P1s first layer on support mess

Hi there, I am printing a pot in ASA, all is ok except the first layer that lay on the support that come out a mess.
Never had this problem before.
One strange thing is that I put tree (auto) and tree Hybrid but make the normal support
Some settings:

Orca 1.9.0, 0.20 layer height, 0.22 top Z distance, support tree auto hybrid, speed 100 100, temp 260 hotend 100 bed.

Any idea?
Maybe a firmware problem ? I have seen a lot of people with problems I have the very last one.

Support setting

The problem

I can use the pot of course but I want to understand why

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Hehe…Not everything is a firmware problem…

Areas that print over support are never going to be perfect especially when you’re trying to print round features in mid air.


Not having the part to slice it’s hard to give the best settings to use on this pot.

If you don’t want to use PVA or other interface filaments to get the perfect smooth bottom surface the next best thing to do is in the advanced settings.

Slice the pot with the above setting just so you can see what’s going on, see how the center area has a nice flat floor for the bottom bridge layer to print on :slight_smile:

Also the bigger the top Z distance it will not bond as good and make it easier to remove the supports but also not look as good you have to find what works and what you like for the bottom support surface.

You should do some bridge speed testing parts you might find you will have to slow it down 10 or 30 mm/s and also might have to lower the bridge flow ratio to 0.80 range and some overhang testing.

The tree support settings you might have to adjust also for the out area of the pot or the four arches.

You can also turn on ( Make overhangs printable ) and see how it affects your pot design. This might help so you don’t need supports on the outer ledge area.

Hope this helps you out supports take time to master

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I will give a try, but printed hundreds of things with all kinds of support, with the same settings and never have this problem.
Only two news things are ASA and new firmware

The asa is what you need to work on and support settings.

Also you can change the bridge infill direction to another angle like 135 or what you need if you are doing open supports but you also need your bridge settings good.

Make up some test parts or cut the pot up in the slicer so you can test some settings out this way you can find out the best settings for your asa filament :grinning:

Nope, same problem.
Maybe the problem is from the stl file itself ?

Host stl

The stl is fine, it has some rough spots in area’s but we can clean some of them up with some modifier settings and make it print with less overhangs

Now if your bridge settings are not good you can still have some problems and what works for say pla filaments may not work for your asa filaments

Let’s get started :grinning:

The support settings we want Manual & Snug


Process Strength tab 45


Now we need to add our support by painting



Let’s test it out slice the part let see how the supports look


Just before the bridge four interface support layers

  • Note: this can be tricky setting with ASA ( Top Z Distance ) setting without using a support interface filament it can be done it just depends on the look you want


The blue bridge layers



Now we need to add a Modifier Torus

  • You need to scale it to the correct size and move it to the correct position to work correctly





We want to change this objects Quality setting for the torus

Make overhangs printable



Let’s test it out slice the part we should have a slope edge with no supports added



Now we are going to add another modifier Height Range

Let use these settings 80 to 90 mm



We want to change this objects Quality setting for the Height Range

Make overhangs printable



We want to change this objects Strength setting for the Height Range

Top Surface pattern = Concentric



Let’s test it out slice the part

  • We should now have less top overhang angle




Ready to print :smiley:




Some other setting you might have to change to fix your bridges you will have to do some testing to find what works for your filament.

  • Bridge Speeds external 10 to 80 mm/s start slow work your way up in 5 mm/s steps

  • Bridge Speeds internal 10 to 80 mm/s start slow work your way up in 5 mm/s steps for the ASA 40 mm/s is a good starting point

Bridge speeds
Bridge Flow 0.8 to 1.5 start low work your way up in 0.1 steps if needed
Bridge flow

Interface cooling can be 0 to 100% this can be adjusted for the filaments being used the more cooling we can get away with the less bonding we get but some parts can warp with too much cooling so you have to be careful

Interface fan speed

Hope this helps you out… :smiley:

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Oh wow, top.
Thank you very much, you spend a lot of time I really appreciate
I will try, this afternoon. ASA is my problem. Tried the same part with PLA+ and come out much better.

helped a lot, thank you so ,uch
ASA is much more complicate than the pla+
I just sliced over the firs tpart.

here are my filament settings.

And the parts printed with your settings

Looking better :slight_smile:

Did you run some bridge and overhang test or just went for it.

What was the wall generator setting - Classic or Arachne

What is your overhang settings @

  • Classic mode on or off
  • Speeds

What was the bridge settings @

  • External Speed

  • Flow ratio

  • Internal Speed

  • Internal flow ratio

The support interface fan speed was @ 80% with your cooling settings.

Yes thank you much better .
No test, gone directly with your settings…
Full trust :slight_smile:

Wall generator : classic

Overhang :

Classic mode off
Speed from top 0 50 30 10


Speed: ex. 50mm/s int. 150%
Flow ratio: 1
Int flow radio :1

“The support interface fan speed was @ 80% with your cooling settings.”

Do you mean the -1 that disable the override and keep the 80% ? Is too much air with ASA ?

Thank you so much

If you want I would try this next

Wall generator : classic = Yes better on this part do to bridges on the bottom arches good choice on this part :smiley: :+1:

Overhang : These settings might look even better on the overhangs for this part
Speed from top 0 30 15 10

Bridge: It needs more flow
Speed: ex. 50mm/s int. 150%
Flow ratio: 1.5 ( You can adjust as needed start @ this )
Int flow radio :1

Fan Cooling:
They have changed the way the fans work now from the past my bad so if you don’t add a interface fan speed it will just use your main fan speeds settings (yours setting was @ 20%) so yes do use the interface fan speed setting it will help on support interface layers not bonding to the part set it to 70% - 80% on this ASA filament.

Now what you can do depending on the part and filament is have the interface fan speed @ 80% and the overhang and bridge fan speed @ 50%+. If say your part was warping or filament was shrinking too fast you would have to do some testing with your filament on bridges and overhangs to see how low you can go on the cooling fan speed for overhangs.

Bridge Acceleration:
Set it to 2500 mm/s and test it out with your setup.

Hope this gets things even better looking :crossed_fingers:

Thank you so much, you are a goldmine of information, and best of all you explain why do the settings. Really appreciate.
There is a way to make the stl file more nice, improving the mesh so it will come out more smooth ? Maybe with some program ?

Your Welcome,

Sorry I don’t use any mesh stl tools. I know people have used Blender or Mesh Mixer to fix up stl files but to learn these programs it would be easier to just to cad draw and design your own pots.

Happy 3D Printing :smiley:

I understand, thank you so much for all your efforts :slight_smile: