P1P scratch on infill pattern

I’m glad it fixed it. It’s amazing how fast these printers can run, but sometimes it seems the filament can’t keep up with printer. I’m curious to see if the new E3D high flow nozzle works better, but they don’t have any in stock right now.

I am having this issue on both a P1P and an X1C (at work). This was a deteriorating issue where it became worse over time. It only happens on PETG, not PLA. It seems to have gotten worse after upgrading my P1P with the enclosure kit.

same problem here, but with PLA. It sounds absolutely terrible during the printing process if the needle scratches on the infill. downgrade to Firmware doesn’t help. i reduce the floating rate now, but i don’t think this will help. i’m very dissappointed.


I attached a picture. You can see the scrath on the third (and last) layer before the infill begins. the second layer was scratched to.

Have you tried non crossing infill such as Gyroid?

Also have you calibrated your flow rate? Your top inner layer looks over extruded.


Attached a photo of the tests I’ve done in the last two days (about 1/10th of the tests I’ve done over the last couple weeks). To be 100% clear, I understand that adaptive cubic is a crossing infill, but these exact same settings worked couple months ago. I took a break from printing PETG (was doing some multicolor PLA stuff), and came back to this. PLA still works completely fine even with crossing infills - however, I believe I have noticed an increase in the “grinding” as the infill is printed. Previously, I do not recall hearing such noises as frequently as I am hearing them now.

For my PETG struggles:

I’ve replaced my entire hotend, re-lubricated, belt tightened, calibrated. I’ve tried hotter nozzle temps, lower nozzle temps. Bambu Lab PETG, Generic PETG. Dried my filament for 12 hours. I tried old, and new filament, and even a piece of scrap from a roll I knew I had previously done a successful print.

I have since run up on some deadlines, so I was forced to stop my crusade of trying to understand this issue, and have instead resorted to slightly longer print times by changing the following settings (my goal was to not want to print PETG slower):

  • Infill: Adaptive Cubic 20% → Gyroid 10%
  • Disable infill combination
  • Change all speed settings with “infill” in it to 150mm/s (from 250mm/s)
    • My infill was previously printing at around 175mm/s

As a result, I now achieved the print in below, and I watched the print completely to ensure the infill looked good. It was about 5% longer print time.

I will report back if anything changes.

I try different flow rates so it could be that this was not the perfect example, but it‘s not so bad at all.

If you zoom in to the picture, you see the scratches in the infill. With gyroid it looks better because the infills doesn‘t cross each other, but that could not be the final solvation.

The first buttom walls are managed like infill and there will be scratches too. It’s a major problem if you try to print small objects.

Hey, you should try to uncheck the option: “others/Reduce infill retraction”

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Me too (in my case for Formfutura PLA Filament).

I also experienced problems when I print in “0.08mm Extra fine” can it be a problem that I use a standard 0,4mm Nozzle?

I think it depends on the Filament also… i had black qidi rapido pla with 0.08 fine and no problems… works like a charm

I recently purchased some no-name metal-look PLA from Amazon and am now facing issues. I’ve had to abort three prints today, and I’ve since sliced it with a gyroid pattern and reduced the infill speed.

How does this change affect print quality?