It would be fantastic to have the option to schedule the start time of a 3D print. This could be particularly helpful in scenarios where I slice a model in the evening but want the print to start the next morning at a specific time (e.g., 8:00 when I leave for work). This way, users can plan their prints to coincide with their schedules, ensuring that the printer starts when it’s most convenient.
Or for workshops and offices, the ability to initiate a print after everyone has left for the day would be great. This feature could allow prints to be executed during non-working hours, such as overnight, reducing the impact on daytime activities.
This option could be added in the Slicer in the dropdown menu: Could be something between “Print Plate” and “Send” for example: “Scheduled Print” and the in the slice window you set the date and time:
If you include the right number of G4 S99 commands at the start of your print then I think you can get it to hold off on starting the print (or get it to pause in the middle)l
It would be possible to write a script to add the commands automatically too.
I wonder if it’s easier to automate the key strokes to send a print from Studio at a certain time.
Shift+Clt+G Prints a plate
Tab through the “Send a Print Job” window to the “Send” button
I think my main concern is that automating sending a print means that there is a much higher chance of you returning to a printer that looks like this.
You can’t schedule anything. But since Handy is connected to the printer of WI-FI, you don’t have to be home to start a print.
I forgot the fact that at this time, you cannot see the SD Card in the A1 Mini.
I did some searching and found that the way you do it is you send the print to the printer, then once it starts heating the bed, you cancel the print. Then you can access it in your print history in Handy later when you want it to start.
The good thing about this approach is you will be aware when it starts and are more likely to remember to look at the camera to verify things are printing well if it’s a part you’re not sure of yet.
I too would find this super useful! Even though I work from home, my personal pc is across the room I know I can get distract easily since its in a car sim cockpit, so I dont end up printing til im off work. Would be ideal if I could schedule prints and possibly have a queue of prints and just tap a button on screen when I clear the bed or change filament to start the next print… @BambuLab
Thank you, you are right, iam new to the community, but i red the releasenotes.
Still iam not sure, if queuing is posible, seems more like a parallel processing for same jobs. So you can print 1 thing on 1…6 printers, which I dont need, iam not a printer farm.
I’ve thought about this implementation and could see it being tethered with the new [Multi Device] page in the future. But first we would need a way to ensure build plate were cleared before hand.
Other printer companies are starting to use AI within their systems now and I’m noticing new features like FLSun’s S1. They’re using Lidar as well now and state a [Debris Detection] which doesn’t really go further into detail but based on the X1C’s hardware I don’t see why the camera or LiDar could’nt as of now detect a print on the bed even using the for sensors [which detect the slightest forces already] would be suitable enough if tapped against the top of a print throwing off the homing which triggers a “Obstruction Detected” alarm.
Just my theory and 2 cents but I like the start time thought
i mean, you can just use the camera, to detect anything on the buildplate, because thats all in common with the P1S and X1C. The printer might “learn” the inside of your printer and from then on, nothing expept maybe the smooth plate should work really good
While it’s not possible to schedule a print, what you CAN do, using the Home Assistant integration http/s://, is start a print, and immediately pause it, scheduling it to resume later:
First, add a date_time helper called “Pause Print Until Time”
Now you have a nice little button then when you pause it:
Sets a time
Pauses the machine
Turns off the cooling fan
Waits until the time
Turns on the fan
Resumes the print
It has a few failsafes in case you previously resumed it, it automatically clears the time once set, and it will default to midnight, but you can adjust however you want.
This lets me start a print, make sure the first layer is good, then pause it until we’re all asleep in the house and have it be done in the morning. Works great!
When you go to send your print to the printer, change from “Send” to “Export plate sliced file” save this to your desktop & copy to the SD card (models folder) or just save direct to the SD card. Open up Handy, select Devices, select the 3 horizontal lines in top right corner, select MicroSD Card & from there you can select your sliced file & start print.
Are you looking for a timedelay to start the print? If so, I don’t think that is possible at this point.
The way that I previously described allows you to start a print remotely via the Bambu Handy app on mobile phone