as we know the walls are created by parallel lines of the material. But when the walls are thin, to such an extent that no filling can be used, then the printing of the walls is done only by parallel lines of the material even as infill… However, the walls become weak due to the uniform laying of the layers, which are laid in only one direction. Does anyone have any idea how this can be improved or avoided to some extent. I present an example model where it can be seen that the vertical parts where filling cannot be done are printed with parallel lines of material. The orientation of these lines or their angle cannot be corrected.
Yes, for some models this is a lifesaver. Occasionally it isn’t as good as Classic but that’s only for some models. I tend to slice both ways and look closely to see which worked best.
It is the default in OrcaSlicer now, but is available in Studio under Strength > Wall Quality change Classic to Arachne.
With that many walls would it not be more efficient to just run 2 walls at the inner diameter and outer diameter then fill it in with 100% infill ?
I’m not sure all of the dimensions of your model but if it’s not very tall increasing the top and bottom layers would help as well giving you more solid layers as opposed to spaced lines per layer