P1s Bricked itself!

I got my brand new BambuLab P1s whit the AMS last week and it worked fantastic for a couple of days, printing via bambu studio and via handy app. And suddenly the printer decided it wasn’t feeling like working anymore, logged itself out, changed its serial number and now it does nothing. It connects to my wifi network and I can ping it, but it won’t bind with bambu studio or. the app, and won’t print from the SD card.
I’ve tried everything: factory reset (it doesn’t calibrate), power cycles, LAN connection (doesn’t work), replacing the hotend, connecting the device to my phone’s hotspot (doesn’t wanna bind either), update the firmware, reset my router, set an isolated IP for the machine, etc.
Nothing works!
If some had the same issue and coul fix it, I’d be very grateful if he shares his solution.
I’ve had the printer 3 days and now it’s just a $1000 paperweight


Try a different FAT32 µSDcard?

Sighhhh… I wish people would learn what the term “bricked” actually means before using it it as hyperbolic clickbait just to get their topic read.

Your example is an incorrect use of the term “bricked”.


I tried. Didn´t work

changed its serial number

thats a hell of a trick. Care to elaborate?

Can you please use verbiage that is helpful to troubleshooting, here’s an example:

“Does nothing” → “The screen is [on/off], it [doesnt] respond to physical buttons, it shows xyz screen when idle”
“Didn’t work” → “Produced xxx-yyy-zzz error code and/or the following message: foobar, and the motors/heaters [did/didnt] engage”

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The escreen is on and responsive, but when I try to print the printer doesn’t move, it just goes back to the stand by screen. It wont calibrate either, but I can do a factory reset (wich I’ve done several times by now, with no luck).
I have no error message when I try to print.
The printer is connected to WiFi and I can see it on my network and even can ping the device with no errors, but i doesn’t bind and can’t connect in LAN mode either.
When I try to get the pin code it sometimes says that the device is invalid and other times says there is an error code (05014024)

The motors work fine, because I can move them with the screen.
And I changed the microSD card for a Sandisk one

I hope this info can specify my problem

Can you print any of the onboard files?


No, I can’t print them

The machine changed it’s serial number by itself, not me, btw

Have you created a ticket?

Yes, I’ve created a ticket and I’m waiting for the answer.

The serial number changing itself is really concerning, you should definitely open a support ticket with the prior number [if you have it still] and the current displayed number. To my knowledge the machine should only do that if it’s motherboard gets replaced

Error code lookups (Error Code | Bambu Lab Wiki) suggest that its having network issues and/or the cloud servicing you is having issues.

0501-4024 (05014024) Cloud access failed. Possible reasons include network instability caused by interference, inability to access the internet, or router firewall configuration restrictions. You can try moving the printer closer to the router or checking the router configuration before you try again.

from my own experience with a P1S, it was extremely tempermental to get on my network (i had to use an old 2.4GHz router temporarily, and bind my stupid phone with the stupid phone app to the same router, and once it was all setup and steady state, I just removed that old router and re-entered new SSID info and it all seems to work still). However, I was able to still print from SD card during this ordeal, so your case sounds a little different.


Belive me, I’tried using my phone an other hardware, but it doesn’t want to work.

I’ll try your method, because I haven’t tried it that way

Thank you!

Keep us updated please. I’m guessing they’re going to send you a new MB.

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Can you connect to Studio and Handy?
If not and you can’t set up the Wifi for the printer, this might help.

I am experiencing a very similar issue. Printed something last night no problem. Tried printing today and I can’t connect via wifi or bluetooth

When trying to log out and log back in on the printer, I get the 05014024 error, and I am given an instruction to add the printer using the studio or handy app. When i do this, the nearby printer Bluetooth shows what looks like a “new serial number” for my printer, but I believe what I am seeing is the default name given to the printer. regardless, I can’t connect to this.

The printer shows it is connected to my wifi and has a mac address but no IP address. Firmware version is .

I made no changes to my set up. I have been home all day working on my computer. There have been no power outages or disconnections that I could tell. I have everything connected to a UPS. Printer just decided to go offline for no apparent reason and nothing I have tried will reconnect to it.

ps. I can’t submit a ticket because they require logs from the printer which I can’t connect to. grrr.

A factory reset has corrected the problem.


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