The joy of 3d printing

I have been printing for just over a year now, and after reading this forum for that length of time, it REALLY amazes me of the negativity on this forum. Either someone portrays themselves as a 'god of 3d printing" by diminishing the knowledge sought by someone new to the system, OR someone designs [and posts] on here their “proud” model ----- and THEN complains when someone take their “model” and tries to sell it on a different site. If you are so concerned with where your model goes from here ----DON’T put it out there to be taken!! I have made over 250 private designs, and not posted or uploaded them on here because they are MINE! I will never upload any of my designs onto Bambu Labs!


You’re trying to normalize stealing. Be prepared to recieve nothing but negativity wherever you post that toxic opinion, not just these forums.


You rest my case. Thank you.

I like sharing models with others. I don’t like others profiting from my work.
I also park my car outside and I don’t like others taking my car.
Just because it’s available, does not means it’s yours to do with as you please.


Interesting comments and I agree completely with the thoughts on negativity. I looked forward to this forum when I began printing because I learned so much. Now I glance at the new topics and usually move on. Regarding stealing, it really is our job to protect ourselves from those creeps. I’m sure none of us wants to but we have to. Contributing_Factor used the comparison of someone stealing his/her car - don’t we try to park in safe areas and lock them? Isn’t it the same thing with everything else, including our designs? A thief doesn’t give two craps about our property and if we offer them the opportunity to take what we own, they will.


Some times I feel hopeless.
It would be nice if everyone was honest, respected others, their beliefs and their property, but it is a sad fact of life that it doesn’t happen that way. Most people good, but the few selfish ones that are not, ruin it for the rest. I am new to the 3D printing “hobby” and appreciate those of you who are willing to share their work with us.

I am not trying to make a business/money from this hobby, and I feel bad for those of you who are and effected by those selfish ones.


The question here is: why do people get into 3d printing then? Imagine that there were no models on the internet, no sharing platform, etc.
3d printing as we know it would simply not exist. No one would buy a 3d printer because they were not able to download and print fun models that are available here and also in other platforms.
The minority that knew 3d printing and were also able to design for themselves can’t be brought to this discussion because those were always able to design outside of 3d printing too. Now they have the tools for bringing those designs to real life, as it was for many years before bambu brought all these “new creators” to the table.
Just read above, he is printing for a year and has 250 models private. Good for him. Maybe he has a business, maybe it’s all fake and he is selling other peoples worlk on etsy. We can’t know.

What i read here is simple, it’s someone normalizing stealing from others.
The example about the car is also right, from both of you. But no one steals a car and duplicates it to sell it.
A car also has security measures that sometimes deter the thief. Also has a key, that is in the owners hand. What we have in the 3d community is good will. Where someone posts a design created with love just asking to be respected. it’s normal that those people, me included, are affected by this.

If we, the creators, felt affected by this to the point where we would stop uploading models, there would be nothing to download, nothing to print. No printers would be sold, or at least not many except for professional work. Many 3d printer companies would close production. There would be no inovation! 3D printing would be dead!

I was not going to give my thoughts on this one but i felt like i had to.
Not trying to get into the discussion because i know the story behind these kind of posts. Normally posts like these involves someone that has stolen already and tries to justify their actions through their writing.

I, for one, would love to see those 250 self modeled projects that never went public. Because if they are printed and sold instead of offered or uploaded, then there is a chance that most of them are already reverse engineered and offered for free. That’s how things work and they work both ways. With and against you.

If they are not sold anywhere, even already printed, then what’s the point in posting anything like this? Just to start a hate discussion?! It’s obvious that person doesn’t care but he cared enough to come here just to brag about him having those numbers and being a “creator” for a whole year. Awesome! Everyone is a creator since Bambu came to the market. Heck, etsy is full of creators that claim have designed everything they have and yet most are stolen models. Instagram/Tiktok is also full of creators since last year. Everyone thinks he is a creator of something now. Welcome to Bambu world :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a great weekend :wink:

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For me, and obviously a lot of other people, the fun of sharing outweighs the risk of someone stealing the models. That does not mean I am OK with people stealing models, or that I won’t “complains when someone take [my] “model” and tries to sell it on a different site”.
It really not a controversial position.


Regarding “stealing” designs: the core problem is that people want a business model that simply can’t work. Not without the threat (or use) of force to ensure compliance. But that’s not how market transactions work.

The only way to make this work is to use force, which usually translates to legal force these days, i.e. modern “Intellectual Property” law. Which nobody here has on their side. But before you object to that, read the part below.

Do you think governments put those IP laws there to protect the little guy’s profits? Those laws are there to protect the profits of large corporate business models–not ours!


This makes me wish there was a dislike button on the forums.


Sometimes the truth sucks and we don’t want to hear it.
I don’t like it either, but it is what it is.


That was a response to the original post, I think there may be a bug where it doesn’t show who you reply to.


Okay - yeah I wasn’t sure. And I think you’re correct that there’s some weird forum bug with replies sometimes.

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If you have thoughts or insight as to how we as a community can make this forum better can you share them in the thread linked below?

lol, you fit perfectly in the forum you describe. It’s too bad you’re not willing to share your designs with a community you want to make better. I’ve also posted many designs here. They take a lot of time to design and test print, as I’m sure yours did as well. I would be annoyed for sure if they were sold for profit by someone else. They are MINE. Feel free to print if you want.


You have some very cool models, what software do you use? How many tries does it take you to get a fit that tight on the gridfinity trays?

I use Fusion. The design probably takes 1 to 2 hours. I’m not a pro at using Fusion. I usually print a 1mm outline of the tool to ensure it fits with enough room for it to easily be removed. That takes about 15 minutes and then I make adjustments and repeat. Usually 3 to 6 iterations and then I move on to the full print which usually works.

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I definitely get it and I apologize if I implied that your comment was not valid. Without all of our opinions, nothing would change. It’s just sad that we have to protect ourselves from these people.

I found a fantastic pill organizer on Makerworld and have probably made at least 15 of them for friends and relatives. I’m sure I could have made a few bucks selling them, but there is a thing called scruples. I believe the majority of us have them. I wanted to give the designer a plug here but the download has been removed. I wonder if the designer pulled it because others were taking credit? If that is the reason, it’s a shame. This goofy little pill box has given so many people a smile and printing fans will not have a chance to share in the fun.


Yeah I agree. I thought as I got older, I would find human behavior less surprising. However, my bafflement for humankind seems to be accelerating in the wrong direction.

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I agree with you on some of what you said. It’s honestly pretty frustrating to see some people on this forum who should know better being so quick to put others down, especially when there’s a difference of opinion. Some people act like they own the place, and it can really turn others away from engaging or asking questions, which defeats the whole point of the community. Everyone’s here to learn and share, not to be belittled for not knowing everything or for asking questions.

I think it’s a bit of an unreasonable stance to say that if you’re worried about your designs being taken, you shouldn’t upload them at all. The analogy I often think of is with artists or musicians: if someone creates a song and sells it, and someone else steals that song and sells it themselves and profits off of it, that’s theft. Even though it’s easy to do, it’s still illegal, and it’s a huge issue when someone profits off of someone else’s hard work without permission.

What do you think about music or art theft in that sense? Would it be unreasonable for the artist to be annoyed about that?