Poll: Who wants LAN only mode for P1P and X1, and Bambu Studio?

When I enabled LAN only mode on this P1P, there was a caution screen indicating that neither BS or BH could connect if that was enabled. After doing so Studio could not connect so I never bothered checking Bambu Handy. Is this what Creality withdrawals feel like? heh

Hopefully this gets some traction with the dev team. Thereā€™s no need to connect to the cloud, except for updates.

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What is the file transfer speed of the Bambu?

To each of the different methods? To SD card over LAN, cloud, and I think Cache?

What is the file transfer speeds to each ?

If a large file ~100mb is to be printed, how long in seconds does it typically take for the printer to accept the data and ready to print?

With the Prusa MK4 it currently is ~0.1MB/s over WiFi data transfer rate, that is confusing blunder IMO, and part of why I am looking at the X1/P1P.

Are file transfer speeds ā€œnormal 2023 speedsā€ o nthe Bambu units? Almost invisible and instintaneous to the user for normal file sizes?

@sthughey just a sidebar, I live in rural Wisconsin and went to Starlink while it was in Beta 1. Speed and reliability are very high, even in bad storms that we receive here. Just a thought

I get around 100-130 kB/s with my P1P over ftp(WinSCP). So nothing startling, sadly. For large files over 20MB I take the SDcard to the computer, and export as gcode file, so the printer donā€™t need to unpack the .3mf. Works fine with AMS, too.


On the X1 series, transfer rates over FTP are pretty good, as the main controller is significantly more powerful than that on the P1P. I donā€™t off the top of my head remember what I measured, but it was a perfectly reasonable speed. Theyā€™re not terrible over Bambuā€™s cloud to the X1 series either, although Iā€™ve not sent any files quite that big that way.

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Does Bambu Studio send the files using ftp?

I understand the MQTT part, but I would like to also understand how prints are sent and how the camera feed works. I added an issue to Orca Slicer to implement LAN mode without using the Bambu Lab dlls

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I donā€™t know what Bambu Studio does. But there is an ftp server open on port 990 with ftps.

I wonder why there isnā€™t more user inputs about this, maybe most people donā€™t understand what is happening and just assumes that the connection is local

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338 votes for a bit more than one month. Not bad considering the number of folks on the forum? Oh, and virtually all have voted for the request. The most recent firmware update did a nice job of describing the changes.

I would guess that most companies document in priority order a list of future firmware changes (that is how we did it). It would be nice to see a copy of that.

The only people who are worried about this problem is IT type hard core security affectionados. The other people just dont want to bother with it. They are happy as it is. Most people dont know the difference between LAN mode and Cloud, they just want it to work.

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:grimacing: Donā€™t judge others by yourself!

This is incorrect. Sorry but you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.


I work in a large enterprise as an IT Infrastructure and Security Architect, and frankly I could care less about LAN only functionality for this product.

ā€¦until internet goes offline, or Bambulabs turns off their servers, or starts charging for their service, or pushes ads on you.


You can slice files from slicers OTHER than Bambu Studio that works fine on this printer. And you can save the gcode file to this thing called an SD card, then plug the SD card into the printer, and guess what, it prints. No Internet or even LAN required. Works great. MANY items today are cloud-based and only work that way, and if you donā€™t like that, there are many alternatives. No video feed, then a $20 camera of your choice fixes that.

Why would I want to carry an SD card around when I can use my local network to control and monitor my printer?


I know, they can be heavy. But if one method doesnā€™t work to your expectations, you can use another. Iā€™d like my printer to work via mental telepathy, but until that is working, I have other options.

Dear BambuLab

If you continue with your success and the printer will able to get track into the tinker/hacker scene, I think you will face soon some ā€œJailbreaksā€ regarding your firmware and so on. At this mentioned point youā€™ll face a situation where you sell printer but the first thing what a user will do is upgrade the firmware (see the marlin/klipper stuff. The other way, maybe a higher chance that it will happen is that other companies will outperform you regarding free choice of software and upgrades. Maybe not in 1 year, but maybe in 18 month or 24months

We demand

  • No cloud mandatory
  • Give back something to the open source world

You are warned, donā€™t underestimate the community. You have kicked many printer companies in the a**, donā€™t think this canā€™t happen to you.

At this moment, we have sure a good and innovative printer from you, but with customer (which pays you) they will kick you out of windows at the moment there are slightly better printer.

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I want to add this to my post above.

Iā€™ll happy support you for more questions and I think a lot of other people are willing to invest their time to help you.