Speculation about new printer announcements

Two down!


Very Nice !!
Maybe you can share all images on this “official” thread when completed :wink:

The wait might be over…soon… How soon? Not yet defined by Bambu, but is said to be on 25th of March


What is it?

It’s still looks enigmatic to me.

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Third Down!

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he means that

Have a look at these links with the original images.
Maybe that helps deblurring them :wink:

edit : Or someone else has more knowledge where other images could be stored for a later version of the H2D website

read this!

My guess is that whatever lifts the nozzles, also rocks the extruder into place. If they used something like a worm drive gear, the gear itself will hold everything in place.

The middle motor is probably just the single extruder motor. Unless theres some magic and its spinning the extruder, lifting nozzles and rocking the extruder arms jnto place with the same motor. Maybe we will see that theres a micro servo or 2 involved

They most likely haven’t uploaded them yet. I tried a bunch of URLs and got nothing. Even checked the frontend code to no avail :confused:

Except that the Bambu people were known - talented engineers from the very successfl DJI

It is known now. But making a drone or camera is one thing. Has nothing to do being successful into an other area. May also be true to engineers that work for other companies now. BBL is not DJI.For me it would be more an argument against BBL. I don’t like DJI as brand.

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Have I missed it? I don’t see any reference to lasers in these images.

No complaints if that’s the case. Just wondering, as it was such a lightning rod.


Unfortunately, my Photo editor crashed while trying the last two images, so if someone can finish what I started. infinite kudos to you! :wink:

I do remember. Offsetting that, though, was the fact that literally every youtube influencer had received a unit to review (reportedly with no strings attached other than a request for honest feedback) and the praise at the time was not only wildly enthusiastic and palpably different, it was through-the-roof! Far more so than any prior printer. If the Wondermaker were received in the same way, I’d certainly give it a closer look. If they’ve got the goods, they can (and should) use the same playbook. And if they don’t, it’s likely a tell.

Anyway, it’s all probabilities, not certainties. The best one can do is play the odds, or be lucky.

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I have been looking really deep into their frontend and some backend code and they just simply don’t have the image loaded into the servers at all. Pretty genius. Cant steal it if there is nothing there.


Vinyl cutter module?

Ok, after some more work and tweaking, I have enhanced the photo enough to say 100% This is the new AMS HT (aka AMS 2 Pro)

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^^^I wonder if it doubles as a chamber heater…

This is a tape measure