Printer & Filament Info on Ratings

If the system data allows it I would appreciate it if we could see the type of printer and type of Material people have used on our prints.

Especially when people have issues with adhesion, fragile supports or similar things it could be helpful data to see if it’s a core x/y or a bed slinger printer but also if they’ve maybe used filaments like matte PLA which is often more brittle. It would make it easier to help such people, without having to ask every time what they’ve used.


I would suggest going even further by marking all ratings where the print profile has been altered. It’s ideal to show the differences to gain a better understanding of potential causes for errors.

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i 100% agree with this feature request.
Some things I explain in my item descriptions, like getting the model to print well on A1/P1P/P1S require an additional step. Some users do not read the description, and when they have problems, do not tell me what printer/material they used even when I ask them.

In that case, providing a dedicated print profile along with a concise explanation of the required steps could prove to be beneficial. Acting instead of reacting.

unfortunately, only this can be done with A1 printers. P1P/P1S are automatically bundled into X1/X1C and, again without reading the description, the user has no idea.

You could name the profiles:

  • for A1/P1P
  • for P1S/X1

If you ensure that all necessary information is provided, the responsibility doesn’t fall on you. It’s preferable to preemptively equip users with the right information rather than allowing them to encounter printing issues and then having to explain why it failed. This proactive approach would likely decrease the occurrence of users using incorrect settings. If users choose not to read the provided information, there’s little more you can do.

I totally agree with this! I would even go a bit further if possible.

Here are my thoughts on that matter from another thread:

This should be opt-in/optional. It should be the user’s choice if they want to provide any of that information. I don’t want more of my data just being casually thrown around, especially to designers that might have a chip on their shoulder because I gave them a negative review.

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I don’t know why you are focusing on bad reviews.

The goal of those reviews is to rate a print profile. If those profiles can be printed with some variations (Bambustudio/handy App, printers, build plates, nozzles size, filament,), I find it totally normal that those informations are shown on the review.

Those info will be useful for everyone. For the makers to know what works and what don’t. And for the designer/publisher to address those issues.

I’m sorry you have been harassed in the past for reviewing products. That’s not okay at all and if this happens on MakerWorld you should report the user.
But I don’t think that what I’m proposing here will increase this kind of nasty behaviour in any way.

On the data sharing topic. You are okay that bbl knows what you are printing but it’s not okay to share with the community useful or even essential informations on a print profile you’re reviewing?

You could still choose to use your printer in offline mode and only post comments instead of ratings if your are so eager to protect your data.

I opted into Bambu’s system and what data I share with them, like print history. That does not mean I want to extend it to you; or that those privileges should be automatically extended to you. Just because you’re a designer, doesn’t make you special. I don’t have any level of relationship or trust with you. That’s my choice at that point if I want to engage that far, but I should not be automatically opted into it. Again, I opted into that relationship with Bambu, not you. You are not automatically privileged to the same data just because you’re a designer on the platform.

Just as much as I don’t care to share every little detail on a negative review, I don’t want to dump my metadata out there on a 5 star review either. It should be my choice what I want to include.

You put stuff out there, and you need to accept that it’s a public place and people will say what they will. Bambu already will take down reviews that are obviously user error. You can ask users to share more information. No one owes you any further explanation though, and no one owes you a response.

Let me quote myself from that other thread.

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What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with “me” or because I’m feeling “entitled” because I’m a designer! What? I’m proposing those data to be public visible for Everyone!

And before being a designer I’m a user of this sharing platform. We all are and nobody’s has more “privileges” or whatsoever.

Sorry I have hard time to understand your point, beside you don’t want share your data whit “me”?!

You seems to have a grievance against me for I don’t know what reason. I’m just sharing my thoughts and honestly thinking that what I’m proposing would be beneficial for everyone on MakerWorld.

I don’t want all of that data shared on every review I post. I just don’t. I don’t want to be forced into sharing a bunch of extra data just because I want to give someone 5 stars, let alone if I want to give a negative review. I don’t think reviews should be tied up so stringently. I don’t want to feel like I have to open myself up to scrutiny if I just want to post a review that reflects that I had a negative experience.

Amazon isn’t forcing me to validate all kinds of extra data points when I give a negative review. Printables isn’t making me post up all the details of my printer, slicer settings, and my history in printing, before I can post a review. I don’t want to post up all sorts of metadata with any and every review I give.

It does have something to do with you, because you’re part of the one pushing this idea, and I’m pushing back.

I opted to share certain data with Bambu, and I’m telling you that to me that agreement is with Bambu only, not with you OR anyone else. The comments I made towards you apply to anyone. I only see this as a means for designers with fragile egos to find ways to remove or challenge things they don’t like. The reasons they have to challenge a review may be completely valid, they may not be. Bambu already provides a mechanism with which to challenge those reviews that are based on user caused issues.

If a designer wants to engage a user to try and help them, then they can respond to the review. However, it is that user’s choice if they want to respond and/or share more information. That information shouldn’t be just shared for them.


I hear and understand your concern about sharing data. And it’s totally your right to fight against it if you don’t agree.
But I just don’t see or feel this anxiety your mentioning when posting a review or replying to a comment.

Your comparing a marketplace to a community platform built on the desire to share and download freely STL models. This is not the same thing, you are not a customer on MW but a member of the community. This is working because people are in a symbotic relationship between users, designer and makers alike. And everyone must contribute in it’s on way to improve the quality of the platform.

On printables, it’s required to post a picture of the model and select the printer you used to post a review.
And I never mentioned to share you print history nor your print settings!

Your are using MW and you have agreed their term of use. If they decide to update them tomorrow because of X or y reasons and share more data with the users this agreement will still be between you and bbl, not me nor everyone.

I genuinely think that will improved the quality of the exchange and ultimately the models and thus the overall quality of MakerWorld. But if you think that will only allows designers to remove bad reviews, you are really short-sighted and didn’t understand the implications nor the benefits of what I’m proposing.
And like you said, there is already a way to take down bad “bad reviews” so don’t think that will change anything on that matter.

Obviously ! Everyone is free to respond to any comment or not!
But including the basic variables of a print profile that you’re reviewing isn’t an intrusion inside your private life nor your freedom of speech IMHO.

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I believe the community would be better served if more diagnostic information was shared with reports of unsuccessful prints, although there is limited benefit to receiving the same for successful prints.

Take a recent scenario where I tried to print a new design from a user whose work I like. I have never had a problem successfully printing their work before so, I was surprised when the latest model failed.

I repeatedly tried to print the model, changing setting after setting in order to hopefully succeed.

Nothing worked, every single original print failed as did my attempts to rectify the issue.

The original model profile was designed for an X1C and I was trying to print first on my A1 mini (I was going to provide a com