I had taken the solution given at face value which seemed credible and logical.
However, I have since turned off the Filament Tangle Detection but still the printer moves off the plate drops a small amount then continues to print. This always happens at the start of Layer 3. (just have not had time to get back here till now to note that its still doing it)
I really would like to find out what or why its doing this and if anyone else is seeing this on the A1 Mini ?
My settings on the printer confirming its off:
And my settings on the actual printer itself confirming both tangle detection and nozzle clumpling detection are off:
I noticed you said you turned off the tangle detection but it’s the “Nozzle Clumping Detection” that should be turned off. I looked at the answer on your previous thread and the person who answered had an arrow pointing to “tangle detection” so I think that’s where the confusion came in.
Thanks for the reply
I have edited my original post above.
Clumping detection and tangle detection are turned off, but it still does this at layer 3 on each print.
Thanks for the reply
I have updated the orignial post with a photo screenshot of my printer settings, confirming that it is off… so im still stumpped as its still doing this at layer 3 of each print.
I know this isn’t helpful because there’s no solution on the thread below either, but it looks like other people were unsuccessful in stopping it also:
Thanks for this, its helpful to know im not going mad!
and seems that the setting does nothing!! and clumping detection is hard coded!
I have never looked at or seen G-Code so going to be interesting trying to mess with that.
This issue is different in that it moves the head off the plate to the back very quickly drops a few mm, then shoots back to the print, there is no pause or stop to resume. It all takes about 1-2sec max, but this is enough for the head to ooze some filament and cause a small blemish on the print, which has been driving me nuts!
Unfortunately I can’t help but my A1 does this same thing. Nothing I’m printing matters for a minute blemish though.
I don’t know how far they let you downgrade firmware but maybe something to try.
Also for bambu, if you pause the print there will be quite a large blemish (if on an outer wall) when it restarts which I feel like they could definitely work on.
I THINK that’s what’s supposed to happen with the clump detection if it doesn’t detect a clump… It’s only supposed to pause if it thinks there’s a blob starting. But what’s confusing is that they put an option on the menu if it’s hard coded.
I mean, I’ve never noticed a blob falling off there so it seems largely useless. If there is a blob it falls off middle of print. SO I’ll try to pause it during infill and then it won’t be a problem. If I notice.
I guess to clarify my printer is right next to my pc so I spent a lot of hours seeing what happens to my printer.
We all have the same problem. Bambu hardcoded that 3rd layer move into g-code for Time lapse. Very logical
There are 3 tested solutions:
print “By object”, this disables timelapse and also that move
make a copy of your printer settings and change the gcode for the condition of that move so it never happens (there are instructions in some of the topics here)
make a copy of printer settings and remove completely the gcode for timelapse.
Options 1. and 3 are useful if you don’t need timelapse. Solution 2 should work with timelapse.