Nozzle temperature malfunction.[0300 8008]

Has anyone found a fix for this yet? My P1P was working fine until this week when i received an error message as above etc. I managed to do a 6 hr print a couple of days ago without the error, but now randomly the error pops back up, the nozzle goes cold and the print stops. I can ‘unpause’ it again, but it stops again a random short time later. Frustrating and costing me money. It is now impossible to print.

Thanks for any input!

I am spitballing here - check the USB connections

Another user has the same problem.

Thank you very much for the reply! I will check the connections.

It seems odd how inconsistent it is. After many retries yesterday it eventually worked for 6 hours to complete a print. I must have restarted it over 10 times before it eventually worked - it took hours. I know I will go through this again the next print.

Thanks again!


Not saying it’s disconnected, just loose, partial or intermittent connection. That is what the symptoms resemble.

When you open up the print head, check all the other connections to the board while you are there.

I’m starting to think a lot of these issues (not all) might be from the power source the printers are plugged into

A good, clean, direct power source is critical especially with the print resume command baked into the firmware as it takes a very small pause to remember a move on each layer in case the power goes out

Technically we are supposed to resume the print when the power comes back on but it never works and can actually cause artifacts on other printers

I’m not sure how BL is using the resume code or at which point in the print but the fact that these printers use that command in the firmware is unsettling to me at the very least

There is a command we can add to the start Gcode to remove the print resume function but until I know how BL is using this function I’m leary about adding it to my start command in the Gcode

The command which I use on my other printers is M413 S0

I might throw it into a custom profile and see what it does today, at the very least it will use less processor memory and possibly less SD card memory, at best it will give smoother more accurate prints with the memory pause removed

At the very worst it could conflict with the printers firmware and cause issues that didn’t exist previously

I wonder whether you are correct.

I had a few days of successful printing and then all of a sudden today it won’t print for longer than a few minutes without the nozzle going cold and pausing. It is impossible to use this thing. Are Bambu labs even looking at this? This thing is junk.

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I’m having similar issues.

Posted in Nozzle Temperature Incorrect (Over/Under Temp)

I had the error “nozzle temp 0300 8008…”
What i found to solve it:

I’m having this problem. In my case, I think the issue is fan speed and ambient air temperature. It sort of seems like the system, for one reason or another, cannot keep the nozzle hot enough. This has only happened to me with PETG where the default temp was 255. I “fixed” it by lowering it to 248 and decreasing the fan speed from 100% to 30% and it seemed to stabilize. It’s totally possible the issue is something else entirely, but for me lowing fan speed and temp a bit did the trick.

I’ll be dipped, the part cooling fan was actually overpowering the heating ability of the heater. I had PC fan set at 100% while printing petg and it gave me 0300 8008 xxxxxx over and over again. Turned part cooling off completely and its at least printing without the pause/error again after 5 minutes (every 15 seconds before).

I recently purchased a X1C and this is my first major issue. My print stopped half way through a six hour print. I was using PLA-CF only. Any suggestions? I started the print again and it stopped after a few minutes.

I had the same problem after I had installed the Aliexpress V2 hot end and a hardened CHT nozzle.
During OrcaSlicer’s max volumetric speed calibration I noticed that it only happened at high flow rates and I started watching the temperature. The higher the flow rate (and speed) became during the test, the harder it became for the hot end’s ceramic heater to keep the temperature stable, at the point where it became lower than 5°C below the configured value, the printer stopped and showed the error message.
Reducing cooling helped a bit, of course, but this is counterproductive when printing at high speeds.

The conclusion I draw from this is, that the Bambu hot end heater is to weak to support the flow rates possible with the Aliexpress hot end combined with a hardened steel CHT nozzle which is no good heat conductor as the too much heat gets moved out of the nozzle to quickly at these high flow rates.

But since I don’t print abrasive filaments too often, I really don’t need the hardened steel as my standard nozzle and so I’ve just ordered the brass CHT nozzle and will try if I could go higher with this. Also since I now have more flow capacity I can reduce printing temperature in my filament profiles, which also will help the heater to keep up.

The optimal solution would be a stronger ceramic heater, but I couldn’t find one during my research.
Also using thermal paste properly on the heater, helps a lot.


My issue sounds different from yours, but I found this thread searching for my issues so I’ll post my solution.

Issue occurred after installing a new nozzle. Nozzle temp was reading 250+ degrees but not getting hot (note: if the connector is unplugged or not seated correctly, the temp will read 0). Reseating the connector sometimes worked for a short period. I disassembled the nozzle again and noticed some of the insulation was cut/stripped from the thermocouple - likely a result of me struggling to slide the metal clip. I applied a dab of hot glue to cover the conductor, reassembled it, and all is well.

I was able to fix this issue with the following steps:

  1. Power off the printer
  2. Unload all filaments from AMS
  3. Disconnect and reconnect all wires inside nozzle/hotend component
  4. Power on printer
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Thank you! I had the same situation with the same setup (v2 CHT nozzle) and got the temp issue with the orca volumetric speed test.

Did you end up getting a brass nozzle instead and have you had better results?

No, the behaviour is the same when using brass nozzles.

But what I found recently is this

The Revo Six version is for pre-order but the more interesting Panda version, which is more interesting for me, since I still own a set of Bondtech Bimetal v6 CHT nozzles, is still not even available for pre-order and shows some fantasy pricing.

These hot ends implement a cylindrical ceramic heater that draws 60W of power instead of the 48W the original heater uses.

Gotcha. I’ll keep an eye on these as I’ve vaguely seen them discussed on the discord. I was just terrified that something went wrong when I installed the new hotend but was relieved in a sense to see that I went through the same thing during the same exact test and setup.

I got the same error when printing ASA at Ludicrous speeds. I think the heater cannot catchup with volume of extruding ASA and temperature keeps dropping until error is triggered. As soon as I dropped the speed to Normal, temp was able to keep up with extrusion of ASA and all was well.

I didn’t have any problems with my X1 until I did the upgrade. I dumbed it down to factory settings and still had to take part temp fan to 90% to stop temp failure at the nozzle

Yes i had the same problem downgrade to previous version now it works fine