Unable to connect to wifi

I have searched google for this, but am not having any luck in connecting to the wifi. I’m unable to submit a support ticket because I don’t have an SD card reader on my PC (I didn’t know I would need one) and you have to have a log file of some kind.

I have gone through as much of the manual setup as I can, but when I try to connect to the wifi it always says “Wifi not found” without any indication of why. It sees the network, and if I enter an incorrect password it tells me “Invalid password”. That tells me that it’s seeing it just fine but when I enter the correct password it’s just “Wifi not found.”

I do not have 5ghz available at all. It’s disabled in the AP, and even the disabled part has a different SSID, so that isn’t the problem. The blue tooth pairing works just fine.

I was able to setup a hot spot on my phone and update the firmware, but that made no difference. I’ve tried resetting to factory, but again no change.

The printer is 15 feet from the AP, and I’ve tried moving it closer without any change.

Anyone have any suggestions on where to go next? Right now it’s pretty much a $600 paper weight :slight_smile:

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Make sure your wifi name and password don’t have any special characters and are a reasonable length.

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No special characters? Would that mean punctuation as well?

Possibly. The safest is to stick with numbers/letters. Once connected you can play with what works and what doesn’t.

Wow, networking like it’s 1999. Yeah, it doesn’t support punctuation, so now I have to change every device in the house :smiley:


Some routers offer the option of having a “guest” network that you could setup for just the printer.

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I just spent a whole day trying to fix my printer with WiFi issue. Went through all sorts of posts and troubleshooting. Finally one small tweak on the router made things work. Gonna make a dedicated post about it but TL;DR

  1. Make sure you have a 2.4GHz WiFi available for the printer (I have both 2.4 and 5 and it works fine)
  2. Make sure your 2.4GHz WiFi’s authentication method is WPA/WPA2-Personal.

My mistake was somehow my 2.4GHz WiFi is set to only WPA2-Personal and that broke the printer’s connection to the WiFi.

FYI, I have seen other people mention about special characters in names / passwords too. But my WiFi has underscores in the name and spaces in the passwords. The printer worked fine with all that as long as the auth method is set correctly.


Same issue here. I am just about to start pulling my hair out. Everything worked just fine for a couple of weeks. Sitting at home with my laptop on my lap I finish a design and upload it to the printer in my remote workshop.

Then all of a sudden last night I could not connect to the printer. I went to my workshop today and … (copy-paste the first post). Laptops (2), phones, hotspots, wifi nothing works.

One difference. Because I didn’t want to let my printer sit idle I put the printjob on the SD card. When I click on the job the printer only shows a defiant blinking start triangle (with a Stop square nex to it) and that is it. Nothing …

I’ll try Nickolas’ suggestion this afternoon to see if that provides any solace.

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Update regarding working with the printer on a 2.4GHz WiFi. Some new learnings I have made recently.

After I have made the changes I mentioned above for my printer, it still quite often get stuck on for its IP address when starting the machine.

I have since made one more change to my WiFi router’s settings and things have been smooth since then. My P1S can quickly get an IP address and a stable connection to my 2.4GHz WiFi.

Make sure your 2.4GHz WiFi’s mode says “legacy” (or “b/g modes”), I assume that means it only runs b/g mode (better for compatibility) and not n mode.


One more thing: tldr you DO need to turn off the 5GHz WiFi of your router if your router can do both 2.4GHz and 5GHz…

Longer version is that through all the troubleshooting i forgot i had it turned off and if i do turn it back on, my P1S gets stuck with as its IP address. If i turn it off again leaving only 2.4GHz WiFi, it gets its assigned IP a few minutes within its startup time…

I am planning to buy a cheap wireless router and just have that runs a 2.4GHz network for the P1S.

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So yesterday I went to my workshop and first thing I tried to connect to the internet again. And … wait for it … the printer connected first try. And I just did the same thing I did before.

I could print again Hurray!!! So no solutions other than just keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome and sometimes it works.

Anyway let’s print … or not.

Follow this saga in my new thread “How not to fix a blob”.

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A device which recognizes only 2.4G does not see 5G. So there is no need to switch of 5G. If it behaves as you described than there is something wrong with your router. Maybe it can support only 2.4G or 5G alternatively.
I am using a mesh wlan network with both 2.4G and 5G an even the same SSID. No problem at all. As expected.
To buy a new router is a good idea, but I would recomend you to buy one wich supports wlan 6 and also 5G.


My P1S is now intermittently connecting (obtaining an IP address) since I updated to the latest firmware. It’s super frustrating. All my 2.4Ghz wifi settings are correct and I’ve tried it on various channels. The fault is in the P1S.


I would suggest entering your wifi credentials on the SD Card to force connection

And assign a fixed IP address in the router for your printer mac address


This workes for me, all my other stuff workes with WPA2, but bambulab needs WPA.
Well finaly found the problem.
Thanks Nicholas.

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Workes stable with both 2,4 and 5 GHz on.

Just this week, my A1 Mini worked Monday night but was not able to reconnect Tuesday morning. I could connect it to my mobile phone hot spot; also could connect to a newly setup guest network on my wifi.

When that worked, I deleted the original bind to the main wifi network and re-bind’ed to the guest network. Within a couple minutes, the Mini automatically updated its firmware. I was then able to reconnect to the original network, delete the guest bind and re-bind’ed to the original network. No other changes needed.

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Had P1S connection issues, bluetooth pairing worked, printer asks for wifi credentials and errors out, but the printer itself did connect to the LAN and obtained IP adress, pairing with handy app / cloud account didn’t work.

Was using a second router close to the printer to get wifi signal there, first tried port forwarding to port 3002, set wifi 2.4 band to 11 only instead of auto, made the bambulab [shown as ESP32 device in the router] a priority connection, assigned everyone a fixed IP if they didn’t already…

Then switched the router to a switch,

where you plug the incoming dsl signal in one of the normal lan ports [not the dsl input] and setup the router config also as switch,
so it just replicates the existing network instead of trying to obtain IP adress from ISP.
All devices that connected to this switch now got internet
Not sure if previous changes to the wifi network are still used when router is in switch mode

still no luck with the account binding

printer showed up as bluetooth device with generic name and Wifi/Lan device with the name I chose before

Then tried connecting to the bluetooth connection of the printer and the account binding happened with the app, had to reinput Wifi credentials, even though the printer was already connected to the wifi

Not really sure what helped in the end or in what order

The [second] router as a switch trick by not using the DSL input is good to know, I’ve used it before to extend wifi with LAN cables 80+ meters

I’m a complete newbie on your forum cannot even find a Post a new topic button so replying to this thread as it is to do with wifi.
purchased the A1 a week ago and fabulous, done noting but print and its flawless.
However that was using my laptop and the bamboo Handy App to the printer downstairs.
Everything connected and was magic.
However she who must be obeyed said it must be banished off the kitchen table and upstairs to my study.
I have the Bamboo Handy app connected to the printer but can’t get the PC connected via wifi, can’t get past the printer pin code screen, switching to LAN mode got the code and tried to enter but no luck.
I’ve tried numerous Youtube video but they all seem to have the same issue.
Has anyone got clear instructions that even a newbie can follow?
PS how do I get to a create New Topic button?

Easy really…I just copied the entire Bambu Studio folder in my C:Program Files from my laptop and copied the folder into one of the PC hard drive, next created a shortcut to the new folder and away it went.
I now have wifi access to the Bamboo A1 from the laptop, PC, Bamboo Handy App and of course the A1 screen itself.
Sorry to bother you guys but hope it might help others in a similar situation.
Must get back to the printer…what an incredible job they have done with the A1 Combo.

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