Send to printer fails

I just noticed I can’t “Send” a print using beta fw and Studio beta. Printing works fine, and the device tab is fully functional with video and all. But sending G-Code for later printing fails every time:

Can anyone else confirm or deny this real quick? I’m currently printing so can’t power cycle and retry. NOTE that it does work perfectly fine using Orca Slicer!

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It seems you aren’t alone:

At the time, I found no similar issue on the Git page. But maybe it was still early.

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Thanks but that seems to be a different issue. Meanwhile I have not only power cycled but also upgraded to fw and Studio, and the problem remains. I can not send a print to the printer’s SDC from Bambu Studio, it immediately fails as shown before. Using Orca, it swiftly sends the file without a problem. I’ll open a GitHub issue.

Edit: Can't "Send" a print to printers SDC · Issue #3847 · bambulab/BambuStudio · GitHub

This bug is still present in and I really hope you’re not going to release it without a working send function?