Power lead caught on fire

I completely agree with you, thousands of people have this printer. And it is ridiculous to wait 2-3 months, and they say after months, that we are withdrawing this product from the market or improve product deffirent design / technical.

Like you said thousands have this unit, how you recon they can overnight replace them all.
We are all frustrated but lets be realistic.

Agree, I fully understand, but couldnā€™t they offer another alternative? for example P1S/P1P or a discount on another printer? Those people who have A1 for business are at a loss because they cannot print and for them a refund is not the best solution without compensation :upside_down_face:

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Again, compensation for what? For something potentially being an issue? It feels like you are trying to cash in on a situation that Bambu is trying to make right.


Iā€™m not taking advantage of the situation, Iā€™m just suggesting, for a better reputation of the company, they could offer P1S/P1P or X1 with a discount or payment of the additional amount.

I was waiting for someone to criticize, I donā€™t want anything bad, I just said my opinion and they could propose solutions instead of waiting 2-3 months or refund money. Sorry for my english.

Iā€™m just upset like everyone else because the printer is now at a standstill. I love this printer. Iā€™m not the only one, thatā€™s why I expressed my opinion. Sorry for my English:)

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My apologies. I think I misinterpreted your post. I hope that you get your situation sorted out. Cheers and welcome to the forum.


Thank you too, I hope the situation will better:)

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Hi yā€™all.

Got my A1 last Friday after six weeks in back order. Got it to work within 45 minutes. It has been working perfectly from the start only to receive an e-mail from Bambu Lab yesterday informing me about the recall. I checked immediately and noticed several ā€˜bumpsā€™ on the cable insulation!

Created a ticket right away and now waiting for a response. I am pretty sure I didnā€™t ā€˜mistreatā€™ the cable in any way and Iā€™m not buying the ā€˜damaged during shippingā€™ stuff. Meanwhile Iā€™ve been reading all the forum stuff. It doesnā€™t feel good right now. What a bummer!

They need to come up with a real solution, because it is obvious that the cable (design and/or specs) isnā€™t suited for the job. Sure, the many solutions on MakerWorld to un-stress the cable at the root will do some goodā€¦ for a while!

I feel the A1 needs a more robust cable with proper insulation and a solid guide that will keep stress of this cable. If BL is taking this seriously they will need to do more than just swapping the heat bed or printer. As already stated: a serious solution is going to take some serious time! Months evenā€¦

Fingers crossed folks!


I think thatā€™s why units are being recalled and they will ship new revised heat beds hopefully with new mounting for cables but it will take 2 to 3 month. I was told by support not to use unit until then.

I never got any notification from Bambu even though I bought printer directly from them. I created a ticket right away yesterday morning when I saw a youtube video mention the recall. I havenā€™t gotten any response yet.

I really liked the A1 but not willing to wait 2-3 months and hope I get one with the issue resolved. It would be nice if there was an option to get a P1S/P at a discount.

For those of you who have gotten a response on your ticket, are they willing to refund accessories as well? Iā€™ll have to go the refund route, hopefully I can return the hotend kit I bought with it.

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Have you opened ticket from link in the post from Bambu? Under heat bed issue?

Yeah under Heatbed Cable Callback

I have an A1. Why am I not getting emails about a recall or refund? Iā€™ve checked spam

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picked mine up at Micro Center and MC suggested I return mine.

super bummed, dont even get an option to wait 2-3 months

So it seems like everyone is having to wait 2 or 3 months for testing and then whatever time for shipping with this recall. One thing Iā€™m wondering is if they will help us out in just upgrading to a X1C or P1S.

It sucks about what happened, but at this point I donā€™t want to be waiting almost half a year for a working printer.

It doesnā€™t look good. I first fell into the trap of reviewers who described this machine as a magnificent evolutionā€¦ the day after my purchase I discovered this forum and after a few hours of reading I wanted a refund but I still took a chance, and now youā€™re telling me that I have to monitor my printer because an engineer decided to put 110v on a poor quality cableā€¦ one of the parts that will move the most during printing wow
glory is over bambu prove yourself now before the smell of smoking arrives


Based on the prints I made on the A1 during the weekend I still think this is (or can be) a great machine. The prints are of great quality and the A1 can be fast and reasonably quiet at the same time. Too bad BL apparently skipped a few quality checks on this, but that can happen. Even great companies with a huge track record make mistakes (Toyota, Ford, Philips come to mind) that require recalls and law suits even. BL is still in itā€™s infancy, so to speak.

It may be tempting to deny a repair or refund and opt for a (discounted) upgrade to a P1 or X1, but one of the reasons for me to go for the A1 instead of a P1 is itā€™s noise level.
But I may have been wrong on thisā€¦

I also looked into a Prusa Mk4, but you are paying too much for a machine with outdated technology, no real (sensor based) input shaping and loads of issues with the thermistor. A friend of mine received his Mk4 in november and wasnā€™t able to print an ā€˜okā€™ object for over a month and the machine still isnā€™t perfect. Support handled that pretty good in most cases, but it took quite a while to get support going on that issue.

Letā€™s see if BL can survive this without ignoring their customers and come up with a solid, honest solution. If they fail to do so, I think itā€™ll go down hill very fast for this start-up companyā€¦

Its really shame that this happened. Let see how they handle this and hopefully it will be resolved.
So far its best printer I had, even if it was for couple days and for now I donā€™t see any alternative on the market.
Did any one had both A1 and P1S and can comment on noise difference?

I still got now answer after I opened a ticket here in Germany. But I already ordered a A1 mini for printing.
I told them already that I want to return it and save the money for later when it is back on market.

Help me understand this. Copper wires harden over time? That will make it more durable, if it was a single wire. Itā€™s not something bad. Do you mean brittle and breaking, because of humidity or water? Yes, that can happen to any wire, thatā€™s why it has a cover. Also this is not a straight wire cable, this is copper thread wire, and because copper is natural soft, it can bend easily. If itā€™s isolated, it can last many years. I still have 30 years old copper cables that look as new.

Anyway, the fuse will blow up when the wires will touch and try to melt. You will still have the damaged cable but thatā€™s it. Making it sound like itā€™s the biggest fire hazard is just the word of fatalists and people who have no idea.

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