Another PETG help question. I can’t get PETG to print properly. I’ve got a new spool of white Bambu PETG HF. I dried it in the X1C for 12 hrs at the recommended temp before placing in the AMS. Printing was pants. I dried it again for another 12 hrs at the recommended temp. It’s still pants. I tried to manually calibrate the flow which took many attempts to print as the filament keeps sticking to the nozzle which lifts filament off the bed and drags is across the print. At the start of the print it can also drag extruded filament across the plate as the wiper did not clean the nozzle. Manual calibration K factor set to 0.2. Tthe following is the result of the benchy test print.

X1C Printer settings:
Machine software version –
Bambu studio software version –
0.4 hardened steel nozzle
Textured PEI plate with glue on as prints rarely stick without it (not even PLA), plate was washed in warm soapy water, rinsed and dried before glue was added.
Standard PETG HF filament profile (bed temp 70, nozzle initial 230 then 245)
0.2mm Standard @BBL X1C

I then changed the filament temp/speed settings as per the following recommendations - Bambu Lab X1 Carbon PETG Settings - Get Perfect Prints. Plate temp up to 80, nozzle 255/265, speed varies between 125 and 250. Set benchy to print with auto flow calibration turned on. It’s still pants! The layer quality was so bad I stopped the print.

When checking the benchy I did hear popping noises coming from the nozzle. I have read that this is likely to be moisture cooking off in the nozzle. I dried the filament in the recommended way twice……could this be a flow rate problem?

The problem is the K factor. 0.2 is probably too high.
It is recommended to try with 0.025 or 0.03

I also attached a test model to try to confirm the issue better.
PETG-HF Test.gcode.3mf (379.3 KB)


Thanks for the info, I did an automatic calibration and the printer has set the K figure as 0.023. I also ran a flow callibration with the following result on the benchy print.

I’ll print the test file and will get back when done.

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I see alot of layer lines here, like with my problem. If you have any solution or found the magic setting, yet, that would be great.