Problem with first layer inspection

The first layer inspection does not clean the noozle properly, i.e. it comes back from cleaning with filiament hanging on the noozle and spreads it on the first layer with some bad luck. The problem occurs with PLA as well as with PETG and with different Printobjects.

First Layer inspection

back for cleaning …

and here it comes …

and dropped …


I have the same problem. I switched the 1st layer inspection off in the machine g-code. I think it might be a retract problem.


Same exact problem here. For whatever reason, the code seems to be written to extrude a small amount while it is studying the first layer results. When it then goes over the wiper, the amount of filament is so short that it just whips around and twists it into a noose instead of pulling it free from the nozzle. The length of the filament seems to be consistent at around 50mm. I suspect that unlike the first purge that creates a nice big coil, there is not enough mass on this second purge for the filament to snap off. Can someone give me a link to how/where I can disable the first layer inspection? Since I have to babysist this thing through layer #2 there is no point in having the first layer inspected automatically.


Goto the starting g code of your machine and comment these lines

;{if scan_first_layer}
;=========register first layer scan=====
;M977 S1 P60

as i did with the leading “;”


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Has somebody an idea how to make the first layer inspection usable again?
E.g. indtroduce retract?

Could someone of Bamboo help if one should read this?

Thanks a lot in advance.

I am looking forward to using the first layer check again.



U can disable first layer inspection direct on the printer:


Nozzle temp is too high on first layer inspection

Thats oozing from the nozzle temp and pressure build up

I don’t do first layer inspection anymore but when I did on larger prints thats what I noticed

If you were to unload your filament then remove the nozzle you will see that the nozzle and the throat are still full of filament

A retraction might help but the best course of action in my opinion is for the nozzle temp to stay at 140° during the layer check and if all is good park the nozzle, heat it up to the print temp and give it one more wipe before proceeding

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Thanks a lot, I was looking the whole time in bambu studio and didn’t get that I have to uncheck the first layer check directly on the printer :+1:

Thank you, now I also found it in the Bambu Studio :slight_smile:

Thank you so much MountyMAX for pointing out how to disable the first layer inspection. My productivity just went up significantly! I would add that for anyone trying this, I belive that after you uncheck this box you need to turn off and turn on your X1C to get this new setting to work. I like my Bambu X1C again…

Bambu software people: If you are reading this please take a hard look at that post-Lidar purge routine. I think you need to wait longer after the nozzle reaches temperature before starting the purge, and purge more material so the mass will pull the string free from whatever surface tension exists on the nozzle when it passes over the wiper.


Count me in for having the same identical issue. I like the first layer inspection option, but yeah the little filament sticking to the nozzle is always a problem. Please Bambu, come up with a solution! As mentioned, it’s either temp related or necessitates a better retraction.


Is this the issue you are talking about that is part of the next version currently in Beta?

[v1.6.0 Public Beta BUG] Filament oozing from nozzle in the beginning of the print · Issue #1637 · bambulab/BambuStudio · GitHub

No I believe this issue is specifically occurring during the first layer inspection phase.

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having the exact same issue… but why is it only with petg? every other filament works great

Wet filament will cause oozing, along with not hot enough nozzle and back pressure from the extruder.

Have exactly the same issue every print with PETG like shown in the pictures of the first code.
Makes printing PETG very annoying because you have to pause the print after the first layer inspection and remove the trash tracked onto the plate.

Will try to disable the first layer inspection, hopefully this will be fixed some time.
Just add a real flush and nozzle cleaning after first layer inspection would fix it.

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Same here. I have to wait in front of printer to clean the bed from dragged in filament after first layer inspection. This happens very frequently. I am printing mostly PETG so not sure about other filament types.

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I notice this most with PA, printing at 280°C with the Generic PA presets.

Now that I think about it, I also recall a lot of debris when printing with PETG when a lot of retraction/travel is required, but I do have an extra hot preset for Transparent PETG to makes the print clearer.

Having the same problem, I hope there will be a fix…

Same issues here. Only happens with PETG after first layer inspection.