Placing an object on top of another

I’m coming from using PrusaSlicer. I’ve got a funny shaped object (it’s an extrusion of a 2D shape) that I’d like to print on a circular base. Think about the face of a person on a coin, or a statue placed on a pedestal.

What i’m used to doing is raising it up in Z, and adding a cylinder on the build plate, and then placing my funny object at a height at the top of the flat cylinder (coin). Bambu Studio doesn’t let me do this. If I try to set the height (through the ‘move’ settings) it keeps Z on the build surface. Bambu Studio also complains that the objects are intersecting.

What is the correct way to accomplish my goal? Do I really need to do subtract the face from the coin? I’d like the bottom of my print to all be the material of the base, not of the statue. Thanks!

I answered the same/similar question yesterday:It can get a bit tricky but may you can try the following:
→ Load your ‘main’ STL
->Switch to ‘Objects’ in the process part of the window
→ Right-click on the loaded model and ‘add part → load’ and load your other model you want to place on top.
→ When you click now on the individual model you can move them freely (but you have to take care that they are ‘printable’

Did you try it in that way already?


Objects always sit on the build surface. You can add parts to an object and they can be located anywhere.

What isn’t clear to me is when moving parts by entering values in the move tool where the reference location of the part is and what it is referenced to.

I suspect the reference is the centre of the part and part locations are referenced to the centre of the object containing them. Anyone know?

What if you add the second part as a modifier (right on the first model and choose add modifier)
then place this where ever needed. Then right click on the modifier and select change type


Thank you. The policy that an object must always be on the build plate was what I was missing. Adding as parts did solve this. Appreciate the help!

It’s infuriating that Bambu Studio does not honor the location of object parts as they were saved. It’s bad enough that they drop to the bed, but moving them in the X and Y planes is totally unnecessary. Auto centre should be an option, not the default.

If you add a new model to the plate - and in the dialog (or by drag and drop) you select several models at once, BS ask you if you want to add it as one object. If you select yes, it seems like that it respects the locations of the individual parts as saved (ie in case the model is split in several pieces for Multicolorprints).
But agree - once you manually add them one by one, this behavior seems to be gone.

Ah fantastic. It’s not ideal, but it’s a workaround. Thanks!

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For what import?

I was under the impression that this had now been resolved. You can import a STEP as a multi-part object and part height is respected.

if you import stl-files individually, it doesn’t respect positioning if done one by one.

Hello Nickt, I have the same problem. Can you advise about the ‘policy that the object must always be on the build plate’ where is that option? - Thanks

There is no checkbox/option for that in BambuStudio. it literally enforces the objects always on print plate

I have tried this and it worked well. Many thanks for the advice. Would never have found this myself!

I’ve gotten pretty comfortable with the design. Basically, if you import an object, it must go on the build plate. If you import a part into an object, it must be on the object somewhere.

What I’ve been able to do in some weird situations is to create a negative object (which goes on the build plate), and then add a part to it (which can then kind of float somewhere in the build volume). Just be aware that obviously, floating objects don’t print properly without supports.

But for what I needed, that trick worked for me.

Nickt, I selected the object then ‘Add Part’ then ‘Load’. I was able to add a new part and this one can float. Thanks for reply.

I was trying this for a while, every time I added an import as a part it would go off the build plate and lock itself with the object to which I added it, seemed to make one big object that I couldn’t move as parts? I then added an a negative, then added the part I wanted and deleted the negative. That allowed me to place the part on top. Not sure if that’s how you do it or not, but it worked for me. Thanks for the idea!

The way that I do it is to add the new part to the build plate, Select both parts (Shift and mouse drag or select both objects form Objects mode in Process section), right click and select assemble, then deselect the assembly and select only the part that you want to move and move it using the Move function (press M key) to the position you want, because it is part of an assembly the height can be set.and you will not get a warning about parts being too close. One of the Objects in the assembly must be on the build plate but the other object does not even have to touch the first object and can be placed in mid air so be sure to get the height correct.
If needed the parts can later be separated using Split to Objects function.
If you imported as a part you likely already have an assembly and can just Deselect the assembly and select the object that you want to move using the Objects mode in the Process section.