Let’s not forget that the E3D Diamondback Nozzles are ridiculously overpriced.
Currently it is cheaper to buy the E3D X Bambu Lab Diamondback High Flow nozzle full set up.
Then to buy the E3D Diamondback Revo nozzles, and it might be noted that E3D hasn’t released a High Flow version of the Diamondback Revo nozzles.
Also I believe that I heard that the E3D X Bambu Lab Diamondback High Flow nozzle full set up is plug and play right out of the box.
This means less of the annoying headaches that come with having to adjust the settings every time you go to print something. Plus constantly having to search for different settings to use every time you go to print something using BIQU Panda Revo Hotend.
Since I have yet to see a list of recommended settings to use for different filament types and different nozzles.
Also it would be nice if Bambu Lab would incorporate BIQU Panda Revo Hotend into the system.
Either by allowing the printer to recognize the hotend and having the correct recommended settings set up automatically or by allowing you to select BIQU Panda Hotend and nozzle size manually on Bambu Studios with all the recommended settings set up for you.
I haven’t played around with the software to much. But I am kind of sure that in Bambu Studio there are not to any options to save your settings so you don’t have to keep entering them every time you go to print with the panda revo.
Also I highly drought that in Bambu studio it will allow you to create and fully save on Bambu studio a full custom Hotend settings set up option.
Honestly I don’t think it is asking to much for them to include options that allow you to select your hotend type, nozzle type and size and they have the correct settings already in the program for you.
Plus now they are directly working with E3D selling upgraded hotends. Bambu Lab should automatically have to fix this problem the printer should automatically recognize the Panda Revo hotend and it should have all the recommended settings already set up.
Seeing how E3D is one half of the creator of it, and it feels like the only reason Bambu lab partnered with them was because they noticed that E3D X BIQU Panda hotend was a great product. So Bambu Lab decided to put a end to it right away. Unless Bambu Lab and BIQU are affilated with each other in some way.
But still there is the fact that I have yet to find any real lists out there of actually recommended settings and set ups to use for the E3D X BIQU Panda Revo Hotend.
Plus the printer doesn’t recognize that Panda Revo and make the adjustments need automatically or allow you manually select or create and save custom hotend settings. But that would still require a list of recommended settings, setups, etc… With Bambu Lab has since they partnered with E3D.
If anyone has a list of recommended settings and set up it would be a big help.