Problem with warping ABS

I don’t print with ABS only ASA but you can try this with your abs filaments and see if it helps you out.

Set your brim to 0.02 it will bond to your part some but you can peel it off or cut it off with a box cutter.

Set your bed from 105c to 110c, go high then see if you can drop down to 105c

The bed plates wash them in warm water with dish soap. Take a scotch brite pad and give it a light rub then add your adhesive.

If you pre warm up your chamber before you print it will help also.

You can also add this to your X1 start machine G-code to help warm the chamber up.

;Put it below this G29.1 Z{+0.0} ;reset z offset / clear z-trim value

;===== HEAT SOAK ====================
{if (filament_type[initial_tool]==“ABS”) || (filament_type[initial_tool]==“ASA”) || (filament_type[initial_tool]==“PA-CF”) || (filament_type[initial_tool]==“PA”) || (filament_type[initial_tool]==“PC”)}
M140 S110 ; set bed temp at 110c
M104 S125
G0 Z150 F2000
M106 P2 S255 ; turn ON aux fan at full speed
M106 P3 S0 ; turn OFF chamber fan
G4 S90 ; wait 90 seconds
G4 S90 ; wait 90 seconds
G4 S90 ; wait 90 seconds
M106 P2 S0 ; turn OFF aux fan

;===== heatbed preheat ===============

Tip: Infill % / pattern type / top and bottom layers can affect part warping with these filaments also.

Keep us update I hope this gets both of you a solution :v: