Nozzle Dragging on Print - this can't be normal

Hi guys - is this normal when printing the grid infill? It sounds like the nozzle dragging across the print:


Grid infill prints both sets of lines on the same layer, so when it prints the second set of lines, it will cross and hit the lines going the other way.

I don’t use grid infill because of this, so I don’t know if the sound is normal, but the crossing of lines is. Use rectilinear or another non-crossing infill instead unless you really need the extra strength from grid.


Thank you - I was just going to post that the rectilinear surface pattern is not making this noise - so that must be it. Thank you - I just selected the defaults on this one - I definitely will make that change - thanks again

Grid is a poor choice for high speed printing. It’s like driving your car down a washboard road as fast as you can as often as you can. It’ll rattle stuff loose.

Gyroid is the next best option, IMO.


Thank you all - while I have you - I am trying to dial in the right settings to get a glossy sheen on my outer walls and I am almost there - however I can’t figure out what the reason for the different sheen is near the through holes - I slowed down the prints enough and raised the temp and lowered cooling to get it almost perfect but yet the through hole areas are of a different sheen and the software color map is not showing it - can you see this post and perhaps make a recommendation? Thanks

Hi do you mean Rectilinear or Aligned Rectilinear?
Iv been printing with an Ender 2 Pro for a year amd recently got the A1 and now the A1 mini. Iv always used grid infill on my ender with no issues.

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