I currently only use LAN mode and don’t use the official software at all. I run custom scripts and Orca to do all my printing. When this new firmware is forced on us my entire workflow will break and I’ll be forced to use their buggy apps to use bambu printers which will be horrible. This is a really really bad business decision from Bambu, they’re trying to lock people into their system under the disguise of security. This is really bad…
Which new firmware are you talking about?
Oh, the beta version. Luckily, I don’t allow new firmware on my machine, not until I see multiple validations from trustworthy users. So, in this respect I’m safe. Also, I never trust a beta version, no matter how reliable the releaser is.
Thx for the clarification @Square3D . Appreciated.
The issue is you’ll be forced to use it eventually, and all new printers will come with it.
How will they be able to force it on us? Not allowing us to go through their cloud sh1t to print? That’s really not an issue or a loss for me. It will mean relying only on LAN and sd card for printing (a bit more hassle, true), but they won’t put their crappy firmware on my machine. As for their new printer, if that’s what they want to do, they can keep it in their warehouses, for all I care.
I agree that it’s a bad decision (as the exploding topic on the beta demonstrates), but: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
Cloud software is hard to get right, and they probably started out with too little planning and now have to try and bolt on security afterwards, which will be pretty much impossible to pull off.
If they really just wanted to close the system, they wouldn’t need to provide “Bambu Connect” or anything. So I don’t think they’re evil, just a bit stupid… (like back when the X1Plus devs reverse-engineered the firmware – they found nothing nefarious in there, but it sure looked amateur-ish)
They can’t force it on LAN mode users.
But yeah, looks like I won’t buy their new machines then. At least not until the “Connect” tool is reverse engineered and integrated into Orca slicer…
Reading the Bambu Connect wiki page, my understanding is that Orca should be able to integrate quite easily.
Launching Bambu Connect from Third-Party Software
Third-party programs can prompt Bambu Connect to import a specified G-code or 3MF file by utilizing the following URL scheme:
Required Parameters
To ensure proper functionality, the following parameters must be included in the URL scheme:
path: The absolute file system path pointing to the 3MF file (e.g.,
). This value must be encoded usingencodeURIComponent
.name: The name of the file (e.g.,
). This value must also be encoded usingencodeURIComponent
.version: A fixed value of
, which is used to indicate compatibility for future updates.Example URL Scheme
Here’s a valid example of the URL scheme with properly encoded parameters:
By using this scheme, third-party software can efficiently open Bambu Connect and import the desired file for printing.
Am I wrong in understanding that Bambu Connect is just a upgraded version of what used to be the network plugin?
The difference is that it’s not a plugin anymore.
The only API offered is signing/sending .3mf files –
everything else is only in Bambu Connect, but not available to other tools anymore: No syncing AMS filaments, no access to cloud-synced print profiles, no manually moving/heating the printer, no monitoring progress, no access to the camera etc.
So yeah, Orca could probably implement a new “Send” button, but the “Device” Tab will be gone and preparing prints would also be a lot worse…
I still don’t fully understand why they’re doing this. If they did it to Bambu Studio as well, then it would make more sense (not linking their closed-source plugin against the GPLd slicer anymore, finally complying with the license), but as it stands it seems they’ll only kneecap Orca (and any goodwill in the community around it).
That’s also my understanding of how this works. Definitely won’t touch their beta stuff and definitely won’t update the firmware for quite a while.
Hello BL team,
I’ve always supported you and truly admire your work, but this decision with new auth is deeply disappointing. OrcaSlicer is essential for me, as is managing my BL printers through HA. With multiple printers (more then 20), manually exporting models and transferring them to another program every time is an absolute nightmare.
While I understand the importance of security, you must find a way to implement these measures without dismantling existing functionality, such as OrcaSlicer and third-party software integration. These tools should also have access to authorization options.
If you completely block OrcaSlicer, it would mean BL printers are no longer a viable option for me. You’ve demonstrated great responsiveness in the past—think of the X1 Plus situation—so why act so differently now?
Please listen to your community (there are over 270 comments here on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/comments/1i2psvz/firmware_update_introducing_new_authorization/ , NONE in favor of this decision) and revise your plans. If you do, we’ll continue to stand behind you and support your innovations and printers. If not I am afraid no more BL printers for me.
Hope to hear back.
But how to control AMS? How to control printer? Camera? How to sync AMS filaments with profiles? How to access AMS mapping?
+100. New auth system is horrible, horrible decisions. We cant use OrcaSlicer that 100 superior then BambuStudio and no more HA controls or print farm automatizations.
I also just read the release and am completely floored by the incompetence in the way this will be rolled out. With any software, there can be choices to keep doing it the same way it had been done without completely up-ending the current systems that everyone uses. I was excited for the new printer to come out and had already set enough $$ aside to purchase one on day one…I think I may have to look at going another route after seeing this train wreck coming down the tracks… and for those that plan to jump to a quick defense, keep in mind that unless your using the SD card method and are willing to never upgrade again, you will NEVER be able to do anything without Bambu’s “enhanced” permission.
My next printer won’t be a Bambu if this feature is implemented and mandatory.
I buy the printer, so I own it, I’m the one who decide how I want to use it.
Perhaps this can be useful for some professional company who need increased security.
But that’s a total stupid move to made that mandatory for end customers like us.
Other brands will probably have new customers soon.
What a monumentally stupid decision this is from Bambu. I certainly won’t be updating my firmware to this garbage. HomeAssistant integration and being able to use other slicers is FAR more important to me.
I was really excited for this new printer everyone’s been whispering about and I had planned to buy it on launch, but if this is going to be implemented right out of the gate, it’s a hard pass.
I hope you guys reconsider this, or at the very least continue to give people access to these features in LAN only mode.
Acording to this
it would mean a clear message of don’t update your firmware if you still want to keep using Orca.
[follow up]
i think i’m missing the story here, anywhere i can find a TL/DR about this “feature”?
edit/ nevermind reading the blogpost now