Still no AMS, 6 weeks later

For those who missed the start of this, a quick review of this now weirdly locked topic should give you a full primer.

In short.

  • I ordered an AMS on the 2nd of September
  • It was due for delivery (after back order) finally on the 14th of September
  • It never showed up
  • Bambu Lab believes it is my fault because DPD requires an alternative address (something I cannot turn off), the only other address is my immediate neighbour. There is an option to deliver to any neighbour, but, I have never enabled that option.
  • Bambu Lab has repeatedly refused to initiate a delivery investigation with DPD
  • Bambu Lab has the option to start this investigation from their web portal.
  • Bambu Lab chooses not to disable the option to deliver to any neighbour when sending packages.

The U.K. Consumer Rights Act 2015 makes it clear that the sender is responsible for getting the purchased item to the address or alternative safe place (that they allow) and to do so within 30 days of the date of the order.

Under the CRA 2015, there is a default period of 30 days, during which time
the retailer must deliver the goods unless a longer period has been agreed
with the consumer.

The retailer is responsible for goods (including digital content) until they are
in the physical possession of the consumer (or someone appointed by the
consumer) or delivered to a nominated safe place. If goods are not delivered,
a complaint should be made to the retailer (with whom the consumer has a
contract) rather than the courier, unless the consumer has arranged their
own delivery service.

Instead of complying with the law, Bambu Lab has asked me to accept an Ā£80 discount code rather than the full value of the purchased Ā£278.10 AMS (I had a discount code) and Ā£8 delivery charge. A total of Ā£286.10 of my hard-earned money had been stolen from me.

I do not know if Bambu Lab took out insurance and has decided to make me pay for their failure to deliver the purchased item from them.

This is the second time DPD failed to deliver an item to me form Bambu Lab, they correctly resolved that incident, albeit after a significant delay.

I have been met with lie after lie about what they were doing when they had done nothing. I was told they needed 8 working days to find out they hadnā€™t bothered speaking with DPD since the 23rd, two working days after they said they needed 8 working days and a full 14 days before they eventually provided me with an excuse of why they belive the law doesnā€™t apply to them.

Remember, I live at 50, and the alternative address is 48, DPD first said it had been delivered to 63, but they then said it was 16. BL still thinks this is all perfectly normal and a professional and responsible way to treat their customers.

For those who do not know, I am dying, I have just months left to live. I have not been able to physically leave my home since Feb 2020 unless I am in medical transport. I stopped all tests and hospital visits last year as I wait to die, it is simply too much of a strain.

I was in all day when it was due because I am in all day every day and have been for almost 5 years. Number 48 was also in as it was a Saturday, and number 63 was also in all day. Yet, this package was delivered to someone (nope, not number 16 either, I had that checked).

Do you think Bambu Lab should provide the AMS I paid for?

  • Yes - you paid for it, what other choice is there?
  • No - Bambu Lab do not have to provide goods just because you gave them money and the law requires it.
0 voters

I am just a man on his deathbed waiting to die, with the only joy being the models I can create from my bed and print out. I do not know why I should be penalised for something I have no control over.

I need your help, share this with someone.

Full details
  • Order the AMS and other items on the 2nd of September
  • The AMS was back ordered until the 11th of September
  • That was further delayed until I received the only information of delivery 4 hoursā€™ notice before the one-hour delivery slot from DPD the delivery partner,
    zero info from BL.
  • That delivery never happened
  • No one came to my house, nothing on the security cameras.
  • No one went to the ONLY other nominated address
  • Instead, despite the evidence required by DPD of a successful delivery, the driver took a picture of a random house using the made-up name of the occupants. They also have security cameras, nothing went near their house all day and no one has the made-up name provided by the delivery driver.

I informed the delivery company on the same day that the package was not delivered and the staff member agreed they failed to deliver the package and the evidence photo was not evidence. She told me the driver would be charged for the cost of the package as they had clearly failed to achieve the minimum.

I reported all of this clearly and concisely to BL after the 48-hour window the delivery company requires in case it magically appears.

It was then that the real problems started.

  • 18th Sep reported it to BL
  • 18th Sep they required I fill in a declaration that DPD requires, I completed it immediately despite the fact my hands no longer work with a pen, and I had to create an electronic response.
  • 19th Sep they said they required 8 working days, which would have concluded at the end of the 27th.
  • 30th Sep I heard nothing, the day they said they would have had an answer.
  • 1st Oct to the 7th Oct they all went on holiday for a week and never bothered to let me know.
  • 6th they announced that the package had been delivered to a neighbour and because DPD requires app users to provide an address I am responsible for THEIR delivery partnerā€™s failure and their own refusal to follow U.K. law.

Something happened in the background that I only found out later, not by BL, but by DPD.

  • 23rd Sep BL was provided a note from DPD where they said the delivery was successfully made to number 16.

Importantly, I am number 50, and the ONLY approved neighbour is number 48, the original evidence showed it was delivered to number 63, and now they suggest it was number 16. Clearly, DPD are really bad at this.

More importantly, Bambu Lab still has NOT initiated an investigation with DPD, until they do, nothing else has any legal weight with DPD.

I called DPD their delivery partner on the following dates.

  • 14th Sep to report a non-delivery, they confirmed the delivery evidence was invalid and their driver was at fault.
  • 17th Sep to ask if the package was returned to the delivery hub, it wasnā€™t, and they again confirmed the loss was their fault.
  • 7th Oct to ask if Bambu Lab had been in touch, Bambu Lab had ONLY communicated with DPD once on the 23rd.
  • 11th Oct to ask if Bambu Lab had finally initiated the investigation. They confirmed they had not communicated with Bambu Lab since the 23rd of September.

@BambuLab Are you able to help him with this? Do you think a month and a half is not a reasonable amount of time to conclude that he did not get what he ordered? You posted that other thread asking for reviews on Trustpilot and claiming you wanted to know what to improve. THIS, this right here. Please improve this.


Today it is me, will it be you tomorrow?

We must insist that @BambuLab follows the laws of the countries in which they operate. They need to put their customers first and not allow staff an excuse not to do their job.

Are they picking on me because I point out issues in addition to promoting their brand and dispelling those with bad attitudes and no facts?

Will I be dead before they fulfil their legal obligations?

I donā€™t understand the delay. They give tens of thousands of dollars of free good to YouTube ā€œinfluencersā€ for what amounts to advertising. This is one dude, who just wants his AMS that was ordered, and confirmed NOT delivered TO HIM or a designated alternative address.

Maybe if those YouTubers were to announce how Bambu found excuses to not give a dying man his AMS, how that would really sound to the community?

Iā€™m struggling BL, really. Not only is it clear this isnā€™t a scam, but the delivery company has admitted itā€™s responsible and itā€™s gone.

Pretty sure you have some way of recouping the loss BL. Why do you feel itā€™s ok to take it out on the customer?

I get it, some people scam. I get the need for verification and investigation. What I donā€™t get is not doing that, ignoring evidence, and just shutting down. Thatā€™s just BS BL.

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And 90% of those influencers belong in a pit of fire

I find shipping to be a frustrating part of this whole world. Not just Bambu. Weā€™re the customers, but often times the shipping company wont work with us and often times the seller weā€™re buying from thinks itā€™s our responsibility once they shipped it. So once thereā€™s problems, it just feels like this endless loop of each party saying itā€™s the other persons problem and to deal with them.

In particular, I very much dislike, and even hate, some shipping services. Like FedEx. They are some of the worst for trying to make the problem someone elseā€™s.

And itā€™s justā€¦ aggh. Like I just want to yell at the seller (Bambu in this case) sometimes, that this company (The shipper, Fedex/dhl/whatever your local heart break is) is ruining your reputation, theyā€™re making me second guess purchasing from youā€¦ why arenā€™t you fighting for your customer?!

I can rant all day, but Iā€™m getting angry.



I just messaged one of the big YouTubers through Patreon and he suggested you post this on the Bambu Facebook. He said it will get a lot of eyes on it there.

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I do not have a Facebook account.

I have shut down everything I do not need as I know I have very little time left to make it easier for the executors of my will to close down things.

If anyone else would be happy to share it, I would be grateful.

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I have still not heard from Bambu Lab about them initiating the required investigation with DPD as they are required to do.

Not that that has any relevance to their requirement to guarantee the delivery.

