Open Port 3000

I am a bit annoyed that on P1P there is np LAN option on the interface as to connect only on my Lan.
There is only WAN which forces me to create a Vlan that cut off all access to my other networks so that Bambu P1P can only connect to the internet.
I work in the industry so I can find these things, BUT what I find also annoying is what open port exist on the 3d printer. potentially, this could be a back door enter your network. Port 3000 which is a well known back door port.

Does anyone know how to or know of any future firmware that in the P1P that will make y LAN network.
I honestly like the product, but the cloud is not a secure option in my Cyber Security opinion and frankly, a cloud solution (for the normal user) is a constant connection that bypasses any firewalls. The request is coming from the appliance behind the firewall, hence have access to your network. If they get compromised, ( or want to compromise) YOU get compromised.

I completely agree! As a technical architect, just having to send my sliced files through an online service when both units are on the same local network is simply horrendous. I would have understood if external processing was going on, I highly doubt this is the case as one can transfer the sliced model through the SD card anyhow. Please, let us have control over our own gear!

Unfortunately, too many companies are doing this and most customers keep on buying their products.
The cloud thing was one of the only reasons I was considering to not buying the bambu p1p, but i thought, there is an sd card slot, if i really want to I will just disable wifi as a last resort.

I really hope they allow us to disable the cloud stuff, it’s stupid and useless.

Redirect port 3000 to