The wait ends on March 25! 🚀

you’re right, but that would mean that the other photo that everyone is talking about as real is in fact fake, as it looks very much like fully parallel nozzles in that photo, and all the laser hype might be completely off :smiley:



The nozzles look like they may drop/lift into a non conflicting position

it’s true, but if you look at the other photo they are both parallel to one another, even with one at rest, so it’s fishy :smiley:

i enlarged the original to show a better image it looks like it is using right nozzle left print/plate

Ewww. Maybe the round thing is a single extruder motor. You could use a single motor, with a gear set on each side. clockwise for one nozzle and counter clockwise for the other. Have the filament pull back out of the way on the side not being used. 2 motors would be heavy af on an already heavy af setup. 2 extruder motors plus a 3rd motor for rotation, would be a tank

Must not be fake, but maybe just an earlier iteration of the Extruder design.
How knows why the release date was pushed back. Could also be reliability issue in the “field test”
Only because the image was recently leaked does not mean that the shown Printer is the final design they will ship :wink:


where did you see this post with this image ? thanks

oh found it just had to scroll a bit hahahah

It seams the lower Nozzle part still is still linear moving in Z direction while top part makes a rotary movement


Is it possible that the March 23rd photo is one of these? Maybe they include one for free with the printer?


Must be the part that engages each side of the extruder motor gear. Now I see the larger gap on one side, from it rocking over somehow. Means it wouldnt need to pull the filament out from the opposite side thats engaged.

That lower photo almost looks like a cutter on both sides. Fingers crossed for being able to run a full ams to both sides and somehow not needing a purge.

What looks weird to me is that even though its leaned over to the right, both ptfe inlets are still aligned. Maybe the inlets somehow slide back n forth slightly.

23 is the heat circulation in the new AMS I think :slight_smile:


Location of screws and all over geometry seems to be the same between the leak image and the BL official image

Maybe we also can see the translucent cover on the leak image :wink:
Screenshot 2025-03-17 165914


yep makes sense, the nozzles don’t really pendulum, it’s only that top section that makes them go up and down, pretty cool :slight_smile:

that’s definitely it, it will probably only need a small tower to get rid of that bit of filament that’s at the very end, and carry on printing

i’m excited, the dual nozzle and the bigger dimension is what i’m looking forward the most, if anything else comes, that will just be on top of my wishlist :slight_smile:


And that’s why I love when brands do a teaser campaign that puts the community to work. That leaked image was totally on purpose to give us a big puzzle piece to start with :joy:


I just decided ill get one. If it doesnt need to purge or atleast purge longer than 10 seconds, can use an ams on each head, is heated and the ams is heated…I may start selling most of my small printers and just get a few of these. Fingers crossed. If they do all these things at a half way decent price(under 3 grand), they definitly knocked one out of the park. Even if it has to be a bit slower or something.

Now that I see more of the design

What would be the biggest benefit ? print by object ? less waste ?

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I think just covers the multimaterial side. A cheaper way of achieving idex with some lost benefits like mirroring or dual printing at the same time. I only worry about nozzle alignment Could solve that with a test print plus lidar

left to right to raise or lower the parts as a system controlled by one cog aligned in the center ,