Slot 2 white LED not turning off

The second slot LED is white without filament. I’ve made sure the path is clear from input to hub output. With this it will not load filament.

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Here is the wiki page for trouble shooting a solid white led without filament. It’s usually that something is stuck in the sensor.

Here is the wiki that shows how to fully disable the feeder for reference.


Yeah. Sometimes a very little part of filament is located near the sensor and you have to take it apart to clean the inside.
he piece is little enough it will annoy the sensor but left the path free.


I’ll give that a try, thank you.

The Filament Hub is another place to look. There may or may not be filament stuck in the sensors. Occasionally, the sensor lever may stick in the “filament present” position. Check for sharp edges or chaff in the sensors and make sure the levers are free to move.

Wtf i got the same problem in the same slot wtf

I check everything it seen find bjt i find out my pla roll was was stock or intangle :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: that why it say it was oht of filament