Replace the door to another side

How do I move the door mount to the right side?
To open to the right?

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Good question. Additionally, would love to be able to take the door off easily and put it aside.


was there ever any clear answer on this? I look at it and it doesn’t look possible - but I really hope it is.

Probably the easiest solution (not so easy actually) would be to print a frame thats the same dimensions as the glass door, have the hinge points on the other side and basically have a door the opens left or right

It would probably look ugly because it would stick out a bit from the original enclosure but it might look ok if someone is really good with Fusion

Wouldn’t be easy though


@milk Unfortunately, it’s not possible out of the box. I think BL should consider this for future designs. Refrigerators and washer machines/dryers have this capability and I can see it being useful in some situations.


Yes… I’m left-handed, and it’s not terrible, but a minor annoyance. I just have to be careful with moving my left hand around.

To move a door mount to open to the right:

  1. Remove the door and hinges.
  2. Attach hinges on the opposite side.
  3. Adjust the door frame if needed.
  4. Reattach the door on the right side.

I would be careful to inspect where the hall sensor is located, and how your going to route it to the other side (to detect door open\closed) if required.

I agree! I’d like an easy option to be able to remove and re-install the door at times. Easy on and easy off please!

I’m afraid we’d have to cut parts on the frame to switch the door side… :confused:

What they need to do is sell both left/right opening versions of the printers, that way customers can pick what best suits their workspace.

No, what they need to do is simply make the door reversible.

well either way would be nice, or even both so if they run out of the version you want you can just buy the other and switch it over or have them switch it over.

I’m lefthanded and have the printer on the right side of my desk. its a pain for me.