Hi all. Writing this one as I’m trying to find a reasons and just can’t find any. Very strange one. Not happening to me but a Makerworld user who are trying to print one of my models. What is making this strange as it is happening with only this model which is quite popular and have no issues printing for other people (and I have printed it more than 10 times with no issues) so I doubt it is models problem. So is anybody her who know or have an Idea what can cause PRINT SUCCESS message and stop printing in middle of print? And as I understand it is not happening always. By his words he can get 1 success print and then 2-3 failed ones because of this issue. so rate is abou 1of 3-5 success prints
There are a number of things that could cause this. Did (s)he report anything on the printers behavior?
There are a couple of threads where it seemed to be related to nozzle clogs. If he has that frequently, it may be a partial clog, the screws in the A1 print head, an extruder issue or, or, or,…
Probably best to direct the user to the forum as it sounds like there may be something wrong with the printer.
I’m the user having issues. It’s not a nozzle clog. I check every time and it’s not printing mid air and nothing coming out. It just thinks it’s done and stops. I’ve printed other models right after just fine. I’m not sure why this specific model is causing issues. I’ve been able to get it to finish correctly before but I don’t remember what if anything was changed in the profile
Hi @Sixoul ,
That is a curious failure case. I am aware of the P series rarely having such a puzzling behavior Print Cancelled, but why and by what? and I suspect that I had that once on my X1 (although it may have been my little one accidentally pushing all the “right” buttons), but I have not seen reports of such a behavior for the A series.
Would you by chance have a link to the print profile which gave you such issues?
Also, just in case you did experiment a bit, did you try downloading the stl and slicing yourself?
Best wishes and many thanks for posting such a curious failure case,
Here is a link to my model (s)he have this issue:
Actually as he has A1 mini printer, he’s trying to print smallest one (Plate 3) from 1st profile or just taking raw STL files (just got this point)
Warlogh linked the profile. I have tried downloading the stl and printing it separately on my own and have gotten the same result. I’m becoming a bit hesitant to experiment more as I’ve gone through quite a bit of my roll of filament trying to figure out what I can do different to fix this.
Many thanks for the link an explanation. Unfortunately, I am not able to spot a smoking gun. I had hoped that there would be something particularly likely, such as a hidden filament change or ironing which could help with the troubleshooting.
However, the issue seems to be more intricate.
- A print profile issue: The profile itself appears to print pretty well as evidenced by a number of successfull prints. With the print now attempted on the A1 Mini, that would point to either:
- A Mini specific issue: However, the most likely print profile issues would be in the Machine GCode. Since only the Start GCode is triggered in this failure case, we have established that this is fine since the print commences OK. And with @Sixoul also having sliced himself specifically for the Mini, we can (probably) also rule out command interpretation issues.
- A machine issue: This is where I hit pure speculation in light of limited information. With other models printing well even after this model having failed, hardware issues such as a clogged nozzle or the print head screws not being sufficiently tight or even remote contenders such as out-of-tolerance filament appear to be ruled out.
- As for software, well, the mysterious ways in which SD Card problems can lead to aborted prints is well documented in particular for the P Series (see above but there are further threads). While I myself am out of my depth there, this may be a possible root cause. In that case, it may pop up in any print in the future. And your report here may help tremedously in the future if and when further A1 reports come in. There are smarter people in the forum than me who may shed additional light now or in the future on SD card/memory issues.
So, what could I recommend?
Rule out any basics: Dry filament, run through the recommended maintenance, etc. It’ll not (neccessarily) help with this issue, but your printer will love you back for the care and attention
I regard that as a bit of a bonding exercise with my X1. Paid of for the last 2,800 print hours
Replace the SD card
Maybe try a reset to factory settings and re-update just in case
Try a print at 50% velocity
But before you consider this, are there any further observations on the prior, failed prints that you may be able to share?
Pictures are always good but failing that, any observation on failure commonalities and differences. Just a few examples:
- Did the failure occur at the same feature, layer or even line?
- Do you have particularly interesting environmental conditions such as a particularly cold or warm printer environment (20-24°C is pretty normal)?
- Did you modify the Machine GCode at any point in the past? Some people for example shortened their start up procedures which is perfectly fine but may result in unexpected behavior.
- Which versions of Studio and Firmware are you using?
- Which SD card are you using?
- And of course, any error messages that may have popped up during that or earlier, subsequent prints or when checking the SD card, etc.
So regardless of how you decide to progress, it may very well be that a smoking gun can not be found just now. But any further information that you can provide will certainly be helpful also in case further reports on similar printer behavior come up.
Best wishes and ,