Howto avoid stringing during 3D Print

Hi guys,

did anyone mess with the retraction settings in the fillament options to avoid stringing?

I found this article and am currently doing some tests:

I am currently testing the retraction settings based on this post:

Any feedback or experience with these settings is appreciated!



Ahh damn it.

I tried the following settings, but still got strings as you can see below:

These are my settings for PETG on the textured plate with 0.6 noozle:

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Looking forward for any feedback how to improve. I assume that in my case its rather a temp problem.

According to the article I posted, strings can occur, if the temps are too high. I have exceeded the temps of the vendor extrudr by 10 degrees, hence I will reduce the noozle temps to 225 and see if this makes any changes.

Guten Tag…
Ein Freund und ich drucken ebenfalls mit Petg von Extrudr und zwar fast ausschlieĂźlich! :smile:
Naja eigentlich nutzen wir so ziemlich alle Filamente von Extrudr (haben eine top Quelle samt Hammer Preise).

Wir nutzen eigentlich das Generic Petg Profil, ohne groĂźartige Ă„nderungen. Ich habe die Halterung fĂĽr den AUX Ventilator damit sogar ohne stringing und auf Standard Geschwindigkeit gedruckt. Die Temperatur war glaube ich bei 240 Grad, mit der 0,4mm Nozzle.
Ich kann gern mal nachschauen wenn ich wieder zu Hause bin.
Allerdings druckst Du mit einer 0.6er Nozzle, das sollte passen von der Temperatur her. Dreh mal den flow runter auf 1.0
Könnte bereits daran liegen, bei mir liegt er sogar noch unter 1.0 glaube ich.

MfG Marcus

Hope google translate can fix that.

Wet PETG can cause this, along with insufficient retraction and Z hop.

Try bumping your Retraction length to 2m and leave the speed at 40mm/s.

Simple test to check your filament for moisture. From the setting screen on the x1, heat up the nozzle to the PETG temp, lower the z 20 or 30mm then extrude 2 or 4 mm of filament and watch what it does when it stops. If you hear popping during the extrusion and then one last pop or ooze when it stops, then your filament is a touch wet and needs to be dried.

If no popping, but oozes then you are dealing with too low heat and too much back pressure from the extruder trying to push cold filament through the nozzle. Bump your temp up 5* and try again.


Hi Liz!

Danke fĂĽr die ausfĂĽhrliche Antwort! Schau bitte nochmal in deinen settings, wenn du daheim bist. Ja meine ganze Wand ist voll mit Extrudr :joy:. PLA MX2, Biofusion und PETG. Kannst du mir deine Quelle fĂĽr Einkauf per Nachricht zusenden?


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What temps and duration should I use to dry it? For hour many hours?

Lots of different methods. Best to do a web search and see what will work best for you.

Buy a filament dryer,
Use a food dehydrator if you have one
Stick it in the oven for 4-6 hours at the correct temp for the filament - NOT PRINTING TEMP!
Toaster oven…

One individual uses his printer, but that while printing ASA/APS/PC when the chamber temps get to 50c or 60c for hours.

Filament drying in the X1 is a feature of the current firmware.

See Procedure and 3mf file for drying filament with the X1C printer | Bambu Lab Wiki

The suggested time and temperature are set when you select the filament type, but they can be changed. Check with the filament manufacturer for appropriate drying time/temperature recommendations.

I have two “wärmeschubladen” in my kitchen and can fit 2 filaments with 1 kg in each and control the temp from 30 to 90 degrees + timer on my phone :smiley:

Huh. I have skipped the last two firmware updates due to stability.

Hallo Marcus, ich habe bei einem 0.4 er Noozle Probleme mit dem ersten Layer bei PETG und 0.20 Layer Höhe:

Kannst du mal schauen, was bei Dir in den Filament Einstellungen im ersten Reiter steht?

Also hier:

ich hab den Flow jetzt auf 1.0 gestellt, siehe Screenshot oben. Vorher waren es 0.95

Flow Ratio to 1 was a game changer for me. It avoided messed up 1st layers for my prints! Thanks a lot.

I tried out using the Amazon Basics PLA filament instead of the normal BambuLab filament and experienced an enormous amount of stringing. When printing a whole bunch of thin objects there would be a thick web of plastic cobwebs between the pieces.

I instead tried adjusting a few settings and now there is noticeably less stringing. Here are the settings I changed:

Filament Settings → Setting Overrides → Z hop when retracting = 1.4mm
Filament Settings → Setting Overrides → Retraction Speed = 30 mm/s

Hope this helps!

That worked very well. Still have some small knobs. Have imperfections but all the strings are gone. So far I’m not impressed with the X1 C I only have had it a week and over 75% of my prints have come out bad, still have alot to figure out. Not like Prusa where it was basically set it and forget it.