I am a bit annoyed that on P1P there is np LAN option on the interface as to connect only on my Lan.
There is only WAN which forces me to create a Vlan that cut off all access to my other networks so that Bambu P1P can only connect to the internet.
I work in the industry so I can find these things, BUT what I find also annoying is what open port exist on the 3d printer. potentially, this could be a back door enter your network. Port 3000 which is a well known back door port.
Does anyone know how to or know of any future firmware that in the P1P that will make y LAN network.
I honestly like the product, but the cloud is not a secure option in my Cyber Security opinion and frankly, a cloud solution (for the normal user) is a constant connection that bypasses any firewalls. The request is coming from the appliance behind the firewall, hence have access to your network. If they get compromised, ( or want to compromise) YOU get compromised.