not be the problem at all.