Nozzle temperature is abnormal - any ideas?

My A1 arrived at the weekend but has a “nozzle temperature is abnormal” and so I have not been able to use it and I’m still awaiting a reply from Bambu support. When preparing to load filament it started heating and got to about 200 and then stopped. Since then it gets the error, even gets the same after a factory reset. The bed heats fine

Check the wiring connections specifically the tool head usb c cable on both ends.


All connections look fine.

Now had the printer for 9 days, not printed a single thing and still no support from Bambu !

Did you try to remove the nozzle and reinstall it? Some people have an issue with the contact between the heater assembly and the nozzle, adding some thermal grease might help. You should also be able to enable the Maintenance mode in settings, this will disable the check that leads to this error. Try to manually set the desired temperature and manually extrude some filament to check if the nozzle actually reaches the desired temperature. But don’t let the printer unattended with this option enabled.


I second removing the nozzle and reinstalling it. This tends to resolve the error most of the time for me. Make sure the heat sink portion of the nozzle is sitting flush with the backer with 3 screws on it, and make sure the metal nozzle portion sits flush with the patch of bronze colored metal from the heating assembly. I think that heating assembly only turns on when it detects metal from the nozzle touching it.

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i also got the same error today on my a1 mini “nozzle temperature is abnormal the heater may be open circuit” and dont know what to do.
till now was printing with no issues for 6 months now 24-7
Have changed nozzles many times and tried also now re-installing nozzle properly but no change.
maintenance mode does not help as temp will not raise.
the error code i get is Hms-0300-0200-0001-002

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I second what @corfulaurent posted. I’m having the same issue. I have been working with support and they sent me out a new hot end assembly and I installed it. Even after I still have the error. Only thing that is happening with mine that is a little odd is that the error comes and goes but the temperature never registers.

Currently they’re sending out a new toolhead board and I’m hoping that fixes the problem.

I think i found my problem… was going to change to a new hotend heating assembly and found a cut wire on the old one… lets hope thats it!
I changed the heating assembly and after 2 tries it works… back to printing!
Be careful when you plug all the pins back on the circuit board as especially the flat one on the top left has a security latch and needs the metal pins to go facing down… first time got it wrong and got all sorts of strange errors about filament cut leaver etc etc…
Also this flat cable top left needs to be out of the way of the usbc cable on top of the mainboard or else you will damage it… almost did that also!

I have been having the same problem. Found that the insulation on the two black leads from the nozzle had melted away, leaving bare wires. I replaced the nozzle, and hoping this solves my problem.

Any updates? Mines doing the same thing got it less then 24hrs

Its either the hotend heating assembly or the TH board. For me it was TH board because i damaged while trying to fix something else.