Print head moves off plate at layer 3 of all prints

I have had this happen since day one of owning my A1 Mini.

Every single print job will always momentarily stop at exactly layer 3 and the head will move all the way off to the far corner of the bed and then continue to print?

Is this normal?
Is there some setting that controls this?

Just seems strange and this will always happen at layer 3

The prints are fine, but sometimes this action will cause a small blemish as the nozel will sometimes let out just a tiny amount of melted filament before starting to print again.

Any insights on this would be appreciated.

That would be the clog detection process. it checks to see if the nozzle has a blob of filament on it by lowering the printhead below the build plate. If it feels any resistance, it will stop and send a notification. You can disable this in studio by doing this:

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Ah! thanks for this. Mystery solved

Will disable this, as I always watch at least the first 3-4 layers go down on all my prints.

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