There is some limited support to view the SD Card in the slicer.
One needs to go into the device menu. However, it is extremely limited in what it can do.
One needs to be in version 1.05 firmware for the P1. The X1 has much better support. Personally, 1.05 is too buggy for me so I rolled back to the 1.04 addition. SD support was the whole reason I upgraded to 1.05 and I regretted it immediately due to the instability of the LAN-only connection.
You may find that there is a much more flexible method to manage the SD card from your PC. Bambu supports FTP. With FTP you you can manipulate everything on the SD card as well as download the time lapse videos to your local system much easier.
Here’s a how-to post on that.
Link to the how-to
Although the how-to post focuses on the Free Filezilla FTP utility, I abandoned Filezilla in favor of the open source WinSCP. I was forced to do this after their devs got overly-aggressive/arrogant and wouldn’t allow you to use the utility without forced upgrades. This was forced on the user despite the fact there was a check box that said “Don’t check for upgrades”. The devs stated on their support forum that there is now a timer baked-in that forces upgrades no matter what and if you don’t like that, tough luck. You can’t even block it because it’s hard-coded into the software. They even removed previous versions that one used to be able to download that didn’t have this. That’s a dicked-move in my view by forcing the user to consume your latest labor-of-love. Fortunately there are better options. It’s also contrary to the open-source ethos of live-and-let-live.
So instead of Filezilla, I have been using open-source WinSCP which actually turns out to be a much better experience. So I have to thank the Filezilla folks for forcing me to find a better alternative.