I can image it’s not that big of a deal because they are in a fixed position to each other
Im thinking of after a few impacts. maybe this is what they were working on the last few months.
Theres gotta be a calibration process
Edit for the comment below. Carbon rods wear down and give off dust but they dont expand and contract like steel or aluminum. Ive made my peace with it.
Youre right about the toolhead needing clearance. One way of solving that is through bed space loss. Possibly why its advertised as 350x320x325. Or like how the x and p series are advertised as 256mm even though there are exclusion zones. We may only get 320x320x325 usable by both nozzles on 1 print
That image looks like there is a motor at the top which rotates both extruders. I’m wondering about the longevity of the extruder gear in the middle, especially if the extruder gear and the filament gear contact on the teeth of the gear and slip… Also, that motor up top would have to be pretty strong to stop the gears from slipping. I don’t even want to think about the wiring inside with all the gears going round and round. It also looks like the toolhead board is either not there or in the carriage (which is unlikely because it would limit accessibility). Just my interpretation though
edit: Are they using the same carbon rods? it seems so. plus the toolhead cover would have to be shaped pretty weirdly to fit, maybe itll have cutout at the sides. the toolhead would have to have a lot of clearance at the ends of the X axis to account for the nozzles sticking out
A1 type nozzles ? or p1s , a few of the new printers have gone A1 type only with a longer barrel (above the hotend) that would probably be a bigger concern especially when it comes to changing or cleaning , looking im going with A1
I wonder if this is their solution to the Prusa XL not needing purging since it seems like both nozzles would only need a prime tower… Unless they have both PTFE tubes split which is unlikely based on the mechanics of the toolhead and the entire gist of the printer. About the wear on the extruder gear, I’m expecting it to be pretty substantial after many color changes.
My guess on TPU performance is that AMS TPU is gonna be fine, but the other TPUs are still not usable.
There are mine so far
Definitely looks like an AMS filament dryer based on the shape of the spools. What would the max temp of the dryer be? Hotspots would definitely be a problem, and the normal (not HT) spools might deform from the high temperatures.
In my mind, it wouldnt need to actually dry filament, but just keep already dry filament dry. Because youll still need a standalone dryer. You wont be able to use the ams to dry new rolls or prepare backup rolls while already printng other rolls and you couldnt just drop a new roll in and hit print because it takes 6 hours to dry it. This means the printer would be unused for 6 hours if you needed all slots for the next print.
This could keep the dryer unit somewhat low wattage, so we can still have 4 or even more ams units. I would just have the firmware share the max wattage of the psu between them and all the heated parts in the printer. May have to shut the ams dryer off while heating the chamber etc. Like how the plus 4 shuts the chamber heater off while heating the bed.
They could add a device to exchange humidity with the outside environment, something similar to the mod CNC Kitchen did with the AMS.
edit: what wattage would the chamber heater be? If it is a metal enclosure (it probably is) then the wattage would have to be higher to combat the loss from the environment since the metal conducts heat better. I’m betting around 400-500W for some improvement over the X1E
unless the power switch has a higher rated fuse (6A for the P1S from what I found) assuming the chamber heater is mains powered. Actually, I think the AMS heater might require a separate power cable to avoid a 12VHPWR disaster
sick dude i knew it was gonna come out by the end of march
i’m right there with you, i think it will be pretty cool, but i’ll definitely need to make some room as well now, and see if i can sell a couple of my other printers
I think it will be 3-in-1 device:
- Dual Extruder FDM
- Laser Engraver
- CNC Module
Like the Snapmaker, but better, faster and cheaper.
If CNC functionality is missing, it would be very diappointing for me.
i’d say prepare to be disappointed then… having a CNC inside an enclosed 3d printer does not sound realistic at all…
They would really need to beef everything up for cnc, or it would suck
Hmm they should make a print farm map
I was trying (and failing) to be funny…
18th is the dual tool head
22rd is the laser
23rd is the heated AMS
No idea what 20th is but i guess we will know in 3 days!
My prediction - Dual Gantry parallel printing, with both gantries having a L+R extruder.
With L+R extruder being able to print at the same time.
So up to 4x faster printing of single colour objects.
4 print heads reducing colour swap time for multi colour objects - reducing print time by between 25% and 90%
Price: $1999 or £1999. for Combo with single 6 colour AMS
Whatever this thing is, it’s gonna level the place when it comes. hope it’s reasonably priced and anyone can get it.