TPU for AMS not in the filament list?

The Bambu slicer is up to date, I have selected the TPU for AMS in teh system filaments section, but I cannot for the life of me select it as an actual filament for my Bambu X1C or X1E. It wont show up in the drop down.

Currently my other settings is a 0.4mm nozzle with smooth PEI plate.

Any help would be appreciated

Go to ‘Device’, now that you are there and all your filaments are showing for the given device:

Select the same printer again in the menu:


It sounds weird but I haven’t been able to get mine to update sometimes unless i do this double selection of the device. Then tab back to prepare and the filament menu should be filled out with the AMS filaments.


Both are showing in studio A1

for just in

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Yeah it’s odd for me, I have them ticked but nothing in the dropdown…

Ah, I’m going to be a pain, I can’t communicate to the servers that interact between the printer and the slicer at the moment… How i have been putting prints on is via SD card. Both the Bambu slicer is fully updated however.

Is studio itself up to date because usually filaments are a seperate install or add on

i`ll take that as a yes

It seems so…

Not sure about this ,not owning an X1 but

it still shows in studio

Honestly I ran out of ideas, I even tried uninstalling the slicer and reinstalling, hoping something would change, but still no TPU for AMS in the drop down, even when I ticked the material in the list.


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Got that as well sadly

Bambu Studio Bug Reporting Thread - Bambu Lab Software / Bambu Studio - Bambu Lab Community Forum

Do you also sometimes run Orca? There’s a currently a known bug where if you have them both open, TPU for AMS will not show up correctly on the X1C and in Bambu Studio.

I was running into the same issue. Somehow my nozzle got changed to 0.2 instead of the defaulted 0.4. I changed it to 0.4 and BAM it showed up again. Hope this helps

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