Did you read the descriptions or print them?
They may look similar, but, that doesn’t mean they are similar.
This category of Spinners is actually gyros and spinners. The underlying mechanism that produce the spins is very different and for very different audiences. Those who enjoy gyros generally do not like spinners, the reverse is often true.
Where you must be thinking the colour as the difference, it is the way the sections are connected to each other and how those movements work. All explained in the descriptions, the info image and the experience of using them had you printed each.
There are also purists that do not like any free-spinning sections.
Would you consider a zebra and a horse to be the same thing just because they look alike?
These are two very different models whose appearance are similar. These are not identical models with two different colours schemes. If you went into each models you will see each has 7 different print profiles for colour schemes.
This is what they wrote to me the other day.
[We] noticed your Fidget Spinner models were popular in our platform. We want to know more of your story.
You tell me, does this sound like a company who thinks I have miss-categorised my gyros and spinners.
You realise these same models are featured models on the platform, they make that determination manually. It wasn’t as a result of winning a contest either. It was meritoriously awarded.
They are different models, if they were the same then profiles would be used, like I do, in each and every design I create.