Should there be a maximum model upload limit per day/week?

Sorry. Was not complaining just wondering if they said anything as they are similar.

Not sure what’s best for own models, (not uploaded yet) if upload per model or place into sets. mainly stamp shapes.

Leaning on set depending on how many i can fit in single image.

If you are talking about rubber stamps, the rules would likely require different profiles as the model change is the caption rather than any other part of the mechanism.

Feel free to reach out to me using the message feature here or a DM in MakerWorld and I would be happy to give you advice based on my experience.

Check out whole thread here:

Recently we’ve discussed best approach for multi-model, single model multiple print profiles, and single model single print profile multiple plates options and where to use which.

I think one suggestion will be missing. Makerworld provides one model upload space per account. You list all your models in the description. You upload each model as a print profile, where you can also use several plates for variations and extensions to this one model. This is possible because a print profile not only contains the print settings (which would be more space-saving), but also contains the complete model.

I just thought a certain logic through to the end …

i’m sorry if you don’t like my hueforges il stop uploading them if that’s what everybody wants maker world already ban me for a month.

I’m not sure why you got banned for a month, but checking out your models, those are some really impressive artworks. If people are downloading and printing and getting the same results as your photos I can’t see the problem.

I’ve made a few half-hearted attempts at creating Hueforges only to be left frustrated and giving up. You seem to have the process nailed down. Maybe not in this thread, but would love to see a post on your process and tips.

Why has MW banned you? I haven’t seen anything that would be a reason. Have they stated a reason?

As for uploading hueforges - I’m fine with them being uploaded and I think many users were OK with printing them. I’d just like to have a way to be able to filter them out from my browsing. Ideally I’d like to be able to filter out anything… imagine say being X1 user and seeing flood of items for A1, I bet X1 users would like to filter out A1-only items.

In the settings page you can block tags and entire categories if you want. It’s not perfect but it works well enough to keep stuff you don’t want to see out of your way.

If they were actual human-made artwork, yes that would be impressive. These are all just generative AI artwork though. It takes mere seconds to make them, at an infinite scale.

Then simply drop it into Hueforge (it converts images to 3d printable files) and a few seconds later you have another model to upload to makerworld etc.

I’m not blaming the users doing this even though. They are generally adhering to the ‘rules’ makerworld has in place now. The point of this thread was to point out that the guidelines should probably be updated to prevent the increasing number of users flooding makerworld with hundreds/thousands of low effort AI generated models.

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I use AI as part of my flow when creating hueforge prints. I will say, yes, there is a lot of low effort creations out there. Especially the black and white ones which are so easy to do. I try to be creative with mine, adding color and further working on the output the AI creates via image editing until I am satisfied. Hueforge can be incredibly difficult once you start messing with colors. I generally spend 5-6 hours per hueforge I create, its time consuming but I think the effort creates something more worthwhile.

I guess all i’m trying to say is there are definitely those of us out there who do try to elevate what a hueforge can be, we just get lost in the swamp of low effort stuff.

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Totally - and I have no problem with hue forges in general, they can be really neat and especially for people new to 3d printing many had no idea you could 3d print essentially flat artwork so it’s a cool realization.

Just pulling the thread back to center though - the topic and impetus behind this thread was posing the question of whether or not there should be some sort of limit to how many new models any user could upload within some set period of time.

I still think something like this would be a good idea because it would encourage those people who are currently mostly focusing on quantity to slow down and consider quality as well.

For example, we have something like this in the contests today. You can only enter 5 models. It forces everyone to consider which are their ‘best’ 5 models to put forward, and prevents any one user from flooding the contest with models (regardless of quality)

Now imagine if each week you could only upload 5 new models (ignore how this might get cheated for a moment). Most users would never come close to this limit, but it would force anyone regardless of how much time they spend creating something to consider which models might be most valued by the MW users.

I’d love to see them experiment with that and see what happens.

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Thanks! I do love the idea of an upload limit - it would be interesting from a data perspective to see what the average is across the userbase with the removal of major outliers so we don’t get a skew. You definitely nailed it with the quality over quantity as the major point.

I could potentially see an issue for people who are mass migrating from another platform to MW. I don’t know how often that occurs, but that limit could cause some headaches - however these are things I know MW could figure out.

Overall though I like this thread, there are some great ideas and I hope MW is taking note on what they may be able to do. Shoring up the low effort stuff is a major effort and I know every platform has issues, but it could set MW apart from others if they can figure this out.

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I think if there was upload throttling put in place, it would make sense to do it by print time rather than profile count. There are only 168 hours in a week. If they want to make sure creators are uploading tested profiles then it makes sense to limit them to uploading 168 hours worth of profile print hours per week.

The first argument would be for creators saying they have multiple printers. Since their device is registered to their account, it should be relatively straight forward to then allow 168 hours per registered machine.

