Repeat Copyright Offenders Should be Banned

I recently posted on the subreddit about someone cheating in the Fidget Toys contest by uploading a large amount of stolen models as their own.

Fortunately, all of their stolen models were taken down. However, I just found out that a month that same user had the same thing happen before.

Here’s my post about it yesterday: Reddit - Dive into anything

And here’s a post a month ago about the same person:

It is great that the stolen models were taken down very quickly, however, there’s no reason that that user (and other similar users) should be allowed to keep their account after so many offenses.

Will any further action be taken against these kinds of users?


It’s probably easier to keep track of them under the same name. Ban them and they’ll just come back with a new alias and a clean history.


I’m sure MakerWorld has IP addresses and can do a ban that way.

With the commonality of VPN services now it’s not that simple.


Better than nothing though, sure you can VPN but these people are repeat offending with no consequences and they don’t even have to try to avoid consequences at all

Not really suitable these days, not that many people have static IP addresses with IPv4 running out and anybody who cares about getting one most likely has a VPN or knows how to use a proxy.

Haha so it seems like the solution is to just do nothing because they might use a VPN? Not even worth it to make it harder for them to upload stolen models, so might as well let them continue to repeat the offenses without consequences

That’s not what was said. What was said is that trying to IP ban isn’t going to be a viable method.


Almost every other service out there uses IP bans and while they don’t solve everything they create actual barriers for people trying to circumvent rules. I feel it’s poor to rule out IP bans right away, especially when currently there’s no actions being taken to prevent repeat offenders

Millions of people sit behind some NAT or transparent proxy out of their control, for a starter. Did you think your phone has a static IP address while you roam around the world? Identifying a user by address isn’t a good solution and never will be. The fact that “almost every” service make stupid, futile and misguided decisions, if itrue at all, does not magically make those decisions better.

You’re all still missing the point, an IP Ban was one proposed solution. Just like everyone has said over and over, I know you can circumvent IP bans, but they don’t do nothing and can at least set a barrier compared to nothing at all. Other options are available too, but the main point is that people are allowed to repeatedly break the rules and face no consequences and something should be done about this.

I really don’t care how anything is implemented and just suggested one thing that has already worked as a barrier for services like Discord, they do some strict barriers for VPNs/IP Bans that actually work. For some reason though, y’all are locked on to the idea that IP Bans don’t work and so the move is to not do anything I guess? IP Ban or not, there should be barriers/repercussions for this kind of behavior.

Interestingly enough, the opposite seems to be the issue for some very creative and generous people such as Grumpy Ol Vet Printing. His material was flagged several times by someone who claimed copyright infringement from his OWN accounts on Thingiverse and Cults3d. (They did have different account names though so that was probably part of the problem.) These were his creations, not someone else’s. In other words, someone reported him for using his own creations that he had posted on his Thingiverse and Cults3d accounts previously under a different name. There needs to be better vetting of actual copyright infringement or at the very least, a way for the accused to have a say in the matter before their content is taken down and deleted. “Guilty until proven innocent” seems to be the Bambu way right now. Of course, I’m not talking about someone else stealing your material and claiming it for themselves. I’m talking about the “Karens” of the world thinking they are the copyright police because they’ve seen it somewhere else before and didn’t do their homework before reporting it. I do acknowledge that he should have at least linked his accounts to prevent this in the first place. But just an automatic delete when accused is not cool. We need the ability to dispute copyright violation claims


Even without VPN it won’t work. Most home internet users have an IP that changes so multiple people in a geographic area using the same internet company will sometimes have the same IP (at different times).

The internet company could figure out who used a specific IP at specific times, but that information is not public.

You could end up banning the wrong person when they get assigned the IP of a previously banned user. It may seem like an unlikely scenario with the large number of IP addresses out there and the relatively small number of users on one website, but I used to be a web programmer and from my experience I can tell you that it happens more often than you think it would.

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Beware original creators may be hurt that way too!

At least make it the same playing field. If you get caught with stealing someone’s design, you get strike’d and either permanently suspended or temporarily suspended. But what happens when you report models that are not copyright violations? Nothing? If they have to face the same consequences they would most likely think twice before starting to spam report. Might not be the best idea if its a serious concern, but people reporting others for public property and what not. People seem to have no idea of copyright work, lots of people think they owns the ip of public property just because they uploaded a model to a page. That is not the case.

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The same user who spam uploaded other peoples models is back with a new account (they shared on reddit with the same username), this time using stolen images:

They admit it after I called them out on it, but insist it’s fine to take other’s pictures. The pictures don’t even match the model fully, the model is a different shape than the pictures. So far, my reports haven’t done much it seems

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I reported him as well. Let’s see what happens.

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Thanks, that’s helpful, even with the clear admission, the MakerWorld support denied the copyright claim

Probably another example: Entry in trophy contest the original is Design on thingiverse Original creator: Santiago Pescador

I hate this so much, the lack of respect to others work and effort. Only because some petty “gift” cash can be earned.

I am personal intrigued by the mind process of poster in these things. I asked the original creator with a PM a question on Thingiverse about this, if the person there and the person here are the same, this question can be answered. :grin:

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As author and creator of a design you hold the rights to that single design, it has nothing to do with public domain ip or otherwise. A photographer can take photo’s from public places or say a beautiful Italian car, but still holds the author right of that single photo.

Someone else can off course also take this photo of that same car, but can NOT claim the photo from someone else as their own.

In translation: If you design a new chair, although there are million designs of chairs, that is still your design and can not be used 1:1 by anyone else without permission. Anybody can design a chair without a problem.