Project to automatically remove parts from build plate

I am curious as to what progress has been made on this project. Still very interested in participating!

It’s disappointing the github link is no longer public, I was hopeful for this project.

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Any updates on this project? I really want this for the masses!

I came up with a simple solution that works for many of my parts. I just modified my machine end gcode to use the print head to push the parts of the plate.

It does have limitations,

  • parts need to be lined up with the left/right center of the bed because that is where I am putting the print head.
  • depending on the type of filament you might need to add in the commented out delay to give the print time to self release.

This is the end of my machine end g-code.

G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X128 Y250 F3600 ; park

; ======== eject parts
G0 X128 Y256 ; move to middle back of bed
G0 Z1 ; raise bed until nozzle is almost touching
M106 P2 S255 ; turn on aux fan to cool bed quickly
M190 30 ; wait for bed to be cold
;G04 S300 ; give the part time to break free so pushing it is easier
M106 P2 S0 ; turn off aux cooling fan
G0 Y0 F1000 ; push part of bed
; ==== end eject

M220 S100 ; Reset feedrate magnitude
M201.2 K1.0 ; Reset acc magnitude
M73.2 R1.0 ;Reset left time magnitude
M1002 set_gcode_claim_speed_level : 0

M17 X0.8 Y0.8 Z0.5 ; lower motor current to 45% power


is start googling 5 minute ago to find if something like this was possible on bambulab… and i foun your answer to this posted 15 min ago ahah what a coincidence! i will definitly try it ! did you have some fail with this technique? maybe is there a way to have a variable instead of the X value? maybe to “auto-center” it on the part?

In one of his videos, Tom Sanlanerer prototyped a device that would pick up the entire build plate , remove it, and shove another one in. Yours, however, is simpler than that.

Also, if you print on garolite, the prints really do self-release on cooldown, with seemingly no residue, so it might be very good for your purposes:

I wonder, though, if you’d be better off sending your prints to a print-farm of cheap printers, so then the parts could be printed in parallel, which would greatly reduce your effective print time?

On the other hand, your design would take up less space, and it would be convenient. I can see the benefit in it.

I had the stupid idea of using a Universal Robot UR10 with a camera to open the door, remove the build plate, place the build plate on a magnetic platform, remove the print, and then put a new build plate in.
Overcomplicated, yes. Entertaining, yes


@julie777, i tried your code last night and something went wrong because the printer wasn’t waiting for the bed to cool down, i’m trying to figure it out

i solved it, added temp target and a “S” before the temp value:

G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X128 Y250 F3600 ; park

; ======== eject parts
G0 X128 Y256 ; move to middle back of bed
G0 Z1 ; raise bed until nozzle is almost touching
M106 P2 S255 ; turn on aux fan to cool bed quickly
M140 S0 ; For some reason you need to set the bed temp again before
M190 S30 ; wait for bed to be cold
G04 S300 ; give the part time to break free so pushing it is easier
M106 P2 S0 ; turn off aux cooling fan
G0 Y0 F1000 ; push part of bed
; ==== end eject

M220 S100 ; Reset feedrate magnitude
M201.2 K1.0 ; Reset acc magnitude
M73.2 R1.0 ;Reset left time magnitude
M1002 set_gcode_claim_speed_level : 0

M17 X0.8 Y0.8 Z0.5 ; lower motor current to 45% power


Have you seen this post?


I’m now convinced that in the realm of 3d printing, there are no stupid ideas… only ideas that need further development.


We have another one mounted to a gantry on the ceiling of our greenhouse
In combination with the FarmBot, it is a fully-automated greenhouse

I tend to be the overachieving, crazy engineer that thinks of stupid yet genius ideas

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What’s the latest on this any plans or models I can try?

What slant3d does in their printer farm factory is use the toolhead to push the prior print off the build plate into a bin, and then start a new print. It never actually changes the build plate at all. Of course, they limit themselves to models which can detach in this way, so I wouldn’t call it a panacea per se.

First time messaging. I love your idea. We had a similar idea so if you make one… make two! :wink: I’ll defo take one haha.

Keep up the great work. I have my Prusas automated… Now the P1Ps😉

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Take glass plate off
Use it to trace a hole in a wooden table
Buy a PEI plate
Turn your Bambu upside down

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I assume the idea of not using the print-head is due to the use of carbon-rods, which are not ideal to push objects. Also the front fan-mount could detach.

Although some have done this successfully… like @julie777 for example.

The good thing about using the print-head or any existing part is, that you can use the P1P, P1S, X1C without any mods. Though I still liked the approach of @Heliscone which then @Biocraftlab postet some pictures of.

This is awesome @julie777 and thx @Heyone777 for editing this…

The problem I’m facing with this approach (and I thought this would be a problem prior to testing) that the object might (and it did in my case) not get pushed off the plate, but rather around the print-head and then stays (or worst case) lies around somewhere.

For this to work properly one would need to design some guide to attach on the print-head in order to actually push the object off the plate safely.
(it always depends on the size and form of the object of course)

Next question-mark for “Automation”: How do you begin the next print?
Theoretically one could just copy the existing g-code and paste it at the end of it again and create a loop. But I have no idea if that actually works…

I just managed thx to Julie777 automate my A1 Mini.

I simply changed the moves to fit the 180mm build-plate and pasted it into the end-gcode. I sliced the test-object and saved the entire file as g-code.

Then opened that code and copy/pasted it 3 times - it worked.

but it would be necessary to add a wipe nozzle code before the release-motion and probably a G90 command after that, so the printer knows where it is (as mine did a deep nozzle drop (at min 0:14) at the beginning of the new print-sequence.

A1M automation attempt Nr.1

working on it… (but can´t find what did that drop)

I assume its this,
;=====avoid end stop =================
G380 S2 Z30 F1200
G380 S2 Z-20 F1200
G1 Z5 F1200

but I sincerely don’t know, as there should be (2) G1 moves.

After ejection, Z goes up and then down (too far)

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I can’t get the video to play on a Mac or an iPad.