Should there be a maximum model upload limit per day/week?

I’ve noticed more and more point farming profiles starting to really flood makerworld with models. Christmas Gingerbread Man by luke - MakerWorld this one most recently caught my eye - they are uploading several hueforges each day. They are neat prints when you look at them individually… but with how easy it is to do this sort of thing it makes it harder (IMO) to have to sift through hundreds of hueforges and generative AI models that people are uploading.

So it makes me wonder - should makerworld consider some sort of daily or weekly limit to the number of new models a user can upload? The goal would be to increase overall quantity of the models being uploaded, and discourage flooding makerworld with thousands of similar models to play the points game.


I understand the wish, I have my concerns though.

  1. Are you hoping MakerWorld is only welcoming to those who have existing talent in design?
  2. Do you wish to exclude those who have yet to refine their skills?
  3. You understand that one person’s ‘flooding’ is another person’s income stream?
  4. Subjectively you hope to limit those gaming the system rather than objectively only targeting those who are rather than those eager to upload.

What would be this daily/weekly cap?

I have uploaded 620+ models since February, let’s call that 36 weeks. That is just over 17 models a week or just over 2 a day. Is this too many?

My earlier work wasn’t great. Over time and with the help of my followers and those that choose to download and print my work, I know more about what works and can be successful. I wouldn’t have that knowledge if I had to gain 100% of my skill before ever releasing a model. None of my models have been of poor quality, but, some are definitely simpler than the more recent models.

I do not make models only to be successful, I make models I want to, knowing they will only be printed once or twice. I make models that please me. It is great if they also please others.

I have a set of models going up today and tomorrow which only a few people will get the joke and only some other will print them. I don’t care, I find the idea behind them funny. Should those be blocked?

Wanting to stop those who game the system shouldn’t stop those who wish to profit from the system legitimately and following all the rules set down. Nor should it stop people like me who make things they find interesting. It certainly shouldn’t stop those learning as they go.

I agree with your goal, I do not think this is the solution.


I don’t want to limit new people from learning for sure, and I guess it’s less about quality and more about so many very similar models being uploaded. It’s hard to draw a line in the sand though I get that.

Recently I think it was said that the only limit is 99 uploads per day. I doubt we’ll ever see anything beyond that and it’s been brought up many times on this forum. (generally its in relation to a 2d/hueforger going wild, lol)

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There is one at 100:

I hit it somewhat recently editing profile descriptions/photos.


The way to “solve” this is to be able to mute/omit certain items. I, like many others, do not care for somebody’s hueforge or lithopane. I know how to create them - if I print one, It’ll be one I’ve made for myself. At the same time I wouldn’t mind seeing things like lithopane holders (I have one on my “to print” list since I do plan on making couple lithopanes) Ideally I’d mute all 2d and ai generated models :slight_smile:


can you help me understand this profile? Doesn’t appear to even be the model the OG uploaded. I guess I’m missing something?

It seems the same model but just cutoff to have only 3 housings instead 7.

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Exactly. I wanted a 3 chambered one and figured someone else might want a shorty version as well.

This was rather annoying when modifying models imagery and descriptions when getting ready for the exclusive program entry as artwork was hidden under the icon placement.

Yeah, sometimes you know you only need three days worth as time is running out and adding a forth days worth of pills is optimistic at best.



I like these, that’s my review, I printed it last night. To find his stuff I generally have to search Luke, because when I’m looking for it, it won’t show up …

dude…lova ya…


Personally i think all hueforge is low hanging fruit, low effort ■■■■ and should not be allowed in contests… funny thing is i saw my feed flooded yesterday with this same persons ■■■■ too, i was trying to find ways to block it since he didnt use any hueforge tags which i have blocked, all i could do is block the word christmas and bauble for the time being, as all his seemed to be the same theme. They need a “block or mute account” feature as I have zero interest in 2d printing and it just hinders my search for quality models.

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I have a sneaking suspicion an ongoing hf’er is about to rebirth their 700+ models for the third time (under a new name “I’m new here”). Overnight their catalogue disappeared hmmm…


Just a toggle to turn off Hueforge from ever showing up would be nice :slight_smile:


Oh no, not the master… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think there should be a limit for model posts until users hit various milestones that gradually up their limits.

Someone has to be inconvenienced and most new people won’t be wanting or needing to post a deluge of models.

Those coming here with a bunch of models in tow will have to slog through to migrate them but there could even be manual intervention and requests to customer service.

But the big one would be for Bambu to just train enough people to actually vet models in.

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With your spinners do you ever have issues from makerworld they are too similar?

I have designs going upload. which pretty similar. and most likely place into groups of 4.

But seeing


is it better to give each one its own profile?

Did you read the descriptions or print them?

They may look similar, but, that doesn’t mean they are similar.

This category of Spinners is actually gyros and spinners. The underlying mechanism that produce the spins is very different and for very different audiences. Those who enjoy gyros generally do not like spinners, the reverse is often true.

Where you must be thinking the colour as the difference, it is the way the sections are connected to each other and how those movements work. All explained in the descriptions, the info image and the experience of using them had you printed each.

There are also purists that do not like any free-spinning sections.

Would you consider a zebra and a horse to be the same thing just because they look alike?

These are two very different models whose appearance are similar. These are not identical models with two different colours schemes. If you went into each models you will see each has 7 different print profiles for colour schemes.

This is what they wrote to me the other day.

[We] noticed your Fidget Spinner models were popular in our platform. We want to know more of your story.

You tell me, does this sound like a company who thinks I have miss-categorised my gyros and spinners.

You realise these same models are featured models on the platform, they make that determination manually. It wasn’t as a result of winning a contest either. It was meritoriously awarded.

They are different models, if they were the same then profiles would be used, like I do, in each and every design I create.


It sounds like a company that wants to get on your good side so you won’t bring light to their sneaky sales and poor logistics policies :smile: . But if they really are interested and feature you or do a “creator spotlight” you do deserve it.