Questions about swapping AMS units between printers

Hello everyone,

I have a question, and maybe this isn’t anything so complex, but I just wanted to double check. I’ve read before about people having issues doing similar things, but not sure if that was just a fluke or not.

Basically, I want to swap the AMS units between two of my printers. One is a P1S and the other is an X1C. I got an additional AMS unit so I can do 8 colors, and I printed this cool stand for it so I could stack two AMS units. I discovered though that they changed the structure very slightly (these are all the 3 slot versions, but the spacing between the fins is just a few mm off), and so while the stand fits on the AMS unit connected to my P1S, it doesn’t fit the one connected to my X1C, which is where I want to setup my 8 color station. Yeah, so I want to swap the AMS units between those two so I don’t have to reprint the stand or have to modify it.

I’ve read before people complain about having troubles when taking an AMS unit from one printer to another, so wasn’t sure if that’d cause me any troubles. That’s what my question really revolves around. I want to make sure I don’t get myself into any headaches.

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Can you please illustrate the issue with hand drawn pictures? Also please include laser guns as that helps to pin point the problem.


I haven’t done it personally, but, logically speaking, this would be the problems and the solutions.

The AMS doesn’t hold the intelligence of what it is attached to, the printer does.

If an AMS is not attached, the printer isn’t going to demand it.

The worst thing that would happen is you hook up the two AMS units in the wrong order the next time and that somehow confuses things.

The printers have a reset IDs for the AMS units.

If it was me, I would write A on one and B on the other. Then I would always connect A first to either machine and B to A as the slave.

Then both printers will always see them the same way each time or not at all when not connected.

You would need two AMS hubs or other means to connect them as you don’t want to be constantly unscrewing and rescrewing that each time.


Thank you. You delivered far beyond expectation.

It’s abundantly clear now. :+1:

Malc was touching closer on what I was asking about. Essentially, are the AMS’s paired to the printers in a way that’d make it difficult to swap them. Sounds like it shouldn’t be an issue.

The last panel of my comic is a “what if” if it was an issue.

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I use one ams lite between my A1/mini , if that helps

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From reading many forum posts about this, the worst you will need to do is reset the IDs.

If you do need to reset the IDs, everything goes back to normal straight.

The IDs are just how the the AMS units are seen by the printer specifically the order of them.

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Thanks everyone. Can’t wait to get this setup. We’re going from Atari to Nintendo!

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Don’t forget to report back with drawings on how it went.

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