Open files from the printers SD card inside of Bambu Studio?

i got my p1s and ams today, i have set everything up and made my first benchy…
this was my first 3d print in my life, and im really amazed how fast and good it came out.

anyways i have a few questions

  1. on the printer display when selecting files from the sd card there is no preview of how long it takes or how much filament it will be using… .there are just two strips — > Time:–

  2. when inside bambu studio on the pc, if try to access the sd card on the printer it says no files?
    anybody had the same issue?

  3. also what is the base position of the build plate? how high or low ? mine is in the middle right now? just want to know whats normal… :smiley:

  1. That’s one of the limitations of the P1P/S display interface. Also, you’ll find if you don’t start a new job in studio i.e. you just delete the previous model and import another one to use the same settings, - the filename will be of the previous model, not the one you imported.

  2. I believe you can only access the SD card files from the handy app. But admittedly, I have not tried myself.

  3. There’s no base position, the bed will start from where the last print finished. This does not seem right for my thinking, as the first vibration compensation happens from a different bed height every time. But that’s just another quirk of the machine you’ll get used to.

thx for the answers…

after importing my first own stl via bambu studio, i can now acces the sd card from the studio software on pc… BUT it only shows me the files i imported from the studio myself… the files wich are on the sd card from the begining (the scraper, benchy etc) i still cant see inside studio…

one more question is it possible to view real time view inside the slicer ? i can view each layer but i havent found a way to get real time view to see on what layer the printer is working on…

Yes, open the device tab and you’ll see the printing progress below. You can also press play to view the camera (don’t get too excited though :pensive:)

I came across this information in BambuLabWiki - Bambu Lab printer internally sliced files