Rise of the "Available for a Limited Time" models

It seems there is a new trend, or a rise of number of models that claim to be available for a limited time. Some call for users to download now while the model is available before it’s moved to another platform or patreon, etc. Some simply claim limited time availability without further explanation.

I am neither for nor strongly against this marketing tactics, but can @MakerWorld clarify if it is allowed? If it is then please make it clear so everyone knows this is an option to raise visibility of one’s models, whether they are here in MW or on another platform.


They did do a System Announcement back on 2024-01-08 that described that as being against the guidelines.

5、Privilege: Terms like “exclusive,” “privileged,” “limited,” etc., can mislead users into thinking that the model or profile has special rights or benefits.

It’s not specifically spelled out in the guidelines though, which I can see as being confusing.


I guess it depends on how you interpret it. From how I read it, the intent was that they didn’t want any kind of language used that would be used to make people give extra engagement to a model or profile that is outside the norm. You can read the full announcement below in its totality to see that It doesn’t specifically highlight that it’s only targeting Bambu/MakerWorld IP.

Announcement Summary

Dear MakerWorld Community,

Based on our review and assessment, we have found that some models or profiles uploaded on our platform contain misleading vocabulary and misleading images, which violate our usage policies and guidelines. We value user opinions and feedback and are committed to maintaining a fair, accurate, and trustworthy platform.

To solve this problem, we request that you modify the model content or profile content within 5 days, and delete or replace words and images that contain misleading content.
Please note that if you do not make modifications within the stipulated time, we will remove the violating model or profile after 5 days.

Model or profile contains misleading content:
1、Fast: Words like “fast,” “quick,” “instant,” etc., may mislead users into believing that the model or profile has a faster printing speed.
2、Comparative: Terms like “better,” “faster,” “more economical,” etc., can lead to user confusion and unfair competition.
3、Guarantee: Words such as “guaranteed,” “assured,” “certified,” etc., may mislead users into thinking that the model or profile provides unconditional guarantees or certifications.
4、Superlative: Expressions like “best,” “top,” “number one,” etc., may mislead users into believing that the model or profile is the best or most superior.
5、Privilege: Terms like “exclusive,” “privileged,” “limited,” etc., can mislead users into thinking that the model or profile has special rights or benefits.
6、Misleading descriptions: Words like “official,” “official account,” “verified,” etc., can mislead users into thinking that the account, model, or profile is associated with an official or certified entity.
7、Misleading logos: For example, using official logos like “bambu,” “bambu lab,” “bambu recommend,” etc, without proper authorization can mislead users and create false trust.
8、Other characters: For example, using misleading uppercase letters, emojis, or other characters.

We highly value your feedback and your dedication to the MakerWorld community. If you have any additional concerns or suggestions about this update or any other aspect of our platform, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to listen and continuously enhance the MakerWorld experience for all our users.

Best regards,

The MakerWorld Team

In a stricter sense, these people are violating the user agreement by trying to manipulate downloads by making people believe it’s only there for a limited time.

We have reasonable grounds to believe that you have caused or encouraged inaccurate measurements of genuine user engagement with the Services, such as by paying people or providing incentives to increase a user content’s views, likes, ratings, or to increase subscribers, downloads, otherwise manipulate metrics in any manner; We have reasonable grounds to believe that you have caused or encouraged inaccurate measurements of genuine user engagement with the Services, such as by paying people or providing incentives to increase a user content’s views, likes, ratings, or to increase subscribers, downloads, otherwise manipulate metrics in any manner;


So, the question becomes…

Are limited available models allowed on MW if the user intends to remove them after a short period?

Simply stating it and not going through with the removal is against the rules.

This is likely to deter misleading statements only.

From the designer’s perspective, I assume their objective (as stated already) is to allow a freely downloadable timeframe after which the model leaves MW and goes behind a paywall.

As a practical matter, it’s not feasible for MW to track if these limited availability models really only show up for a limited period. First of all, there is no clear definition of “limited time”. Secondly, no one is tracking. I once saw a model that listed as 48-hours-only was still there a week later. If any of these models are put into private for a day and have the phrase about limited availability removed and then put back into public, no one will notice.

So it really comes down to if models can be advertised as available for a limited time only. If yes, then MW should say so, and as more people doing it, it will lose the edge and will eventually go away. If no, then these models should be taken down now to provide a more level playing field.


