V1.9.1 Where is the manual K factor management panel ?!

@BambuLabWikiTeam, @BambuLab
According to the documentation this should be available inside the Calibration tab > Flow Dynamics

But that’s not what I have on my version of BambuStudio (v1.9.1.67 MacOS arm).

I’m missing something here?

Honestly I’m starting to get really frustrated (to stay polite) with the way how BS handles linear advance (K factor) and custom filaments! We shouldn’t have to edit the filament gcode to be able to set a value as crucial as the K factor is.

And please let us be able to select a user filament preset on a AMS slot ! We can do it on the handy app, why not on BambuStudio?

made almost the same post like 30 minutes ago :smiley:

lol that’s funny ^^ I didn’t noticed your post before starting writing mine ^^.

At least we know it’s not an exclusivity of the A1. I have a Mini. But if it’s an exclusivity of the X1, I will be very pissed.

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I’ve just tested on Windows as well and it’s the same thing. So it’s not OS version related.

sorry forgot to mention that i am on windows

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No problem ^^ I opened Orca and this the exact same panel. with the big difference, we can enable Pressure advance and set a value inside the filament preset (+ select a custom filament preset on a AMS slot). And the filament profile are synced between BambuStudio and OrcaSlicer.
It’s so weird that Orca does a better job to handle this.

Lol and now some of my custom filament presets are missing form BS and Not from Orca.
I’m logged in both slicers and synced my filament presets. I tried to close and to open the application back again. Log out and login to my account nothing is working.

I tried this a second time and now BS is crashing each time I try to open it !

Very strange. Studio and on Windows 11:

The Manage Results button works, though I do not have any entries.

I enable pressure advance and set K values in my User filament presets using OrcaSlicer. Sync through the Bambu cloud and those same values will be available to Studio. Examining gcode produced by Studio shows that the values from the Orca presets are being used. These values will override any values in the Bambu results table.

I don’t actually print from Studio, or use the Calibration tab which was carried over from Studio to Orca. The top-line calibrations in Orca provide the same results and the values stored in the User filament profiles are not lost if the printer is reset. Since I don’t print via the MakerWorld slicer, there is no benefit to using the Studio calibrations.

what printer are you using?


I habe the option as long as i’m not connected to my p1s… (switched off)

FWIW, I turned off my X1C, logged out of Studio and closed it. Re-started Studio, cleared all my printer selections, added back an A1 - still had all three buttons on the Calibrations tab.

Removed the A1, added a P1S - still had all three buttons.

Between this, the forced changes made in auxiliary fan settings, and removal of chamber fan control for the X1, I think v1.9 of Studio has been a mistake that is best avoided.

If you need Studio for MakerWorld compatibility, submit an issue and logs on Github so the bug can be fixed.

If you don’t need MakerWorld and just want to print, avoid the problems and use OrcaSlicer.

That’s so weird. I’m even more confused now ^^

Yep I’ll do. that exactly why I have to use BS over Orca :frowning: I would rather use orca to be honest.

Seems like it depends on your printer firmware, see 2. feature on the beta firmware feature set, which is not released yet: Beta testers for P1 series firmware! - #21 by JonRaymond

Version OTA
[New features)

  1. Non-LAN binding via PIN code on the studio side (in conjunction with Bambu Studio v01.09 Beta4 and up).Users can bind P1 devices to the computer that is not on the same local area network (LAN) using a PIN code on the studio side
  2. Improved manual flow calibration parameters management. (in conjunction with Bambu Studio v01.09 Beta3 and up) Auto-save the manual flow calibration parameters; Support creating managing new PA parameters; Support setting PA configuration files on the filament settings page
  3. Third-party filament support.Users can create and manage custom filament profiles in Studio. These custom filaments can then be selected in Device filament slots
  4. Device name display.Custom device names from Handy or Studio can be displayed in the settings menu
  5. Added carbon rods lead screws maintenance notice
  6. Improved color display for gradient and dual-color filaments
  7. Auto filament verification when printing with 3M files from an SD card

Tried your suggestion, as soon as i’m connected to my printer, the 2 of the 3 buttons are gone.

Yep I tried that too. But same result. As soon the printer is live the buttons are gone

Interesting :thinking:

@lkraus are you using a beta firmware on your printers?

The latest update is correct for both my Mac and PC versions of Bambu Studio. I have Manage Results and the New K value button. Have any of you tried deleting and re-installing Bambu Studio, maybe something got corrupted when it was updated.

Not yet but I will try :wink: