Studio and Camera Feed not loading

Has anyone had an issue with the A1 camera just not loading in the Bambu Slicer? I have the same issue with the Bambu Handy app too but I just want to check on the print and I get the Loading… on a black screen for hours.


Yes. It’s the same for me… Most of the time the video doesn’t load. It’s noticeably worse when printing.


Thank you, I am just now noticing it. The past week of printing I have been home on the same network as the printer and it was terrible. But now through the cloud app its awful, I have only gotten 1 out of 3 prints to actually load the camera.

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Same issue here. When it does load it is very choppy. You see a frame every few seconds. It is practically unusable. I had to stand up a separate camera to be able to monitor the printer. I hope they fix this.


Well, it is a 1FPS camera, but I’m also usually just getting a black screen when trying to view.


Yea it is a 1FPS camera but there is no reason to explain just a black screen loading. I brought my concern about the camera in another thread but my suspicion is the MCU is limited in performance like video encoding limitations and that is why its stuck to 1fps

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I knew it was low performance but did not realize it was 1FPS. Yikes.

I also discovered the you have to use FTP to access the timelapse video and setting up FTP is not as straight forward as one might expect. Further the UI warns you that using timelapse can cause defects if you don’t have a purge tower.

This is all a rather large step backwards from what I am accustomed to with Octoprint. Was hoping I could completely do away with external hardware but I guess I will stick with my external camera from now.

I was able to get the built-in camera to load by shutting down all instances of Bambu Studio and Bambu Handy. It is entirely possible this was just a coincidence but it worked multiple times when I ran into this issue so there may be something to this.


Yeah, that seemed to work once or twice for me, but then not again.

Pretty abysmal. Hoping it’s just a firmware/software bug that can get sorted out. A CPU bottleneck preventing the camera from working entirely would be a pretty major design flaw.


Agreed but my suspicion is a CPU bottleneck or lack of video encoding/decoding. I just sent a file and wanted to start the camera and told me it couldn’t start / run the stream until the download of the file was complete which really makes me think its a processor bottleneck.

That’d be pretty sad. I’d honestly rather not have a camera at all than one that’s super flaky (and only 1FPS to begin with).


I also have a problem with the camera feed of my A1. MOst of the time I get Loading failed (-4)
My printer is next to my accespoint…


Same here. Camera does not load (black screen) whild printing. However, after the printer is comleted the print, if you press Play, it will normally load, so you can see the final print on the bead.


My feed only seems to work when nothing is printing. As soon as a job is done it works and until I start a new job it works, but as soon as print starts 98% of the time the feed stops.

Sometimes if I wait a few minutes it starts but only occasionally.


Same thing. Camera used to work, choppy though, now just black screen.

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It’s always going to be choppy at 1fps. My camera has been basically useless during prints as well. Though, weirdly, if I hit the snapshot button, it sometimes seems to kick it in the pants and get it working.

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Same for me. some times I get video, somtimes black screen. Studio and Handy is the same.
Sometimes I also get video pictures with weird colours (mostly black/white with some orange) ??? Strange!
Hope they fix it soon.

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I think that the camera is the biggest issue in the Bambu lab eco system!
First of all, why is the Bambu cloud even used for this? Once this is switched off, we will no longer have a camera image.
The right way would be that there is a port that you have to enable in your firewall and then get the image directly from your own network without using the Bambu cloud. But as a Chinese company, Bambu probably wants to know exactly what we are printing and, given the wide angle the camera has, I also want to see a little more of the room in which the printer is located.
From my point of view, the only correct way would be to open a port in your own network and then configure it once in Bambu Studio and the Handyup. Just like OctoPrint / OctoPi have been doing since the beginning.

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Cant get my camera on the A1 to work in Orcaslicer, but okay in BambuHandy!!

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Yeah, it’s never great, but today I could not get an image from it at all until it finished a print job. Both BambuStudio and the Handy app.
I’m probably just going to set up a pi zero with a camera pointing at it.

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