Single AMS system

Having raised several topics on this subject the general consensus is that it would be a great upgrade. Due to the fact that the AMS apparently will not print TPU the only method is to print a Y-Splitter and manually feed it. I am sure that Bambu could design a single AMS unit that could stand remotely to the printer allowing a user to easily add TPU/TPE materials.
The commercial advantage to Bambu would be immense as they would sell a lot more hubs and give users and prototypers the capability quickly swap spools of various materials from the side or front of the machine.
Let’s say for example it was called the “SAMS” (Single AMS) and it was a single spool unit in a switchable heated container thus allowing to dry the filament. It was detected by the software as with the current AMS. It may need greater tolerances to cope with TPU and by what I have read an easier method of unblocking. Bear in mind that if this unit was available I am sure it would be very popular as users that went for the cheaper option of the X1 Carbon could upgrade as they can afford it to a hub and up to 4 single units as they can afford. I myself would definitely purchase 2 in addition to my current AMS…


The problem with TPU is that pushing flexible filament through a PTFE tube (and retracting it) causes friction and binding. Any external (automatic) feeding source is going to suffer from this same problem. Its not the multiple spools in the AMS that cause the issue (although going through yet another PTFE path doesn’t help) its the physics of feeding that filament all the way to the extruder (and pushing it in with enough force to part the gears). The longer the run, the more difficult this is and each time you have a filament change its yet another chance for failure.

The TL;DR is that your success or failure with TPU will not change with an AMS that has fewer rolls.

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The problem with TPU is that pushing flexible filament through a PTFE tube (and retracting it) causes friction and binding.

Oh my, that’s sounds totally impossible. Except what we currently do manually when using the external spool holder is… wait for it… pushing flexible filament through a PTFE tube (and retracting it). :wink: And I haven’t failed in doing so as of yet.

An AMS (single or not) that can handle TPU will just need more “feel” than the current AMS, and more logic for dealing with whatever we as humans almost subconsciously deal with when we do it manually (eg. I always sense some minor obstacle in my Y-splitter when feeding TPU, but always quickly get past it with some gut-feeling-driven wiggle that I would be unable to describe with words).

Perhaps the filament should be fed using rubber wheels of some certain optimal hardness/softness. Perhaps there should be just another sensor and/or feeder-helper in the hub. Perhaps something I can’t think of right now. But I rest assured it’s not impossible.

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It’s great that it works for you and your setup; but it will not work for most people and most setups (which is the bar that is needed to be supported by a company). The AMS is already finicky when it comes to retraction and feeding of filament. It is actually pretty easy to get it to fail to retract even Bambu Basic PLA; something I found out recently. If you put a loop in the PTFE tube (especially if its a little longer than the standard one) then the added friction of pulling it through that loop will often cause it to give up.

If you have the right TPU, and the right setup, and the stars align, it will certainly work for you, which is why the setting should not be locked out, just disabled by default.

That right there is the kicker. When its actively monitored, we can easily give it the nudge it needs (that’s what I did for my PLA issue until I realized why it was happening); but the current system is not capable of this. Its not an unsolvable problem if there was enough demand, but just reducing the roll count to one won’t solve it.

It’s great that it works for you and your setup

That what works? Manually loading TPU?

but it will not work for most people and most setups

What will not work? You seem to be replying to things no-one said.

The AMS is already finicky
the current system is not capable of this

That is what we want to fix. Your quest seems to be to mute the discussion :man_shrugging:

just reducing the roll count to one won’t solve it.

No-one said it would. OTOH it could be the case that a system capable of handling TPU would be too complex and/or expensive if also capable of more than a single roll. That depends on how the TPU problem is overcome.

Anyway I’ve had similar thoughts: Some kind of KISS design that could handle TPU, ideally even read RFID for that spool. In cooperation with the current style AMS it would make for 5x (or 9/13/17x) auto loading, of which one can be TPU. I like the idea.

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You are right, I misread your post. I apologize. I have seen a lot of posts that claim because they managed to get TPU to work, in their specific setup, that invalidates the physics of TPU and bowden/reverse bowden tubes and therefore should work reliably for everyone. You did not make this claim, I missed the point where you mentioned manual.

That was actually the original posters suggestion.

I would love for the AMS to support TPU with some kind of official mod, I don’t have room to use the manual/non-AMS feeding method on the printer, so oversized rolls, and unsupported filaments are a huge hassle.

Def. Yes - AMS is the biggest plus point but also by far the biggest weak point of Bambulab (as well as network interface and permanent lidar control to reduce man-hours and the all in one package). An AMS with a single coil that can handle TPU would also be extremely interesting to me. It would certainly make dealing with abrasive materials much easier too.


That the Bambu Lab AMS Hub can not handle something like a 1 or 2 Spool AMS light or any other solution is still not found by bypassing the AMS HUB by somthing like the “The Smoothy Mount” by showing up with a A1…?

Leads my immediately to the following point: The asked prices musst by massively higher rated on all products in my purchasing decisions. Since I unfortunately have to assume that this development strategy will apply to all future products.

I have to assume that as costumer until Bambulab demonstrates a different way of thinking by acting transparently.

Welchen Preis wären Sie denn bereit für ein zusätzliches Single-AMS zu zahlen? Ich denke z.B. €300 wären realistisch, wegen dem zusätzlichen Funktionsaufwand. Vielleicht ist es daher und bei genauer Betrachtung besser, TPU und andere Materialien nacheinander zu drucken. Die vielen Filamentwechsel kosten ohnehin extrem viel Zeit.

What price would you be willing to pay for an additional single AMS? I think e.g. €300 would be realistic because of the additional functional effort. Maybe it is better to print TPU and other materials one after the other. The many filament changes cost a lot of time anyway.

Based on current knowledge, $1500 X1C + $3200 for an XL Plus 5 heads = $4700, which is a bit too much. But $1500 more for 5 toolheads would have been worth to considering previously. But I grow on my experiences, thats life and not the last time were i Trash money.

300 Euros? This you can ship by tomorrow even if I would throw the X1C in the trash can in 60 days, I’ll have the money out in 1 to 2 days…

We would rather need an official Y-Adater that is not printed but injection molded so there are no grooves where the filament gets stuck.

Is there a tech support phone number! I LOVE THE DREML printer tech help!!! This Bambu has been out of commission for months. I am a teacher librarian and my time is constantly fragmented with different tasks. I would love to get someone on the phone to walk me through the troubleshooting steps!!

English: Well, maybe he already solves your problem, but he don’t see how a single AMS bypassinge the AMS hub would solfe more problems as discusted here:

German: Denke er hat dein Problem ev. schon gelöst aber nicht ganz mitbekommen, das es eigentlich auch der Ansatz der Abrasiven Wekstoffe und TPU Probleme am P1P und X1 gewesen wäre:

Ok, I’m sometimes not that easy to understand :thinking:

However, since TPU may also do not fit thrue a typ like the new AMS light, the request on Single AMS may be useless and we need to accept that Bambulab never can do a AMS as a AMS should work and the “M” in AMS is not really the letter it should by… Video starts by the TPU statement:

Will make self.

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