I know of one limited-time model by a very reputable designer that was blocked today because it had “time-limited” written on the main image.

The difference with this one is it was time-limited due to the nature of the model and the specific 'time-limited" national holiday it celebrated, it had nothing to do with later being pulled to go behind a firewall.

Unfortunately, it got caught up and penalised in the wish to clean up those who are gaming the system.

I am sure there is a way to celebrate without calling it a limited-time offer.

Personally I am fine with whatever decision MW makes. If this marketing tactic is allowed, then within a short period of time, many models will show up carrying the limited-time offer label. It will lose its edge quickly anyway.

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Humans keep amazing me with how devious some are and how they will do anything to cheat, scratch and claw for a few bucks.

One unfortunate way to fix it would be to stop giving credits for downloads.


Next up…

FIRST 1,000 limited downloads only!



Neither one of us will trigger that one, at least not yet.

Thangs’ whole front page and most of the site is these. They annoy me personally.

sadly, newer users (a minority, but mostly newer users) of 3d printing have changed the face of free exchange, and helpful exchange, of data and designs. I’ve been 3d printing for 5 years. Pre-covid. the designs shared up to about 2 years ago were more detailied in description. showed actual prints of the model (versus “here’s a design”), and the goal of posting was not for a monetary reward, but to help other s and get constrctive help in return. anyway, just an observation


An accurate one, I believe.

That’s actually a good idea! ahahhah! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Now it’s your fault! You gave this idea! :laughing:

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In my opinion, I believe i understood whose @MalcTheOracle is talking about and of course “pride” and “fourth july” might be the reason for “limited time” in that case.
In my case instead, I simply put models in private if I need to do something with them. i didn’t give any big announcement…But actually, isn’t it better to let people know that, if they want it for free, they should hurry?
Maybe that’s more thoughtful than doing as I do?
At least one knows…
From an artist point of view…the models we created are our models, we can add them, remove them, put them for sale, etc…if you do it in an etic way should never be a problem…


A very popular flight simulation add-on site decided to control how creators managed their files by trying to claim ownership. Many creators pulled their files and the site lost huge traffic, got a bad reputation, etc. What they were doing was in response to some pulling models occasionally and user complaints, but also almost a control/power grab.

Unfortunately, there are always those who push the limits for personal advantage. They force knee-jerk reactions and overly restrictive rules. As many tend to say, this is why we can’t have nice things. The whole rewards program has been nice but the unscrupulous are doing everything they can to get the whole program shut down. I am quite sure there is growing backlash inside Bambu for all the headaches the program has caused them dealing with scammers and abusers - and we get caught up in that. The scammers just move to their next target.

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You are right. If there are easy advantages there will be always both etic and honest people working to get them and on the other side scammers that will try to get all that they can using unethic and dishonest ways. This takes to bad situations mostly for the honest people…
The scammers just move on, they don’t care

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After reading this whole thread I would like to announce that all my models are now “100% satisfaction guaranteed or double your money back!”.


I think people who want to be paid for designs is fine, but I do not want to “SUBSCRIBE” to a monthly fee for ANYONE. I prefer that we all share things, and foster/advance hobbyist design and engineering as a community of like-minded people. The owner of Thangs is who you should thank for this model. His entire purpose for creating Thangs was to create an algo to discern unique 3-D designs and impose copyright/patents infringement lawsuits on violators, as well as, protect any designs uploaded on their site from being uploaded to competitors. It’s a problem we always face in the maker space. Someone has a great idea, creates a new technology, and someone else will always want to control and profit from it. MakerWorld will NOT be any different in the end, it will end up just like Thangs.

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I am amazed by the reasons people around here complain! After downloading someone’s work for free, they also complain about the sky being blue and the wind blowing! If this is a marketing scheme, who cares? As long as you get to download the files, you should say THANK YOU and go about your day!

I remember the day I stopped publishing on Thingiverse for free. Someone started complaining that one of my designs had a ‘left-hand’ thread instead of a ‘right-hand’ thread. I asked them to mirror the plug connecting to that thread, and the problem was solved. I had over 200 designs, and I deleted my account.

To balance the ‘bad days,’ I have people who stop and thank me for my work. One guy told me that he made a Thingiverse account just to come and say THANK YOU!

If I sell a design on Etsy and have a sale for only 24 hours, and then in the next 24 hours when the sale expires, I have another sale for the same product, what is this to you? Is this a marketing strategy? Probably…

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