The second argument would probably be something along the lines of people claiming they crank up their print speeds. Cool. Put those settings in the print profile so it is optimized for everyone.

The third argument would be from people that missed uploading and want to upload their prints from last week and this week or those new to MW wanting to migrate an existing library of models. It could work similar to boosts where you are awarded hours each week but they also expire so you can’t accumulate weeks and weeks of hours and then flood the uploads. They could also start new accounts with a set amount of hours. This also takes the pressure off creators of getting their week of uploads out there so they can spend a bit more time polishing it.

I’m sure there would be a myriad of other arguments against it, people that want to just put models out there or maybe don’t have a BL printer yet or they created a model for a friend who printed it. I would propose don’t make it a hard limit that prevents them from uploading, but do make it so any profiles uploaded after going over your limit doesn’t earn points. This would remove the incentive for point farmers uploading excessive amounts of models and encourage users to upload their best quality print profiles first.

One last thing I would add in as a feature to encourage users maintaining older uploads is any updates replacing existing profiles would only use up the difference in print times that go over the original.

That’s an interesting angle but to me at least it’s just way more complicated to set up a system based on printing time, and also it really wouldn’t do anything to slow down people uploading tons of quick prints. Either way though thanks for sharing your perspective and ideas.

I think people that are importing from other sites could possibly get a pass but at the cost of not getting representation in the New model feed? They still are catalogued and searchable but not as a newly released model.

The Maker who releases one model a month is always at the mercy of the bulk upload cycles and must literally toss the coin when to release theirs. Having a daily cap would go a little way to make if fair for all in my opinion.

makerworld did not expect this behavior to be happening, and i agree with you the flooding of uploads, wither was hue forge or AI generated models, or even seasonal items such christmas and halloween is pretty annoying to see it flooding the website, people who spends time on designing rather using software easy aid will be more upset than happy (as i do too).

so far i would want to suggest limit too, but even if the limit was 5 uploads daily it will be also flooded, and you cannot limit to 1 upload per day, because i sometimes prepare 2 or 3 designs, print them, photoshoot session all together so i don’t have to put the photoshoot setup multiple times, also the upload process need the focus to post correctly so i do that in a single day sometimes.

now that out of the way, the flooding issue is already brought to moderators attention on a post i made couple of days, and we are waiting to see what they will do about it (AI designs flooding the website).

regarding the seasonal flooding (christmas and halloween) i can’t think of anything currently can help with that, but as a creator try avoiding publishing hard work from october 1st till after christmas because it will be buried under all the rapid uploads of seasonal items.

i will be bring up a topic regarding the contests pages, because that is getting out of hand as well, i’m doing a close study to figure out and suggest solutions for that issue as well (yet it’s also about the flooding / rapid upload in a way).

for the meantime, you hang tight and lets see what the developers will do about flooding in general.

Oh no, that doesn’t really work - can only block top-level categories and can’t block combination of tags&categories… So if I don’t want hueforges but want hueforge easel, then I’m out of options…

Indeed and the solution to that could be implementing something similar to Discourse (the soft running this forum) “trust levels” (and allowing for lifting for things like importing models from 3rd party when moving over). I’m sure for some people 5 models/week is waaaaay too much they could live with 1/month, but at the same time there might be prolific creators with actual decent models that can churn out couple good models per day. Make it so that users could “build up” their limits and it’ll be better than “5 per week is good for everybody” (also make it so that guidelines violations also ding the “trust level” and so limits)

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too many people downloading my hueforges messing up the algorithm :man_shrugging: ive stop uploading for a while

Hey there, once again I’ve joined the topic late but I’ve done my best to catch up

I think one model a day is pretty fair to be honest, you still have the opportunity of 365 models in a year, which is still massive amount of design work for a full time modeler

And while I think this may hurt the occasional stellar designer, it will definitely be a hindrance to people abusing the platform

I’d even opt for 5 a week

Who knows, it may even promote more set drops as opposed to individual items of a set

As an example my clickey cupz and cupcake are part of a collection I’ve been drip feeding called Clickey Cafe, I’d love to have dropped a set of cakes, cups, then accessories as three separate drops, but I upload infrequently enough for there never to be an issue with spamming


I think a once per day limit sounds reasonable, it would be hard to exceed that with quality models. But a limit per week is maybe more user friendly. For instance:

I want to upload two models to MW that are quite similar but also sooo very different in print and assembly ease on one side and final product on the other. I would like to upload them simultaneously and link to one another to direct users in the right direction for their preferred design:

So having a once per day limit would obstruct that. I also design models throughout the week, but photographing and editing is mostly in the weekends. And I also understand that some creators like to upload their model on fixed days/times.

That all said, a limit (or another way to detect spam) sounds very welcome, every upload gets buried within minutes on the platform it seems.

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