So, I got the police involved and they went to the DPD delivery hub today.

I will wait to find out what comes from that.

Iā€™m guessing lawyers next with BL in court.



Getting the police involved worked.

Today I received my AMS, albeit in an torn opened box. The box has my address on it which is how they knew it was mine.

I am unable to say much as it is a matter for the courts now.

It seems at least one driver has admitted stealing products and many were found at a location, including mine.

Given my personal circumstances, mine is not part of the evidence required for court, but, has been logged and photographed.

It has been a tiring day overall, so I havenā€™t had chance to try it yet, hopefully tomorrow.

The obvious failure of Bambu Lab.

If Bambu Lab had done the bare minimum and initiated an investigation those involved would have been stopped back in the middle of September.

Their unwillingness to press a button in the delivery companies website to initiate the investigation would have had the police in a month ago and I nor others would have had to deal with this mess and our property stolen.

It is not lost on me how little Bambu Lab cares about its ā€˜customersā€™, designers, its reputation or pride in their service.

It was left to a dying bloke to who Bambu Lab had a duty to deliver goods to rather than BL who had to press a button.

The supplier is responsible for getting the products to the customers. Iā€™m am kinda disappointed that this didnā€™t get to lawyers.

Bambu Lab didnā€™t steal the product, but, they didnā€™t make sure it was delivered and that is their job. Their only job in a sales situation and to told the customer to go to hell as they couldnā€™t be bothered to do ANYTHING and then lied about doing something which was provable and easy determined to be utter lies.

They wasted so much time by doing nothing and all the time lying about it. Their indifference to their lawful obligations and my situation is appalling.

Will I get an apology, I very much doubt it, will I get compensation, I very much doubt, do they care about their customers - they told me they donā€™t in showing me how badly they are willing to treat one.

Just a thought

Someone actually voted that ā€œBambu Lab do not have to provide goods just because you gave them money and the law requires it.ā€

If anyone knows who that was I have some stuff to sell them which I have no intention of providing, high-value stuff.


I am speechless. Blā—‹ā—‹dy Hā‚¬ā‚¬llā€¦

And I draw my hat to you, not only for your tenacity in this matter :heart:


Glad you got it Malc! That delivery company sounds like stories of my local FedEx ground. One got busted stashing packages in a ditch culvert between two towns, then going back after work to retrieve them. Thereā€™s no place in this world for those people.


Most delivery workers are honest and hard working, Iā€™ve done some work with the post here and know firsthand there are the odd bad eggs as with any industry. They are weeded out but it sucks when everyone shrugs their shoulders and not willing to go the extra mile until theyā€™re shamed into it.

Glad to hear you found the item, shame on BL for not following up and escalating the case. Empty apologies donā€™t cut it, it shouldnā€™t happen.

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I havenā€™t even received one of those! A deafening silence.

Well you can add censorship to Bambuā€™s sins. Notice anything that disappeared from this thread? My harmless joke about the CEO of Bambu being the one bad vote on your poll has vanished. Itā€™s not here, not in my post historyā€¦ I didnt even get a message saying, ā€œToo far funny manā€. It didnā€™t even say his nameā€¦ was it really that out of line?


Welcome. to. the. clubā€¦ If you reach out, theyll lie and say it was community flags


For those who havenā€™t seen this mentioned in a different thread.

I have to order another AMS and more filament, spares and more. I need to put the order in today or tomorrow.

I need everyone to cross their fingers for me.


Before anyone comments, ā€œWhy would you bother?ā€, remember, we are in a walled garden and no alternative suppliers.


In a couple of days the prices will drop.

Do you mean Black Friday?

That will be 6 weeks from now. 29th November.

Unless you know of one sooner.

As I am in my final months, I donā€™t know how long I will get to enjoy things. So, sales become less important.


I just went looking for this new flexible TPU style material due soon which is compatible with the AMS mentioned in a different post and spotted the BL Black Friday Starts in a couple of days. This is clearly what you were referring to.

I will wait for that. I guess I jinxed AMS units being included if they read this.

Funny how BL canā€™t work out the date of Black Friday!



Thanks, I commented I found it.

I found a few legal issues with the sale, I obviously kept them to myself, or I wrote them up, one of those two.