The Beauty of Mechanics

Beneath the surface, the beauty of mechanics.
Dual extrusion has never been this smart and reliable! :smirk:


looks great… lets see if the nozzle is the same like the a1 and a1 mini one…
looks similar :wink:

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Linear rail…


Someone increase the brightness on the other thread, it does have the belts :slight_smile:

It looks as if it had only has 1 extruder gear???

They might be at the back, that bigger in the center looks to be what controls the nozzles up/down movement

i think there is only 1 motor same as the patent they showed… wich would make the head move a bit or the motor move so that it grabs filament from either left or right

I shall repost my image here as well then :wink:


I think this is how it works:

The thing on the back looks like the spot with the fan. Under the left extruder you can see a small plate which keeps the unused nozzle from “leaking” filament. It looks like the small box on the right with the bambu lab symbol is on the left as well, just faded.

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I wonder if the idle extruder will be able to unload/load filament while the other one is printing. That would really speed things up. I guess to do that you’d need two channels of filament coming from the AMS.

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it wont… looks like its 1 motor not 2 here :slight_smile:

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Pancakes will never be the same after this. You can put the blueberries precisely where you want them for maximum flavor in each bite.


i do hope Bambu got rid of the carbon rods this time.

Meanwhile, everybody with a linear rail this long is fighting the expansion and contraction characteristics of aluminum against steel and buying aftermarket carbon or titanium. Ask me how I know.

The xl uses steel on steel to get around it but the xl is also slower. Why vzbot(fastest) has carbon

Carbon is good when its only being used to hold a linear rail and not acting as a bearing. No wear.

Ratrig titanium gantry wrapped in kapton

May just mean it will need to heat soak before bed mesh. Or maybe they used titanium.

Now that I look closely, it looks near identical to the prusa one, so will probably be steel on steel


This part does look suspiciously similar to the motor they “exposed” though. So perhaps there is a 2nd motor after all? We’ll know soon enough :smiley:

This one? Looks like a micro servo. You can see the copper coils. Looks like it will be able to hold well. Based on the gear setup. Probably does the rocking.

Each extruder arm looks to be connected by the spring between them that probably also acts as the tensioner. Or its not a spring in the center, but the visible part of a worm gear

Bet the lower gear sets do the lifting. and the big stepper does the extruding. Tiny servos ftw.
Also qidi style belts. awesome. bye bye vfa

Thing is like a high end watch. Get your tiny driver set ready


that ratrig is looking mighty impressive! very jealous :smiley:


Very fine looking teeth on the belts

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