P1 Print head dragging on infill

I have reset all parameters in Bambu studio to defaults, calibrated the fluid dynamics and flow rate. level the bed before every run. The dragging print head was really bad using the grid infill pattern, so I switched to gyroid. Gyroid still dragging, produced really bad walls and overall poor quality prints. Next I moved to Rectilinear, This worked well on small jobs but on larger prints with 25% infill, I still have a lot of dragging and defects in the infill. I have never run into this type of issue on my CR10S4 with cura. Keep in mind that I’m doing some large prints on the Bambu and in most cases the infill will be between 8-14%. Is anyone else experiencing this type of issue? Any suggestions on how to address it in Bambu studio?? The software seems a bit limited in its ability to adjust settings vs cura.

Try to post some pictures of the effects you are seeing.
I use at least 3 walls and 4-5 top and bottom layers to prevent the infill from showing through to the outside. I believe the stock settings are set to less than this. A lot is dependant on the filament used. I’m not impressed with Bambu Lab basic PETG. It is the worst I have used, even compared to very cheap no-name brands. It leaves little dots of filament all over the bed and feels quite soft compared to others. I really would like to use their filament, due to the AMS tag convenience and pretty good profiles but I haven’t found one that has impressed me yet.

I think I have may sorted the issue (in part at least), I found the information in another post.

Part of the issue are the terms used in Bambu studio are a bit confusing and mixed. “retraction” hints that the action is having to do with retracting the filament a little to avoid stringing. “Z hop” is the action of raising the print head or lowering the plate a little to avoid dragging across the model.

So here is what I ended up doing:

In bambu studio => Others => G-Code Output: Turn off / Uncheck the option for [Reduce Infill Retraction]

Then in your Filament settings, go to: Flip the [advanced] switch to access the advanced settings, then go to [Setting Overrides]
turn ON: [Z hop when retracting] I set mine to [0.4 mm]
turn ON: [Travel Distance Threshold] I set the Threshold to [1 mm] but you may adjust as needed. I also turned ON [Z hop type] and set to Auto.

For reference:
This is the original post where they discuss the settings and why this effects z hop

Quote from original post
" Let’s start with the setting Z hop when retracting.
This is the key setting. It tells the printer to move the bed down (away from the nozzle) every time a retraction is made.

So, if we can force a retraction, we can force a Z hop, and get the nozzle clear of our parts.

Normally, any travel move over 1mm will trigger a retraction (see default Travel distance threshold). This would have prevented the scratching, but, it was overridden by another setting.

This other setting was of course Reduce infill retraction.
No retraction = no Z hop = scratches from nozzle"

I hope this helps.


Just following up. After a few days of testing and running prints, This corrected my issue. I can even run grid infills again and I’m back to fast beautiful prints.

Keep in mind, that Z-hop can also be a curse when dealing with certain materials. Especially Z-hop caused a lot of stringing on my PETG prints.