Repeat Copyright Offenders Should be Banned

If 2 people place their cameras next to each other and takes a photo at the exact same time they will both own the rights to almost the exact same picture. Same if you take a photo under some circumstances, i go back to the exact same spot under the exact same circumstances and take an exact copy of that photo. You own the rights to the file not the contents of the file.

Same goes with modeling a 3d object that is public domain. If you make a model of a 3d cube, its not like you have dibs on those exact dimensions, everyone is free to design their own cube at the exact same dimensions basically replicating that exact file. You might argue you own the rights to the file you made, but not the shape and measurement of that file. I cant take your file and start selling it, but I can make my own cube of the same dimensions and selling it, basically voiding that whole argument.


The “designer” admitted it and deleted his entry in the contest, got a PM .

Exactly that: You need to make your own design even it’s similar to another one. You can NOT use a design from somebody else and pass it as your own. If a design has unique features (like the famous design chairs trough history) then you can NOT make a 1:1 copy, without making an infringement. Law is very clear and undisputed about that. (as long the copyright is valid though, it’s not forever).

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And where do you suggest to draw the line? If you make a cube that is 10x10x10mm, You obviously doesn’t own that shape so I can make my own cube exactly the same. Where do you want to draw the line? I have to model my own file and cant just take your STL? But when I model my own file, can I print your cube and take measurements of it? Can I take measurements straight out of the STL? How about the individual vectors? At that point you are basically just copy pasting the model. Where do you want to draw the line?

If you make a shape, and you own the IP for that shape, then you can slap it on a model that is public property and still call that specific shape yours, not the entire chair, everything else about the share is still public domain. But what shapes are we talking about? How are you going to copyright a specific shape, that’s something even the biggest corporations in the world today have problems with, there is a reason every single smartphone is shaped the same and looks the same no matter what manufacturer. How did you make that shape? Combine a couple squares and circles that are public domain? How many public domain squares and circles do you have to combine before it goes from public domain to copyright:able? 3? 4?

You arguments are for a judge not for me. Why do you think there are so many lawsuits about this. One thing is in the is law perfectly clear though: you can NOT use, sell a creators photo, painting/drawing, design, lyrics, writing, composition, etc… You can make that cube all day long, but you can not use a creators cube file and pass it along as your own, unless the creator specified you can do so.

The creator may not be owner of the cube but he/she certainly is owner of his own file thus creation.

You may not like this… but it is how it is. (and that is good thing!).

Interesting reads would be about LEGO and their fight against this all. A rectangle which is protected!

Im afraid no judge would priorities a model on any of these platforms particularly high. So jow would you suggest solving that? Just removing every single model claimed while waiting for a judge to care?

The interesting part is more where you believe the copyright starts, a file is just digital instructions. Am I allowed to print the file and take instructions from the physical world? Can I read the file and take instructions from the digital world?

Lego is a great example, they think they own the rights to a rectangle and constantly gets ruled against them because a rectangle is public property, even though they added some other public property circles to it.

That is what i mean about owning a cube, it’s a hard sell. You are confused by two entities: One is legal right to COPY something ( in dispute a judge prerogative to rule about it) or Legal right to use or sell another’s own created file. If you have not permission than that is literally stealing in the eyes of the law.

You can NOT take a photo,game, song, etc (all digital) from a platform and selling or presenting as your own. You can make your own photo etc about the same content like a public domain item like a “sunset”. So you must make your own effort to create something.

You are only allowed if the creator gives permission. Like: Creator–>Spotify–>abbo–>listening. Photographer → stock photosite → paying → download.

:grinning: We can discuss this all day, but i’m signing off. :vulcan_salute:

You put way to much importance on the file, that is absolutely not correct. The file is just instructions on how the model looks, there is no difference between me telling you “a cube that is 10x10x10mm”, you printing the file and measuring “a cube that is 10x10x10mm” or you straight out copy pasting the file which says “a cube that is 10x10x10mm”, that is one of the reasons why copy right laws regarding these stuff are like they are.

If you actually own the right to the shape, which in 99.9999% of the times, you don’t. It doesn’t matter if you copied the file straight off, measured it physically, guessed your way to it or downloaded the patent files to read the measurements. Same goes the other way, if you don’t own the rights to the shape, it doesn’t matter if you copied the file straight off, measured it physically, guessed your way to it or downloaded the patent files to read the measurements.

That goes for all the models on all these platforms, there is literally a handfull of all the models on all these platforms that have any sort of rights to them, and in the vast majority of those cases, the rights are not even owned by the person on these platforms.

The copy right claims on these platforms are literally kangaroo courts.

This is actually my first time on the forum, I came here to make a post addressing this but you already have started the discussion a month ago. I assume we are thinking of the same guy. I am really discouraged as well to see him come to the platform and rip dozens of files/images/descriptions for points. I reported his account and multiple entries, but only a couple were taken down and by that time he has ripped just as many more. Way too lenient, he’s gotta go.


Came here for the same thing. this X******Bi user keeps uploading a copy of my spool. even the description is the same!
I’ve reported him twice and it was denied. the first time Makerworld said it wasn’t the same. and the second time he had changed it to private after I reported it. But just made it public again.
Let’s see if the third time goes anywhere. Doesn’t help that there is no way to respond to the copyright claims. so, I can’t add more information or “evidence” all you can do is View or Delete them!

looks like all their stuff is stolen from somewhere this seems to be their card wallet

this is the scraper

poop bucket -

reusable spool -

shades -

spool rings -

spool switcher -

disconnect tool -

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Seems like he uses chatgpt or something to re-write the descriptions and then adds his own paypal link.

looks that way, i have reported all the ones ive shared. will have to wait and see what happens.

remember that you can also report the whole user.

i have done that too

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Got a few taken down but most have been rejected

The scraper is also available here: HexScraper - Printbed scraper by steelcroissant - MakerWorld Apparently uploaded as an original, not as a remix.

Did you check the reasoning?

Some of mine also got “rejected” but only because they were already taken down by the time someone looked at my reports

I’m not a 100% certain but his might be ok to stay as he gives “proper credit” in the description. Could be wrong though