Supports Extremely Hard To Remove After Update

Just like the title says, after the most recent update, everything I print, the supports are extremely difficult to remove. To the point where I am ruining prints due to chunks breaking off of them when trying to remove supports.

Here’s the situation on my end:
-I own 2 P1S printers and I run an Etsy store so I print a lot of the same thing over and over
-Pre-Update I had no issues with support removal, everything came off just fine
-After update, I am breaking chunks of helmets off along with supports, there are even sections of support that I just straight up cannot get off models due to the location of said support
-I run my own Print Profiles that I have altered to my needs using the stock 0.20MM Bambu Profile as the basis
-I reinstalled the previous BS build and opened both versions side by side to compare profile to profile, there was nothing different at all
-I tested this theory to make sure it wasn’t just coincidental timing, I did this by opening both the new updated BambuSlicer alongside the previous version and slicing the exact same model, in the same location on the print bed, using the same exact filament, the same exact print profile, all of the same settings and using the same exact printer.
-On the newly updated version, the supports were extremely difficult to remove, it took the use of pliers, snippers and channel locks, and the model was pretty scarred up after I was done
-On the previous version of BS, the supports came off with no tools at all, removed all of them by hand, and the model is perfectly unharmed

I put this post initially on FB under a few of the Official and Non-Official Bambu User groups and have gotten messages and comments from other people running into the exact same issue that I am yet no one seems to have a solution as of yet.

For reference, I mainly use Tree Supports - Tree Slim, with an upper Z height of 0.2mm and a lower Z height of 0.4mm and 3 interface layers. This is what I have used forever with no issue.

I can upload any information necessary to anyone who thinks they may have a solution and needs to see more info (screenshots of print profile, pictures of model with stuck support, etc etc)

Please someone help!


Been there, done that :wink:

Problem is the support distance to the model and the spacing of the interface layers.
For a 0.4mm nozzle, 0.2 layers and PLA I go with this:
At least 0.5mm xy distance to the model.
0.22mm distance between model and supports - top and bottom.
If the model allows at least 4 to 6mm of support spacing.
For bigger areas where the bridging can be applied 10 to 12mm.
Mind round shapes though :wink:

As for the vital parts:
0.4mm interface spacing and 3 interference layer for the top and bottom of the supports, only top if starting from the plate and not the model.

Like that I have no issues removing supports and to get a clean surface.
Hope it helps to find you best values quicker.


Oddly enough I’ve found supports break off cleaner (abs) with the new update.

Have you tried downgrading the the previous version?

@Carat3DC , wish I could offer a solution but all I can say is I had the exact same thing happen. X1C, Bambu slicer, Bambu PLA, same settings as always, Tree(auto)/Hybrid. After the printer update it’s not even worth trying to remove supports from large surfaces, they’re permanent.

One thing to add to your experience, the support actually looks shinier now, it’s the first thing I noticed before I tried to remove it. Maybe that’s an indication that something changed in the temps :person_shrugging:. All I know is that they broke something that was working great.

Lesson learned, only update when there are issues :roll_eyes:

@Carat3DC If there’s a thread with more activity, where we could elevate this in Bambu’s view, lemme know, I’ll go over there and add my 2 cents, hopefully they’re already working on a fix, they had to see it in any of their own prints.

FYI: Dozens of people agree Supports are harder to remove and partially welt to parts. · Issue #4120 · bambulab/BambuStudio · GitHub

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Thanks for the support, I know I had a few people on facebook agreeing with me but its good to see others here on the Bambu forum have the same issue. Hopefully they can figure out what went wrong with the update and fix it. For now I will just continue to use the previous build version as that is still as reliable as ever.

FWIW I just printed the exact same Deadpool helmet (using the previous BS version) that I tried previously with the new updated version and the supports just about fell off the model. I had to put ZERO effort in to remove them, and several sections of support all came off as a single unit. Compared to the first time I printed the exact same Deadpool helmet on the updated BS version, the helmet ended up destroyed due to how hard it was to remove supports. There were some supports (like the dome support) that just refused to come off all together.

So you only needed to use previous build of Bambu Studio/Slicer? You didn’t need to down-rev the actual printer SW/FW?

Yepp, thats correct. I just looked in my download history folder and was able to find the version 1.8 DMG file and just uninstalled the new Bambu Studio and reinstalled the old 1.8 build and everything continues to print perfectly fine

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Same issue here. Supports are thicker and impossible to remove. Hopefully they fix this soon, will have to downgrade to try again.

Same filament? I printed 2 identical models yesterday, one in orange sunlu PLA+ (not sure color is a factor) and one in white noname PLA. Both were solidly stuck to the bed so adherence of the filaments seemed not to be a factor but my white model supports came off easily by hand but I needed a pair of pliers to remove supports from my orange model…

I have since downgraded to the previous version of BambuSlicer and everything works flawlessly again. I gave up on trying to figure out what settings needed to be changed, I don’t have the time to waste while trying to keep up with Etsy orders.

When a new version of BambuStudio comes out there should be absolutely no reason why I would need to change all of my support/print settings from what I have been using for over a year just so that the supports don’t fuse to the model.

This is an issue with the software 1000%. I guess I’ll try to upgrade again the next time BambuStudio releases a new version.

For what it’s worth I have the same issue. Extremely frustrating since the previous version produced excellent resutls.

Following as I am having the same issue. For me it came in stages, so after some update it was harder to remove support, and after another update it was even more harder to remove the support. Both with Bambu PLA and third party PLA. I am not using the specific supporting filament as it is giving too much waste.

So, which version worked? I am currently running And my supports are not coming off nicely… What version are all of you running where the supports worked? I just got this printer like a month ago and was surprised the supports weren’t working nicely…

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I was having the same problem, I reverted to version 1.8.4 and everything started working again. fixed a lot of the support related issues.
It does come with other drawbacks/improvements though.
Like lower default print speeds to name just a major one.

As always available on Github if the updates in Studio won’t provide.
Be aware though that updating might mean loosing your custom profiles and settings.
Seems Bambu did not consider backwards compatibility that much for this release, or it just too many changes under the hood.

Here, the problems are exactly in version for me.

Since this support problem lingers around now for several versions while it only seems to affect select users I did some testing…

Installed Studio 1.9.5 in the clean way and used the default 0.2mm profile to do a test print.
Generic PLA profile with no changes or calibration.
The supports came off about as easy as glued on supports.
Especially more pointy structures were impossible to be freed.
So clearly this version is no good - or is it…
Well, the same model, printed the same way came with more or less easy to remove supports when using earlier Studio versions.
But you can’t really make a true comparison because way too many parameters changed with the versions.
So I went back to the 1.9.5 and did the recommended filament calibrations.
First roughly the extrusion temp and flow rate, then the k-factor and max flow rate.
The former using the Bambu prescribed way, the later with a dedicated 3mf file.
The supports were easier to remove but the overall print quality way below what I can accept.
Next was a proper filament calibration and after that the test print came out in acceptable quality while the supports were even easier to remove.
There was still too much bonding though, probably great for ABS and such but terrible for PLA.
A bit more distance between model and support interface, slightly increased interface spacing and more distance in the xy direction to clear supports and things were just fine.

Long story short: the Bambu defaults are far from perfect and the default filament calibration can be a hit and miss game.
Calibrate in a decent enough way and don’t feel shy to optimise the provided defaults…

Hi, I don’t know that only I see the different but in version 1.8.4 snug support are set with angle about 45 degrees and they are great.
After that version every next versions have snug support straight like grid (even the newest 1.9.7.
That’s not acceptable for me because I use support for better overhang quality.
Are You have any solution to fix this ??
Plz help !