Retraction settings?

Hello everyone, I have very little experience with retraction settings and I have slowly increased the retraction from its default 30 up to 80 but I don’t seem to see any difference in the stringing between the letters on this data tag. Does anyone else have more experience or advise with retraction settings for reducing stringing?


30 to 80 sounds like you are talking about speed. Retraction length is much more significant than speed.

Best to mess with this with overrides in the filament profile. If more length doesn’t fix it you might try enabling wipe.

Damp filament can also cause stringing.

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Thank you very much for your kind response. I have no experience messing with retraction settings so you advise is extremely helpful… I have a filament dryer and have dried my filament before losing it into the AMS so that is not the culprit but I will change the length settings like you suggested and respond with my results

ChrisMuller - just visually, I’d also say look at drying the filament. If you’re new to drying, perhaps it’s worth considering if the temp/time was right?

How do you know what the defaults are? I see “override” but like, overriding from what to what?

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After 7 hours of trial and error… I Nailed IT!

This is the retraction settings I finished with and these are the results I achieved. Hope this helps someone in the future


They override the printer profile settings under extruder. I think, but, am not certain when you first check the override box the value from the printer profile is initially displayed.

It appears you’re right about the default showing up. I don’t remember seeing that before, either I missed it or it is an improvement. Either way, it helps me out, and thanks!

Hey, I have a slightly different problem, maybe you can point me in a different direction. Whenever the printer is supposed to retract & travel, instead of retracting it seems to be extruding and making a blob. I tried placing your retraction settings but it didn’t change anything. My only idea of the reason for this is a slight movement when you pull/push the PTFE tube. Maybe something there is broken

hi, do you still use these settings? What impact does that have on print speed etc.?


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Did you ever figure this out? If not, try starting with a fresh profile all around, from printer to print settings, and dont change anything. Try same model and see if you have same issues. Sometimes it can become an endless troubleshooting rabbit hole all because one setting was changed and you cant remember what you did. I always try to save versions of changes and number them so i can backtrack to figure out what I did. I make one change test then save the version, then repeat the process till I find good settings.


I figured out, the more you get away from the generic profile, the more you mess up things and limit the print speed.

The only things I change by now is the temps and flow rates for my prints. I leave the rest to generic settings and my prints are fine.

Totally this. Across 5 slicers, 8 machines and 10 years… Once something gets complicated enough I’ve either found a genuine bug or I’m just too far from defaults.
Or both.

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@vasilshterev Did you resolve the problem with the print blob? I have the same problem with glass filled nylon.
I suspect this is due to the default retraction “swirl” setting. I would like to try different settings.
Do you or others have a recommendation for settings change?
I have already changed the following per the supplier recommendation because there was so much excess material on the inside and outside of walls:

  1. Reduced acceleration parameters to 50% of original settings - wall, top layer, etc.
  2. Reduced flow setting from .95 to .75
  3. Running middle of nozzle temp range (250C)
  4. Slowed volumetric dispensing (mm^3) to 20

These changes have made a big improvement but need to eliminate that swirl blob.

Thanks all for the help!!

Hey Chris your post on retraction was a life saver


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I’m assuming the settings mentioned aren’t appropriate for a 0.04 nozzle. How do I go about determining the right settings?

Not sure if this will help, but I’ve been having this same issue with Bambu’s ASA-Aero. It’s an active foaming filament, which makes it very stringy. Lengthening the retraction didn’t seem to help the stringiness. Instead, it just creates blobs with each retraction now. I assume this is because the filament expands faster than it is being retracted, so lengthening the retraction distance only gives the filament more time to expand and “leak” out of the nozzle with each retraction (thus creating a blob).

Today, I believe I solved this issue. I lengthened the retraction to 2.5mm AND increase the retraction speed to 80mm/s. Now it has minimal stringing/blobbing with each retraction. My theory is that the longer retraction moves the filament out of the way to avoid stringing, and the faster retraction speed ensures the filament doesn’t have time to foam up and create a blob during retraction.

I don’t know if this will help with your filament, but this seems to have solved the issue for my active foaming ASA-Aero filament.